this is real
17 years, 1 month & 5 days ago

10th Feb 2008 12:37
Don't laugh at this! Just do it!
Start thinking something you really really want, cause this is
astounding. the person that sent this to me said their wish came true 10
mins after they read the mail so I thought what the heck.
You have just been visited by Dr.Suess's Cat in the Hat. He will grant
one wish.
Make your wish when the count down is over.
3 ..
MAKE A WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!
.Repost this and/or Send this to 10 people within the hour you read this.
If you do, your wish will come true! . If you don't it will become the
opposite xxxxx
17 years, 1 month & 24 days ago

22nd Jan 2008 13:05
Poera 300 - 600k
Daisy 330k
Phanty 450 - 550k
Zoink 500 - 700k
Huthiq 600 - 700k
Kronk 700 - 800k
Oglue 1mil +
Snookle 2 - 2.5 mil
Dakota 2.9 - 3 mil
Quell 3.3 mil+
Lati 4 - 5 mil
Chibs 4 - 5 mil
Yuni 5 - 6 mil
Sindi 6 - 7 mil
Mordo 7 mil
Ercuw 7 - 8 mil
Viotto 8+ mil
Rofling 12 mil
daisy - 300k
peora - 250k
phanty- 400k
rusty - unknown
huthig - 800k
zoink - 800k
ogule - 1 million
kronk - 800k -900k
snookle - 1-2 million
lati - 3 million
quell - 2.5 - 3 million
sindi - 4 million
chibs - 5 million plus retiring soon
mordos - 7 million - already retired
viottos - 10 million
rolfing - 15 million
5-20+ Phanty, Daisy, Poera, and Huthiq
25+ Kronk, Oglue, and Zoink
30+ Snookle
35+ Quell
40-50+ Lati, Chibs, and Sindi
100+ Yuni, Mordo, and Ercuw
130+ Viotto
150+ Rofling
FOR non les to be worth les in stats:
poera,phanty, daisy - 5 - 10 stats
huthig,ougle,kronk,zoink - 15 stats
lati - 25 stats
chibs,quells - 50 statted
viotto - 100
rolfing 105-115 stats

r.i.p grandma 2
17 years, 1 month & 27 days ago

19th Jan 2008 06:35
-----///\\-----put this
----///-\\\----on your
---|||---|||---blog if
---|||---|||---someone in
---|||---|||---your family
----\\\-///----has/had cancer
-----\\///-----thank you
my grandma recently died of cancer

r.i.p grandma
17 years & 2 months ago

16th Jan 2008 07:24
----00-00----Put This
---00---00---On Your
---00---00---Profile If
---00---00---You Know
-----000-----Who Died
my grandma died of cancer in september 2007
i really miss her

17 years & 2 months ago

16th Jan 2008 06:32
plz, if you can, try to help me reach my goals, and i will try to help you w/ yours!!!!

*hit 1,000,000 MP[x]
*hit 2,000,000 MP[]
*hit 5,000,000 MP[]
*hit 100,000 RP[]
*get poera[x]+huthiq[]+uni[]+lati[]+daisy[x]+chibs[]
*get prison[],mutant[],zombie[],fairy costume[]
*get poera[]+huthiq[]+uni[]+lati poison[]
*get any poera[]+huthiq[]+uni[]+lati potion[]
specific pets and things i want...
*baby renat[]
*prison daisy[]
*zombie poera[]
*gothic sindi[]
*get female nefarious costume[]
*get female zombie costume[]
*get 10 marapals[]
*get a job[]
*get blue dna[]pink dna[x] red dna[]purple dna[]black dna[]white dna[] and grey dna[]
*get extra pet gift box (x3)[]