Hello, so Taylor or "Tailor Taylor" is a serial killer I am currently writing about His story will have the title "Sewn on smiles (Taylors story)" I am currently still working on the story and if anyone has any interest you can mail me for what I have written so far. Anyways here's what he looks like: He has paleish skin, Bags under his eyes, His longish Bright red hair (But not to long), Wears a blue baseball cap, and a poorly sewn grey suit. His pants are a darker grey then his suit and he wears black and white sneakers.Oh and he has blue eyes.
I'm always looking for more people to draw Taylor so if ya feel like it, send me a mail~
Yes. XD
111 years, 1 month & 23 days ago 21st Jan 2014 05:44
Hehehe~ Taylor :3
You realize imma be stalking this blog now, right?
111 years, 1 month & 24 days ago 20th Jan 2014 20:55