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  1. STAFF))
    21st Sep 2014 10:17
    10 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
  2. Friends, people who care about me, read this~
    11th Feb 2014 19:49
    11 years, 1 month & 2 days ago
  3. Taylors blog~
    20th Jan 2014 09:09
    11 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  4. A song I wrote
    1st Dec 2013 23:32
    11 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
  5. My Matt graphics :3
    29th Nov 2013 17:35
    11 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
  6. Rainy's FAQ
    6th Aug 2013 18:08
    11 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  7. all of my L graphics![2]
    31st Jul 2013 16:46
    11 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
  8. all of my L graphics!
    6th Jul 2013 23:36
    11 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
  9. my Graphics???
    12th Jun 2013 17:11
    11 years, 9 months & 2 days ago
  10. Falling Hope- Book by me
    7th Jun 2013 16:14
    11 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
Falling Hope- Book by me
11 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
7th Jun 2013 16:14

Falling hope,Chapter 1.
L was doing his normal eat and search thing, while Misa was talking with Rem in the other room.
"Misa, I have an offer for you..." Rem said with a snort almost amused, "Oh! Oh! Misa-Misa likes offers!" Misa practically screamed
"Alright then, Rem will give you a Light-kun plushie if you and the task force walk into this hole..." Rem grinned knowing that the Light obsessed
girl would surely fall for it. "Oooh! Misa-Misa can do that!" Misa then practically grabbed Rems hand to make the deal final,After that Misa skipped along happily
trying to find Matsuda since he would most likely be the easiest to get into the hole...Due to his "smarts" Matsuda was in the kitchen looking for some coffee to give to L
"MATSUDA!!!!" Misa screamed, causing Matsuda to fall over and land his back onto the hard wooden floor he looked annoyed until he looked up to see the cheerful blonde starring down
at him, "M-Misa-chan? What is it?" Matsuda asked in his Matsuda way, "Misa-Misa needs you to follow me!!!" Misa then grabbed Matsudas arm and ran happily over to Rem who was just sitting on the bed and
looking into the black hole, "Alrighty then." Rem said as she grabbed onto Matsuda and threw him into the dark hole, "Where's Misa-Misas Light-kun plush?!" Misa said with a pouty face while she was tapping her foot to the carpetted floor,"You'll get it when ALL of the task force members are in the hole, including you." Rem said annoyed, "Awwwee!Ok Rem-chan..." Misa said walking away to find L who might just be the hardest to trick due to him being
the smartest guy on the task force, "L-KUN!!!!!" Misa screamed it almost looked like she was crying...,"Misa I am very busy and I need to work on the Beyond Birthday case so please leave." L said turning around in his spinny chair looking at Misa, "But Misa-Misa needs you NOW!" Misa yelled L seemed to not change his stare on her, "I'll give you a strawberry if you just leave." L said grabbing a strawberry off of his cheese cake and holding it out to her, "NO! Misa-Misa doesnt need strawberrys!" L looked...Quiet shocked No one has ever turned down a strawberry! He then sighed and got up from his chair, "Alright Misa just let this be quick." He said
"YAY!!!!" Misa yelled as she yanked his arm over to her room, A few hours had passed and everyone had been well...In a way tricked so Misa finally got her Light plushie and happily jumped along into the black whole, "What the *censored* is this?!" Mello said quiet angry that all he could see was a grey desert and some dead trees, "Mello calm down there's probally a good reason for this." L said quiet calm as he looked at Misa with a death glare,"Misa got us into this mess!!!" Mello said biting the only chocolate bar he had left he then noticed Misas Light plushie so he yanked it out of her grasp, "What the *censored* IS THIS?! Are you trying to voodoo us or some crap?!" Mello yelled, it echoed throught the desert. Misa started to cry, "I would never voodoo Misa-Misas Light-kun! I sware!" Light turned around from the crowd and started to walk towards
a cave,"Hey where's he goin'?" Matt said looking up from his brand new nintendo DS and then Looking back down violently smashing the buttons "DIE MARIO!" Everyone starred at Matt before turning to Light who seemed to not noticed them all starring at him,"Light-kun please come back." L said with his L stare,"..." Light didnt seem to respond he just sat down on a rock and pouted, "Leave him! We need to come up with a plan." Mello grunted looking at L,"Hey genius maybe you can help!?"Mello yelled towards L, "We should investigate the area before we come up with anything." L said putting his finger to his lips,"And maybe they'll have a cake shop around here...!" L said turning red Near walked up to L and tugged his sleeve, "I need dice..." Near said in a low voice almost shy,"You'll get your dice when I get my cake." L said looking down to Near,"Can you two think of something else other then Cake and dice? Besides...IT'S ALL ABOUT THE CHIPS!" Light yelled with a grin
and Near and L looked at eachother before ignoring Light, "I suggest that Near and Mello Go to find fire wood, Light and Matsuda find food and Matt, Misa and Me stay here and try to make some sort of hut." L said as he walked crouched over to grab some sticks and grass for the hut,"Woah, Woah eh Woah, you want ME to go with HIM?!" Mello protested as he pointed to Near who was just playing with the sand and trying to build something,"Mello you two have to go together it only makes since." L said as he gave Mello a stare," HOW DOES IT MAKE SINCE?!" Mello yelled, "Well, if anything happens you'll need brains which Near has and Mello you'll be there because you have a gun. Very simple." L said as he walked away.As Mello was ignoring Near, Near was picking up every stick he saw then he saw something else...,"Mello do you know what this thing is?" Near asked as he pointed to a snake but this was not a normal snake, it was black and had a white spot on the back of its head,"Near
thats a cobra." Mello said not knowing what he just said,"ITS A *censored* COBRA DANG IT!" Mello yelled running like there was no tommorow Near just calmly followed with no emotion in his face, "L,MATT SOMEBODY!!!" Mello yelled falling to his knees at the camp, "What happend?" L asked, "It was just a cobra." Near said as he twirled his hair, "W-we got some food!" Matsuda said happily as he threw a turkey on the desert sand Light looked at the large bird he seemed grossed out but he had a good reason to be grossed out, the the bird looked like a turkey but the skin was green and the feathers a dark purple,"What the kira is THAT?!" Mello yelled,"I want to say a turkey but..-" L said but he got cut off by non other then Light, "Who gives a crap what it is? Food is food!" Light said wanting to eat the turkey-like bird as soon as possible, "I suggest we search for fruit...It might be better for are health." Near suggested,"Hello, And welcome this is the shimigami realm." Said an odd voice it seemed to be a shimigami saying it.
"Get out here and fight like a man!" Mello yelled,"Oh no, no, no. Now here let me tell you why you're here, us shimigamis are bored once again and we would just love to see you run around like mice to your death." The shimigami said, chuckling you could here a grin in his raspy voice, "Dang you!!!" Mello yelled as the voice disappeared. Then suddenly a piece of paper seemed to fall from the grey sky L grabbed it since he was the tallest," It says 'watch your step'" L said and then he cocked his head towards the bird, "Once again, Do not touch that bird..."L added in a louder voice then before.Chapter 2 The next day seemed normal, well at least as normal as being stuck In the shimigami realm could get, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" was heard from Mello and Matts hut everyone got out of there huts and gave each other a stare, "Light-kun! Misa-Misa is scared!" Misa yelled clinging to Lights arm,"Misa it's fine Mello probally is just upset about not having his chocolate." Light said annoyed yet amused at the thought of Mello without his chocolate. L kicked down the door and looked down to see Mello sitting on the ground towering over Matts body with tears streaming down Mellos face "Matt..!" Misa said, Near sat down next to Mello and starred down at Matt he had scratchs all over him it looked like a wild animal attacked him but the idea of a wolf or a bear or even a lion being here was highly doubtful, "Dang shimigami..."Mello said clenching his fist tightly as the tears on his face seemed to stop, " What happened Mello?" L asked as he crouched down and put a hand on Mellos shoulder," I was just getting up and then heard something, Like a ruffling noise and then I opened my eyes and Matt was just...There..."Mello replied," Ok here's how it's gonna go down Me, Near and Li-" L got cut off by Mello, "No! thats not how it's gonna go down! I want to plan this! MY best friend got hurt! Ok?!" It got silent but L nodded slowly out of respect and understanding,"If it's what you need to do I understand." L said, "Now here, Me, L and Light go try to find the mofo shimigamis while Misa and Matsuda take care of Matt, got it?" Mello said but Near tapped Mellos shoulder, "What am I suppose to do?" Near asked, "And that plan is not well enough to work." He added bitterly Mello then looked down at Near giving him a death glare," Alright fine...You think of a better plan!" Mello grinned Near turned around twirling his hair and plopped down onto the sand and started to build a sand castle, "Give me one day to come up with something..." Near said in a quiet low voice he then raised his hand and shaked it very fast which ment 'leave'
Mello grunted and left Near to think Matsuda stayed but only to help take care of the injured Matt. Later that night everyone sat down in a circle with a fire in the middle of them,"Soups up!"Misa said cheerfuly,"Misa-Misa made it special" Misa added in a whisper the 'soup' Looked very..."special" it was brown and bubbling you could smell it for miles, it smelled like a mix of Skunk, Rotton fish and new york. Everyone shared worried glares as they looked at there bowls Light gulped he didnt wan't to look mean but dang...,"Uhm Misa-kun what is this?" Light asked,"Oh! It's Misa-Misas special suprise soup!" she said cheerfuly looking at Light worried if he'd like it or not Light finally grew the courage to take a bite of Misas special,"Mhm! Yummy!" He said in a shakey almost Matsuda like voice. Suddenly a loud ruffling noise started, everyone starred at a dark shadow behind a tree it looked tall, thin, and it had red glowing eyes and a wide cheshier cat grin flashed upon the shadows face,"H-hello...?" Matsuda
asked the shadow giggled a low giggle, "The *censored* is his problem?" Mello asked, "I believe he has mental problems..." L quietly answerd in Mellos ear, "Please Call me BB." the shadow said in a high ghost like voice that was quiet a bit terrifying, "What the...?!" Mello said he seemed very scared...which was very un-Mello-like
the shadow then ran away Mello grabbed his gun and got up but L yanked his shirt and shaked his head meaning 'No' Mello then plopped down and crossed his arms giving L a 'What did I do?' look, "Mello, If you tried to shoot him you'd most likely die for all we know he could've been a shimigami and you can't kill them...Nobody can." L said in a worried tone. Mello just sat there smirking like an idiot after a while of silence and gags Near came out of the hut but something wasn't right...Since when did Near where red?! Nears eyes where wide...Or at least wider then normal,"Near?! The *censored* is wrong with you?!" Mello yelled very loudly Near didn't blink, his eyes where glued to some invisble force in the sky Light started to grin and chuckle like it was some sort of sick twisted joke
Mello gave Light a good long stare then suddenly Near fell to his knees and then he landed his face into the cold sand, "Hphm the punk deserved it..." Mello said cocking his head the other way and crossing his arms, "Nobody deserves this...Espically Near." L said in a cold dead voice, "DANG IT MATSUDA WE'RE LOSING HIM!" Light yelled as Matsuda was trying his hardest to save Near, "S-stop yelling so loud!" Matsuda yelled back at Light a few hours passed Near was alive but he didn't wake up, "S-so...They where right..." Matsuda said, "Who was right?" L asked with a puzzled look on his face, "The test, It said I was going to live a short life..." Matsuda said in a low depressing voice, "Oh those? Those don't messure your life or your stress, the harder you press the higher it goes." L replied with his happy crooked smile Matsuda just smiled and nodded. Nobody could sleep that night to them it was like trying to eat in a crowd...Impossible. Suddenly Matsuda heard something like a ruffling noise,"W-who's there?!" Matsuda asked but all he heard was more ruffling Matsuda then grabbed L's shoulder and started to shake him," 5 more minutes Watari..." L replied to Matsuda's shaking Matsuda only had one choice left so he grabbed his P99 and slowly got up, "The *censored* Matsuda? It's four in the morning..." Mello said annoyed as he rolled over facing away from Matsuda. Matsuda just sat there inching closer to the window the wind got louder and it started to rain hard the ruffling seemed to have stopped for 5 minutes or so then it started again as the rain grew softer...Chapter 3 "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Misa screamed a very loud high pitched scream, "Matsuda-kun!!!" Misa yelled once more Matsuda just spilled water on him self and Misa was acting as if he just got killed, "Can you stop treating him like an child ?He's a grown man *censored* it!" Mello growled as he cutted into his deer with a stick and a rock the stick acting like a fork and the rock acting like a knife. L threw pieces of paper on the the table, crossed his arms and cocked his head to the right, "I've collected enough info to come up with a plan..."He then showed everyone a picture of a dark black spot in the dark grey sky he then pointed to the dark black spot with his index finger, "You see that? That is are way out." L said with a smile, "You think a black speck is going to save our skins?!" Mello yelled banging his fist onto the hard table, "In this case...Yes." L replied as he set out the battle plans, " Hold on a second...Let us join the fun." Matt said as he smirked while Near was standing next to him staring at the ground and twirling his hair.Mello bursted out laughing,"Bwahaha! Yea! Nice timing heros!" He blurted out," Alright the more the better." L said he then told everyone the plan,"Matt, you and Mello distract the shimigami, While the rest of us make are escape while the shimigami are going to be laughing like there is no sunshine you escape! Got it?" L said in a take-charge kind of voice,"Hold on, explain what that black speck is!" Light demanded,
"Oh yes it is a black hole." L explained. Mello just sat there with a pouty face with crossed arms with his right hand holding a P99,"Alright lets get this over with." Mello said walking away to grab his back-pack Mello reached in and grabbed a rubber chicken and a joke book, "Oooh! What do you have planned?" Matt asked looking over Mellos shoulder to read the jokes he had planned,"Oh!Lets do that one!" Matt said as he pointed to a page on the book, "Ehem. Lets just go now and deal with are childishness later." L suggested, Near shot him a narrowed glare because he knew that L thought he was 'Childish', "Oh right!" Matt said as he scratched the back of his head with his left hand, "TO THE DEATH MOBILE!" Matsuda said with his right hand in the air everyone just limped over forgetting how stupid Matsuda can be, "We don't have a car remember? We're stuck in the shimigami realm?" L said patting Matsudas shoulder as he walked out to grab a lolipop, "Can we just go now?" Mello whined, "ONWARD MEN!" Matt said, "Ehem..." Misa coughed,"And women..." Matt added, They started walking in to the dessert without any plan of where the black hole would be, "So we just ran out here without even knowing where the *censored* black hole is?!" Mello yelled towards L, "Well...Yes." L answerd, suddenly a loud roaring noise was heard with it came a very strong wind that instead of blowing all of the task force members away it threw them closer almost like being pulled into a tornado of some sorts, "STOP DROP AND ROLE!"Matsuda said,"You idiot! It's not a fire it's a *censored* tornado!" Mello shouted to Matsuda, "Stop running! Just let the tornado take you!" L yelled to everyone, "Are you mad?!" Mello Yelled towards L as he grabbed onto Matts hand, "I AM NOT GOING TO DIE ALONE!" Mello shouted, "Brilliant! Everyone grab eachothers hand!"L Told everyone as he grabbed Nears hand Near simply just rolled his eyes. It then turned black and it sounded like it was raining but everyone was completely dry then everyone fell on hard asfault and it lightend up it was still dark but you could see your surroundings, there where dark grey clouds,crows and tall buildings.[Chapter 4],"I don't think we're in Japan any more toto..." Mello said as he patted Nears soft snow white hair, "I'm not a dog!" Near objected as he pushed Mellos hand off of his head Near then cocked his head the other way and noticed a pile of rocks and under those rocks he saw L, Matsuda, Misa, Light and Matt." Woah!" Mello then Ran straight to the pile of rocks he pushed the rocks off of Matt so he could help, Near just stood there twirling his hair looking down, "*Censored* It! Near get your lazy bum over here!" Mello yelled as he picked up a rock and threw it on the ground, "But I am thinking." Near replied as he plopped down onto the ground, After everyone was able to walk around again they started to walk to HQ, "Are you sure this is the right adress?" Light asked questioning Ls direction, "I am very sure, I mean I do kind of live here..." L replied The HQ was painted red and had a ripped sign on it from what everyone could tell it said 'Out of business', "Lets go inside..." Near suggested as something seemed fishy. Then a News paper flew at Matsudas face he then grabbed it off of his face and with wide eyes he began to read it, "'Japan Tokeyo clearing' D-does that m-mean what I think it means?" Matsuda asked as his knees began to shake like a new born fawn on a chilly spring morning, Mello just snatched the paper out of Matsudas hands like it was nothing and began to read it to himself, "Holy..." He began to say as he dropped the paper and it flew away, "Japan had a bomb go off...A bad one."Mello continued, "It had to be bad if Japan is waist land!" Matt said grabbing a cigarette from a box he had kept in his pocket. Near just walked on through to the door and kicked the door to get everyones attention and of course it worked,"Everyone please quiet down and lets go in here." Near said as he opened the door and walked in,"AAAAH!" Misa screamed,"WHO'S THERE?!" Mello yelled as he pulled out his P99 L tapped his shoulder,"It was just a spider..." L said. Mello set the gun back in his pocket, "I knew that! I was just showing everyone what to do in case it was a bad guy!" Mello yelled trying to make himself sound smart even though it only made him sound like a donkey, "Right..." Light said as he rolled his eyes, Matsuda then fell into what seemed like laundry shoot Near darted towards the noise and everyone followed him, "Matsuda you idiot..."Matt said as he saw the scared Matsuda stuck in the laudry shoot, "Leave him! He can get out by himself!" Mello said as he started to walk in the other direction, "Hey Mello what was the year on that news paper..?" L asked Mello, "1942...!" Mello replied noticing how much trouble they where in, "This means that the tornado was actually a worm hole of some sorts..." L said, "So how the *censored* are we suppose to go back to 2013?!" Mello asked," I've heard of something called the Pre world if you complete the special dance it
will bring you to the time period of your desire." L said. Mello just grinned and crossed his arms, "And what kind of dance are we talkin' about?" Mello asked, L just gave him a 'No not that kind of dance you idiot' Look, Mello just frowned and put his hands down, "So how many people have to do this dance of greatness?" Mello asked," All of us." L replied, Mello just grabbed Matts Ipod, "Ok so how does this dance go?" Mello asked as he was scrolling for the perfect song,"It's called "The rappin dancin"" L said as he put a base ball hat on backwards. Matsuda finally climbed up from the shoot and fell out of it face first onto the carpet, "AH-HA! The perfect song!" Mello told everyone as he clicked onto the so called 'perfect song' Soon everyone had a backwards hat and started to dance like the beastie boys and other rap artist, "Are we done yet? I feel like a freaking idiot." Mello yelled annoyed, "But you look great with a gold tooth!" Matt pouted, "So what do we do now..?" Matsuda asked but as if on cue a
odd bright purple and sky blue force brought them to some where in time space with them some sort of odd clock sat there so L setted it to 'oct/21/13' and as soon as he pressed the 'Ok' button they where taken to that time being october 21st of 2013 and they where at HQ again! Chapter 5 Near slowly opened his right eye and after a few minutes of searching the area he asked, "Is it over?" Mello just yawned and answerd, "Yes." so everyone went back home in there own special way, then Light woke up and was panting like a dog, "I'M NOT KIRA!" he yelled and then started to look around he was in his bed, "Oh it was just a dream..." Light told himself, But was it really just a dream? We may never know.

  1. STAFF))
    21st Sep 2014 10:17
    10 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
  2. Friends, people who care about me, read this~
    11th Feb 2014 19:49
    11 years, 1 month & 2 days ago
  3. Taylors blog~
    20th Jan 2014 09:09
    11 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  4. A song I wrote
    1st Dec 2013 23:32
    11 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
  5. My Matt graphics :3
    29th Nov 2013 17:35
    11 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
  6. Rainy's FAQ
    6th Aug 2013 18:08
    11 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  7. all of my L graphics![2]
    31st Jul 2013 16:46
    11 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
  8. all of my L graphics!
    6th Jul 2013 23:36
    11 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
  9. my Graphics???
    12th Jun 2013 17:11
    11 years, 9 months & 2 days ago
  10. Falling Hope- Book by me
    7th Jun 2013 16:14
    11 years, 9 months & 7 days ago