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Marapets is mobile friendly
achievements on marapets account

1. collect phanty maker (2 green pots, 1 black pot, 1 pink pot,1 ice fairy pot, 1 snow pot, 2 blue pots, 1 black plushie, 1 snow plushie, 1pink plushie, 1 white plushie, 1 princess plushie)

2. collect theme coloured enchanted plushie (bee reese, undying fairy Murfin, devil azul, dragon gonk, daylight/moonlight decadal, candy Willa, dragon Raulf)

3. collect old retired UB's

4. Partake in marapets events marapets events (undying festival, Halloween 2014, Christmas 2014, 10th birthday,summer event, Halloween 2015, undying festival 2015)

5. obtain first LE pet (radioactive daisy, black phanty)

6.collect other LE potions (yellow poera potions)

7.obtain over 3mil marapoints

8.get a theme coloured phanty potion (ice fairy phanty)

9. collect enchanted L.E plushie (white quell plushie, pink zoosh plushie, green zoosh plushie, Orange zoosh plushie, candy Willa plushie, daylight/moonlight decadal plushie, dragon Raulf)
10.complete the trunx mission at least once

10. Collect over 25mil mp

11. Collect over 50mil mp

12 collect an enchanted sindi plushie/ potion (enchanted phantom sindi plushie)

13 Get over 400 stamps in collection

14 transform furble into a sindi pet (angel sindi)

15get one pets transformation count to 250

16 complete another mission after the trunx mission (Tarquin, ublish)

1. Have 100 or less stamps to collect

3.have over 100mil marapoints
  1. Major Requirements for goals
    9th Oct 2021 08:15
    3 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  2. Halloween blog
    28th Oct 2018 08:11
    6 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
  3. Safari event items
    1st Jun 2018 04:19
    6 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  4. Sock blog
    9th May 2018 19:56
    6 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  5. Stats that need to be trained
    16th Apr 2018 11:41
    6 years, 10 months & 30 days ago
  6. Minipets needed to borrow maybe
    11th Apr 2018 17:08
    6 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  7. List of missing Easter eggs to complete my sets
    10th Apr 2018 10:56
    6 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  8. Goals
    2nd Apr 2018 17:21
    6 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  9. Missing retirement planning items
    15th Mar 2018 21:55
    7 years & 2 days ago
  10. Updating last gallery blog
    1st Nov 2017 09:04
    7 years, 4 months & 15 days ago
PC blog for Pet Values + Currency exchange
8 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
18th Jan 2017 13:24

I would like to thank archangel very much for allowing me to copy this. I may edit this overtime to keep it up to date, but please take note that prices change overtime due to retirement planning and demand. If anyone can update this, please message me

????Currency rates:????

BP - 1:3
RP - 1:7
Slater Points - 1:500
Game Points - 1:2000
Desert Points - 1:20 to 1:25
Dukka Coins - 1:10,000
Olympic Points - 1:500 to 1:700

Cheapest Makers (e.g plain potions/plushies or most recent AU) and where they come from also,
view missions page for more info on mission LEs!

Arinya - 2-2.5mil Missions???
Astro - 1-2mil Missions???
Basil - 35-45mil Missions???
Chibs - 15-17mil RS-able + Account Upgrades Shop???
Crikey - 4-5mil Missions???
Daisy - 4-5mil Plushie Machine/Essence???
Dakota - 4-5mil RS-able + Account Upgrades Shop???
Decadal - 50-60mil Account Upgrades Shop???
??? Echlin - 6-7mil Plushie Machine/Essence???
Ercuw - 8mil RS-able + Account Upgrades Shop???
Eyru - 8-12mil Missions???
Figaro - 5-7mil Olympic Points Shop???
Gizmo - 2.5-3.5mil Missions???
Gobble - 6-8mil Account Upgrades Shop???
??? Hump - NA Trade value tbc (~40mil?)???
Huthiq - 900k-1.5mil Missions???
Ike - 2-3mil Missions???
Justin - 21-26mil Desert Spy Shop???
Kronk - 2-3mil Missions???
Kujo - 3-4mil RS-able + Account Upgrades Shop???
Lati - 8mil RS-able + Account Upgrades Shop???
Limax - 10mil+ Account Upgrades Shop???
Lorius - 23-28mil Missions???
Mordo - 5-7mil RS-able + Account Upgrades Shop???
Nino - 5-7mil RS-able + Account Upgrades Shop???
Oglue - 1-1.5mil Missions???
Phanty - 700k-1mil Missions???
Poera - 700k-1mil Missions???
Pucu - 25-40mil (need more PCs) Missions???
Quell - 8-10mil Account Upgrades Shop???
Raulf - 25-30mil Account Upgrades Shop???
??? ?????? Rofling - 90mil Plushie Machine/Essence???
Rusty - 4-5mil Missions???
Sindi - 8-10mil RS-able + AU???
Snookle - 8-10mil RS-able + AU???
Sybri - 7-8mil Account Upgrades Shop???
Tasi - 7-8mil Account Upgrades Shop???
Troit - 2-2.5mil Missions???
Viotto - 5-7mil Missions???
Vixen - 8-10mil Account Upgrades Shop???
Vlad - 7-9mil RS-able + AU???
Willa - 8mil Account Upgrades Shop???
Yuni - 20-25mil Missions???
Zoink - 800k-1mil Missions???
Zola - 25-30mil Capsule Machine???
Zoosh - 700k-1mil Missions???

?????? - All LE makers are available in the form of essences (randomly/rarely won from playing the genie) and many not indicated can be won similarly from the plushie machine if they come in unretired ench. plushies.

??? - Hump/Rofling/Echlin can be earned through temple but are not sellable/buyable as a maker in this way.
Only 5 chibi hump and chibi rofling potions were made before they were retired so have been disregarded as a feasible maker

Notes for Trading: With pets that can be won from temple or from events, their trade value will differ from their maker value. Daisy's (Halloween event) trade in the same range as phanty/huthiq/zoink etc, humps (kamilah pyramid - requires map) trade for ~?mil but that will differ based on trader preference, echlins (slate pyramid) trade for around 4-5?mil and roflings (Temple of Transmogrification) trade for 1.5 to double their maker value (~150-200mil). All other pets should trade at roughly their maker cost + the value of their costume (including deductions where costumes come as part of the cheapest maker e.g (one of the) cheapest mordo makers is ice fairy mordo potion ~5-6mil, the pet is worth the 5-6mil only and not 5mil (maker cost) plus the separate cost of the costume (which comes with the maker). If you have any updates to pet values, suggestions for the page or confirmation of hump + echlin trade value please comment or mail, thanks!

This is so helpful, thanks Shiny!!
18 years, 1 month & 27 days ago 18th Jan 2017 13:47
  1. Major Requirements for goals
    9th Oct 2021 08:15
    3 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  2. Halloween blog
    28th Oct 2018 08:11
    6 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
  3. Safari event items
    1st Jun 2018 04:19
    6 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  4. Sock blog
    9th May 2018 19:56
    6 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  5. Stats that need to be trained
    16th Apr 2018 11:41
    6 years, 10 months & 30 days ago
  6. Minipets needed to borrow maybe
    11th Apr 2018 17:08
    6 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
  7. List of missing Easter eggs to complete my sets
    10th Apr 2018 10:56
    6 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  8. Goals
    2nd Apr 2018 17:21
    6 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  9. Missing retirement planning items
    15th Mar 2018 21:55
    7 years & 2 days ago
  10. Updating last gallery blog
    1st Nov 2017 09:04
    7 years, 4 months & 15 days ago