Updating last gallery blog

7 years, 4 months & 15 days ago
1st Nov 2017 09:04Copy and pasting my old blog, whilst I\\\'m updating my gallery worth
UB AU itemsMap setsChristmas map set -20mil
Simerian excavator- 35mil pure
Foxfire pond- 40mil
Fugunzel - 55mil
Enchanted plushie machine instructions-65mil
total- mil mp Blissaur-5mil?
Book of eggcelent puns- 5mil
Cream egg- 4mil
Ercuw ears- 3mil
Figaro ears-2mil
Halloween chibs stamp- 900k (1.8mil)
Ice fairy quell wig- 1.5mil
Inside out glowing egg -750k (1.5mil)
Old wizard troit trading card- 2mil
Ornament egg- 3mil
Sleigh stamp- 2.5mil
Chibs ears- 7mil
Phanty ears- 800k
Dragon phanty ears- 800k
London bus- 1mil
Summer snixie summoning stone- 2mil
Winter glowing egg-3mil
AU items total - Approximately mp Treasure chest items:Eleka wings- 4mil
Fake eleka horns- 900k
Haunted treasure chest- 4
Slice of birthday cake-1mil
total: Capsule machine items:Christmas magazine 400k (800k)
Handmade seasonal Kaala plushie- 300k
Handmade seasonal reindeer plushie- 400k
Worm plushie- 400k
Iced Candycane Cookie-400k
Iced Christmas Tree Cookie- 1mil?
Gummy Foot-2mil
Creepy Bunny Plushie- 800k
Stocking Stamp-300k (600k)
Trixter Trading Card- 1mil
White duo ice cream contact Lenses- 1.8mil
White puff dress- 800k
Extremely scary glowing egg- 7.5mil
CM items total- approximately 18mil potions/essence:Ice fairy phanty potion- 2mil
Essence of phanty- 1.5mil
Essence of zoosh- 700k
potion/essence total- 4mil lAU costumes- Christmas Tree Costume- 600k (1.2mil)
Detective Costume-3.5mil
Dragon costume- 5mil (15mil total)
Midnight Costume-2.5mil
Negative Costume- 1.5mil
Polar costume- 1mil
Rainbow- 4.5mil (13.5mil total)
Scout Costume- 900k (4.5mil)
Snow Costume- 2.5mil
Water costume-1.5mil
Mad scientist- 2mil
AU costume total-43mil .Non L.E enchanted plushies-Bug jessup- 400k
Desert kidlet- 400k
Frostfire Knutt- 1mil
Bee Reese- 1.5mil
Dragon gonk-500k
Killer feliz- 2mil
Desert kidlet-600k
rainbow speiro- 300k
Scout fasoro-100k
Undying fairy murfin- unknown (2mil)
Total non L.E enchanted plushies- 7.8mil
L.E enchanted plushies-Anime Raulf -13mil
Phantom sindi- 10mil
Earth fairy Nino- 6mil
Undying fairy nino- 6mil
Vampire quell- 8mil
Total L.E enchanted plushies-
[b]UB retired items10th birthday female costume-1.2mil
12th birthday cake-700k
Bat waistcoat- 900k
Bat wings- 900k each (1.8mil)
Beach ball book- 900k
Beanstalk glowing egg- 10mil
Beelzebub glowing egg-900k each (1.8mil)
Beezlebub tail- 1mil each (2mil)
Black cat stamp-900k
Black damask egg-1.5mil
blood glowing egg-700k
Blood splattered gloves-1.5mil each (4.5mil)
Candle stamp-1mil
Candy stamp- 1mil?
Chocolate potato chip-1mil?
Christmas 2008 stamp-1.5
Christmas ham- 5mil
Cursed marapets glowing egg- 700k?
Dark mark tattoo- 1mil?
Desert booster-1mil?
Diamond swimsuit-1.2mkl
Easter 2012 stamp-650k
Eyru cap-600k
Elger kitty- 500k each (1.5mil
Fallen leaves stamp-2.5mil
Female bloody boots-1mil
Female gamer boots- 3mil
Fild stamp-1mil
Firefly-900k each (1.8mil)
Floof- 700k?
Forest antlers-2mil each (4mil)
Friday the 13th stamp- 2mil
Games arcade stamp- 2mil each (10mil)
Gavula trading card-1.8mil (3.6mil)
Ghost stamp- 1mil?
Gobble love songs-2mil?
Gonk racing-1mil
Holy harp-*still determined* (5mil total?)
Hot dawg-1mil each (2mil)
Ink stained vampire eye mask-600k
Ivory fleshy glowing egg-2mil
Jar of birthday confetti- 900k
Koob summoning stone- 1mil each (2mil)
Lord splishy splashy trading card-2mil
Mummy plushie- 700k?
Mystery egg stamp-700k
Nest hat-700k each (1.4mil)
Nisse costume-1.5mil each (3mil)
Noot summoning stone- 900k each (2.7mil)
Nymph horns-900k
Nymph ivory gloves-600k???
Party popper trading card-3mil
Pastel costume- 2mil each (6mil)
Pawprint stamp-10mil?
Pilgrim boy plushies-1.5mil
Pirate ship-800k
Punk music-2mil
Punk pearl-2.5mil
Rapunzel trading card-1mil each? (2mil)
Retro Beelzebub plushie-2.2mil
Sailor swimsuit-1mil
Scout badge stamp-1.4mill each (2.8mil)
Short demon hoodie-2mil
Skeleton key necklace-1mil?
Skull pearl-2mil
Snoogle trading card-2mil
Stitched heart tattoo-1mil?
Swampie trading card- 800k each (2.4mil)
Team maple leaf plushie- 900k
Team maple leaf trading card-2.8mik
Tent stamp-1mil
Tombstone stamp-1mil each (2mil)
Underwater stamp-1.5mio
Vampire sightings book-3mil
Witch cupcake-2mil
Witch hat-1mil
Zombie Gumball-1mil each (2mil)
Retired UB total- 175.6 milSS items 250k+ 500k-400k (rounded down prices)-
178 items x400k=
71.2mil for 400k- 500k items 400k-300k (rounded down prices)-
95 items x 300k=
28.5 mil for 400k-300k items