Pets for adoption...

14 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
24th Mar 2010 10:19I know people who want to get rid of their pets and they want to give it to someone. If your interested in ANY of these then post or MM me. They don't have 'OMG' stats but they are really cute(: .
1) Fairyfan - Simerian Addow
2) Adamentheart - Radioactive Grunt
3) thebabyboy - Lightning Crindol
4) Ted201 - Anime Bolimo
5) Shinat - Ghost Bolimo
6) M.E.D.I.V.A.L. - Clown Osafo
7) littleseapebble - Pirate Reese
8) msbeautytails - Halloween Fasoro
9) Karma201 - Ice Crindol
Terms and Conditions...
They can't trade on pet trades and the only way you will get these if they disown them and you get them from there when your ready. If you want it he charge for each pet is only 9,000mp for all the players giving them away.