A gf's questions(Love)

15 years & 2 days ago
15th Mar 2010 18:04One day a young girl's boyfriend invited her for dinner at an almost empty restaurant. She arrived excited and sat down across from him smiling. He ordered their food and meanwhile it arrived she decided to ask him some questions...
Gf: Do you like me?
Bf: No.
Gf:...Do you think I'm pretty?
Bf: No.
Gf: Would you cry if I left you?
Bf: No.
Gf: Would you rather not see me anymore or die?
Bf: -No response-
Upset she started to leave, but he stood up and took her hands.
Bf: I don't like you, I LOVE you.
Bf: I don't think your pretty, I think your BEAUTIFUL.
Bf: I wouldn't cry if you left me, I would die...
He put one hand on her cheek and stared lovingly into her eyes...
Bf: If I had to choose between not loving you and dying I would use my last breathe to say I love you.