~* Pet and Costume prices! *~

15 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
29th Aug 2009 08:38Prices for pets comes from the cheapest way to make the pet.
This means that if the costumed potion for a pet is the cheapest, that costume
adds no value.
Arinya: 1.5mil
Chibs: 6mil
Daisy: 500k
Dakota: 4.5mil
Ercuw: 4.5mil
Gizmo: 2mil
Huthiq: 1.5mil
Ike: 4mil
Kronk: 2mil
Lati: 4mil
Mordo: 2-3mil
Nino: 4mil
Oglue: 1mil
Phanty: 1mil
Poera: 1mil
Pucu: N/A
Quell: 4.5mil
Rofling: 40mil
Rusty: 2mil
Sindi: 6mil
Snookle: 4mil
Tasi: 5mil
Troit: 2.5mil
Viotto: 7mil
Yuni: 7-8mil
Zoink: 2mil
Zoosh: 1.5-2mil
(If it's on SS, it won't be here)
Angel: 30mil
Anime: 500k
Baby: 35mil
Black: 1mil
Blue: 800k
Checkered: 15mil
Cheese: 6mil
Chinese: 550k
Chocolate: 750k
Christmas: 1.5mil
Cottoncandy: 650k
Cowboy: 700k
Dark: 15mil
Detective: 1mil
Devil: 2mil
Earthfairy: 4mil
Eleka: 3-5mil
Elf: 4mil
Emo: 550k
Enpiah: 750k
Explorer: 750k
Fairy: 10mil
Fat: 1mil
Fire: 15mil
Firefairy: 750k
Funky: 1.5mil
Geek: 750k
Ghost: 650k
Gingerbread: 2.5mil
Goblin: 1mil
Gothic: 12mil
Green: 1mil
Grey: 600k
Halloween: 7mil
Hobo: 13mil
Ice: 400k
Icefairy: 1.5mil
Insideout: 800k
Leprechaun: 600k
Light: 800k
Lightfairy: 1.5mil
Lightning: 1mil
Love: 15mil
Mermaid: 30mil
Millionaire: 650k
Mummy: roughly 500k (the price of the mummy doll x 10)
Mutant: the price of a few pink DNA
Nefarious: 1.5mil
Old: 10mil
Pixie: 2mil
Plant: 600k
Prison: Free, available by getting pet thrown into prison.
Punk: 600k
Rainbow: 30mil
Robot: 1mil
Royal: 7mil
School: 600k
Seasonal: 50mil
Simerian: 1.8mil
Skater: 1.1mil
Snowman: 1mil
Spacefairy: 850k
Sparkle: 500k
Starry: 10mil
Stoneage: 2mil
Superhero: 800k
Underwater: 2mil
Undyingfairy: 1mil
Valentine: 750k
Vampire: 600k
Voodoo: 1.5mil
Vortex: 600k
Water: 10mil
Witch: 6mil
Wizard: 50mil
Zombie: Price of poison