~* Stats Guide and Pet Prices *~

16 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
5th Sep 2008 07:50PET PRICE
Chibs 8 mil
Daisy 500k
Dakota 4 mil
Ercuw(firefairy only) 4 mil
huthiq 1 mil
Kronk 1--2 mil
Lati 5--6 mil
Mordo 9--10 mil
Nino 2.4 mil+
Oglue 1--1.5 mil
Phanty 750K
Poera 850k--950k
Quell 5--6 mil
Rofling 18--20 mil
Rusty 2.5 mil
Sindi 3--4 mil
Snookle 3 mil
Troit 2.5--2.8 mil
Viotto 8-10 mil
Yuni 8 mil
Zoink 900k--1 mil
Zoosh 1.7-2 mil
Note: If your pets have bad names they become hard to trade, and they're value goes down about 500k.
A good name should have only 1 capital letter in the beginning and there should be NO characters.
Here's where you can find more information on things in marapets :-
These are roughly the stats your non limited edition pet
will need to be worth an limited edtion pet.
10-15 in all but level would be worth a Phanty, Poera or Zoink Daisy, Huthiq
20-25 in all but level would be worth a Kronk, Oglue, or Zoosh
30-35 in all but level would be worth a Troit, Rusty, Nino
40-45 in all but level would be worth a Dakota, Ercuw, Sindi, Snookle
50-55 in all but level would be worth a Lati or Quell
55-65 in all but level would be worth a Chibs or yuni
70-80 Mordo and basic colored plain viottos
85-95 in all but level would be worth viottos
150+ in all but level would be worth a rofling
*These stats do not include Magic, School, DVD's, Books, CD's, Instruments, Charisma. These items makes your pets worth more.