Meh Friendzies

16 years & 4 days ago
10th Mar 2009 18:20RikkiFoal- She will do anything for a friend, and is there in hard times and will have anyones back, if they need her.
lolteens-Is funny and always brightens the bpring days, even when he doesn't know it. He also put me on his friends list and put little hearts by my name! XD
klcgal- KILA!!! You made Addiction, and I praise you for that! I wouldn't know all of these wonderful people if you didn;t create Addiction and invite me in with open arms. I luff ya! ??????????????????
Stomach- Is EXTREMLY generous and caring of anyone who he cares for, and anyone who cares about him. She writes nice stuff about me on his blog, too!and he got me my Zoink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The zoink was my dream pet, and he got one for me!!!!!! XD XD I luff you Stom!
Stargirl56- VERY nice and appreciates my sense of humor more than most people. <3
Karence- I think she was the first to introduce me to Addiction, and that deserves a mention on my blog! XD
Mikayla (not on mara)- She always makes me laugh, and beats up anyone up who hurts me after beating me up herself. She is always there, and gives great advice.
Kim S. (not on mara)- She stands up for me all the time, and gets in trouble a lot for defending me.
Amanda N. (not on mara)- She is funny and talks me out of doing a lot of stupid things she knows I would regret. I owe a lot to her.
Vanns- You are willing to stick up for yourself when needed, and if anyone can become friends wuth Stomach in such a short amount of time, HAS to be pretty pwnaswome, and you are! XD
Mirpin- Has some good jokes, and I'm always willing to help with anything he needs. He has never done anything wrong that I know of, and It looks like it's gonna stay that way. He's too nice to do anything wrong! LOL
extremo- OWES ME 40,000 MP!!!!!!!
Jordan H. (not on mara)- Is my bestest friend!!!
If I didn't mention you, and you want to be mentioned, post here telling me to put you on!