Real Fall Out Boy fans.....

16 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
10th Jan 2009 18:24Real FOB fans....
Have been to at least one concert
Cried when they first saw Pete Wentz
Have at least 2 CDs
Have all of there songs on there iPod (if they have one)
Know the names of all the band members (not just Pete)
Know most of the lyrics
Like all the songs they've made
Mention that FOB is their favorite whenever possible
Don't care if someone else thinks they are dumb (they are still awsome)
Can't wait to get a Clandestine hoodie (if they don't have one already)
Fantasize about Pete
Defend FOB Hwhenever defending is needed
Know FOB is the best
Always choose FOB over any other band
FOB fans are reading this right now =)
post this on your blog if you comply to all the things i just listed.