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09:40:25 MST
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Hi there and welcome! Try talking to me, but only after you've read my profile info please. Just to make sure we don't have any misunderstandings :) Hi all! My name is Joyce and I live in Holland. You don't need to know much about me, this is what I do share:

My love for music, I'm a semi-pro musician (which means that I have a part time job on the side). Main activities are band-related, mostly playing bass guitar and singing. When requested, youtube links are available. Genre wise I'm pretty allround! I also like to make compositions and recordings with my computer.

Interests in religion! I'm not religious myself but I do love discussing it, with 100% respect to your beliefs of course. Just MT to me if you'd like to try ;)

My love for fantasy books / films / series.

Always open to meet new people, but just to be sure: I'm in a very serious relationship, I've been living with my boyfriend for over 8 years now so I won't jeopardise it, not even if it's "just talk and just for fun" (actually happened, on a different gaming site, but zero tolerance from my part! You've been warned)

Any other questions? Just ask. I won't bite :D
Player for 10 years, 5 months & 25 daysJoined 18th Sep 2014 04:44
Player for 10 years, 5 months & 25 days Joined 18th Sep 2014 04:44

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