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Well, if you don't already know, I'm Sadie. I am a long time Marapet member and I've gone by many different names. I am a female somewhere in my 20s, working full time as a Nurse. I spend a lot of time on Mara on my days off and try to log on at least once a day. I have a weird obsession with Pokemon and Mermaid, fun little combination, I know!

Where to find me: Pets Chat, Missions/Quests, Avatars, Graphics, RP, and sometimes RC.

Currently Collecting: Anime Pets and Underwater/Water/Mermaid items for my gallery.

Player for 12 years & 10 daysJoined 6th Mar 2013 20:48
Player for 12 years & 10 days Joined 6th Mar 2013 20:48

Nurse has pets