Back after maybe 10 years away. Always looking for rare collectables!! [br]Home town - Melbourne Australia. [br]Love to shopkeep, play games and collect stuff. Currently on runes, coins, plushies, cards and stamps but will eventually get to keys plus hieros as well.. [br] [br]Ive used Scorpion in one form or another in all on-line games but Im just a normal dad that happens to love playing these games. [br]Not huge on friends so don't be insulted - I treat everyone fairly and I'll help out where I can as long as it's a reasonable request [br] [br]My main pets are twintails and Goldelux - battle hardened and stat heavy [br]
Player for 19 years, 4 months & 22 daysJoined 3rd Nov 2005 12:35
Finally discovered levelling up, so now switching from selling all to build funds to collecting all to pass goals. I'm aware there are many rare gems in my gallery - a bonus for the twelve year hiatus in playing. If I have doubles - ask
Player for 19 years, 4 months & 22 daysJoined 3rd Nov 2005 12:35