I am a graduate student working towards my Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine and Masters of Public Health. I am really interested in aquaculture and food safety.
I love pokemon, cartoons, and restocking. I am an LGBTQ man, and I love the color orange. Chat with me if want!
Items Collections I am trying to complete: Minipet Food [ ] Equilor Plushies [ ] Fish Minipets [ ] Fish [ ] Orange Chibs Plushies [17/50] Random items I like [ ]
Player for 18 years, 5 months & 10 daysJoined 9th Oct 2006 14:09
I am trying to be more active. Feel free to check out my trades, gallery, wish list, and info tab. I love fish and bears, science, trivia, cartoons, pokemon, and folk music. Maramail me if you want to chat!
Player for 18 years, 5 months & 10 daysJoined 9th Oct 2006 14:09