16 years, 4 months & 7 days ago

16th Nov 2008 08:01
Leisurely[lee-shure-lee]- Chocolate Chibs [x]
Ramble[ram-bull]- Zombie Quell []
Recycle[ree-syk-uhl]- Recycled Viotto []
Sycill[siss-ill or sissy]- Ice Viotto []
Threatening[thur-eht-uhn-ing]- Punk Sindi []
Dayre[dare]- Devil Chibs
And yes I do know that this is a lot but I got alot of time on mara

16 years, 4 months & 19 days ago

4th Nov 2008 17:18
Presents Planned to Give::
Ally- something that is a surprise in real life
Presents given::
Stormz- Tons of items on another site
Presents Received::
Stormz- Enchanted Goblin Nino [changed to purple and named Angelicalli after her]
Sunshineyrain- Sycill (was balloon then changed to mummy will soon be an ice viotto)
I only give presents to REALLY good friends, so be careful about asking for a present. You know if you're my good friend so just post here and I'll add you, and yes I am dirt poor on here so don't ask for anything too expensive.
16 years, 11 months & 4 days ago

18th Apr 2008 17:23
Jake {ssj4_kakarot}
Ally {sunshineyrain}
Angie {asada981}
Deb {Pupupsi}
Angel {Stormz}
Cronda {Greig} yet we haven't talked in a while 0__o
Elena {idunnowhy}
Lexi {miskeygo}
Steph {steph1146888103284}
MrPea {MrPeaboddis}
Lugia {LugiaPokemonCatcher}
Grape {ShootingSky9}
Lexie {chrispadgettluvr}
MissK {misskristi}
Saint {sterious}
Lexie {chrispadgettluvr}
Jamie {Jamiechill}
... if I missed you mm me