Microwave Recipes
6 years ago

16th Mar 2019 14:20
American Hotdog: American Murfin Photo + Plain Hotdog + 7 seconds
Angelic Pear: Angel Book + Pear + 10 seconds
Bacon Book: Bound Purple Book + Bacon Cheeseburger + 25 seconds
Bamboo Flute: Bamboo Shoot + Flute + 44 seconds
Bleach Smoothie: Bleach + VAnilla Ice Cream + 59 seconds
Brie Mine Candy Heart: Brie + Be Mine Candy Heart + 36 seconds
Chocolate Almond Tentacle: Ushunda Tentacle + Chocolate Almond Cone + 4 seconds
Cool Beans Stamp: Red Bean + Cooling Fan + 24 seconds
Drumsticks: Drum + Knutt Stick + 51 seconds
Eye Egg: Can of Fish Eyes + Breakfast Glowing Egg + 26 seconds
Fatty Balloon: Yellow Balloon + Fatty + 34 seconds
Flesh Flower: White Daisy + Sirloin Steak + 41 seconds
Foot Fruid: Severed Foot + Fruity Flakes + 40 seconds
Galaxy Bar: Neon Purple Face Makeup Dye + Milk Chocolate Addow Tablet + 1 second
Juicy Peach Boot: Female Furry Boots + Giant Peach + 38 seconds
Meat Pencil: Beef + Doyle Pencil + 20 seconds
Merant: Ant + Jar of Mermaid Tail + 9 seconds
Mystery Meat: Blooble + Ground Meat + 13 seconds
Pear Ukulele: Pear + Ukuele + 19 seconds
Pizza Bagel: Half a Pepperoni Pizza + Salty Bagel + 54 seconds
Polka Dot Meat: Spotted Pot + Joint of Ham + 57 seconds
Polka Dot Scarf: Polka Dot Babydoll + Hoodie Scarf + 55 seconds
Radioactive Fish: Fake Radioactive Costume + Fish in Foil + 10 seconds
Soap Flavoured Gummy: Blue Soap + Magical Gummy Stars + 51 seconds
Spade Shirt: Bonus Clothing 120 + Stop Trying Candy Spade + 27 seconds
Spaghetti Ice Cream: Spaghetti Bolognese + Vanilla Ice Cream Cone + 3 seconds
Striped Arm Warmers: Arm Plaster Cast + Pink Striped Glow Worm + 48 secondss
Stone Apple: Stone Cupcake + Giant Green Apple +52 seconds
Wooden Carrot: Wooden Glowing Egg + Carrot + 30 seconds
Yunicorn Doughnut: Yuni Horn + Fresh Glazed Strawberry Doughnut + 60 seconds