Final Dream Complete!
10 years, 8 months & 18 days ago

29th Jun 2014 13:56
Angel Chibs <333
You have accepted a pet offer on Lot Number 140407500382809!
You have received the following pets from puppyprints62:
Maesn (Angel Chibs)
With your offer of the following pets:
Laethe (Millionaire Chibs)
Sharrnie (Cartoon Chibs)
29th Jun 2014 01:52 PM
Greedy Gertrude Mission Guide
10 years, 8 months & 21 days ago

27th Jun 2014 10:17
Level #Item asked ;; Reward
Level 1Large Chocolate Milk ;; Thunder Potato
Level 2Milk ;; 250 MP
Back I guess
12 years, 4 months & 21 days ago

27th Oct 2012 07:08
Whoever reads this ily c:
Anyway, finally back! *stretches and relaxes* I've been gone for the past idk... year and a half? Long time I know. Anyway I'm re-opening MR and inviting new members, and striving to get an angel chibs. Some people are being rude about it, but others are really nice to help me <3 Anyway I hope y'all have a nice day... and Happy Halloween!
Rusty Mission v2!
13 years, 3 months & 3 days ago

14th Dec 2011 17:39
1st- Yellow minnoth Femur .:. Red Pythonix Skull
Reward: Country Potato
2nd- Blue Minnoth Tail Bone .:. Yellow Stego Tail Bone
Reward: 100 MP Dx
3rd- Orange Stego Humerus .:. Red Dracorex Skull
Reward: Rusty Twins Shirt
4th- Black Deino Femur .:. Orange Minnoth Femur
Reward: 200 MP D: