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  1. My new clan cats
    17th Jun 2009 19:18
    15 years, 9 months & 1 day ago
  2. The Story of Awies
    21st May 2008 20:00
    16 years, 9 months & 28 days ago
  3. My (old) Roleplay Cats
    1st Mar 2008 14:49
    17 years & 19 days ago
My new clan cats
15 years, 9 months & 1 day ago
17th Jun 2009 19:18

For the new clans of TWFC

name: Dyingrose
rank: Warrior
gender: She-cat
looks: Dark, smoky gray with black-tipped tail and ears. Blue eyes.
personality: Silent, keeps to herself, but friendly at the right times.
clan: Sunclan

And some stuff just for me that you shouldn't pay attention to:

4000th post:

ooc: Well, I just started to roleplay with mine, so hopefully, it's okay...

bic:: "Maybe it's a clan of ancient cats in starclan, joining together to make a giant star..."

The Story of Awies
16 years, 9 months & 28 days ago
21st May 2008 20:00

No, her name is not Owies or Awwwwies, it's Avvies!!! As in Avatar.

He was created a red addow. I fed him a red gumball and got the 'Red' avatar. Her first avatar, yay!

I fed Avvie a lollypop, and got the 'lollypop' avatar!

I got the 'Concoctions' avatar, so I turned Avvie into a Green Feliz, to us the concoction on her.

Ah well, didn't work, better luck next time

I attached a Miorot to Avvies, and got the 'Miorot' avatat!

I transformed Avvie into a Space Azul to get the 'space' avvie!

I attached at pink dracone to Avvies and I will wait 10 then 28 days for the avatar

Attached a PInk Fidge and got the 'Fidge' avatar!

She has now started the new and improved Tarquin mission, for the avatar!

Avvies started battling Housse today. Of course, she always looses, but all she has to do is battle him 250 times for the avatar! (2/250)

I have to start over on the 'Chubly' (10 day old minipet) avatar, because it had a service error on that day

My (old) Roleplay Cats
17 years & 19 days ago
1st Mar 2008 14:49

I know that we changed, so I can't use them anymore, but I still love them, so I will keep them here!

Name: Leopardfrost
Looks: White with black spots, like snow leopard
Eyes: Light blue
Personality: Fast and smart, and very loyal
Clan: Snow
Other: Step sister to Moonstreak

Name: Mudstorm
Looks: Gray with brown mud-like streaks
Eyes: Green and blind
Personality: Quiet and very loyal to what he believes in
Clan: Tree
Other: Is blind

Name: Moostreak
Looks: Beautiful pure white and fluffy
Eyes: Light blue
Personality: Proud of her looks, headstrong, and strong
Clan: Water
Other: Step sister to Leopardfrost

Name: Foxfur
Looks: Orange-red with white puffy tail and white socks
Eyes: Amber with flecks of gold
Personality: Fierce and strong but loyal
Clan: Blaze
Other: none

Name: Dog
Looks: All brown with a dog-tooth studded collar
Eyes: Green
Personality: Fierce and a bit unloyal to her clan, but extremely loyal to her mate, Foxfur
Gender: She cat
Clan: Blaze
Other: NA

Name: Calicokit
Looks: A calico pelt, with red, orange, brown, gray, black, and a white stomach and paws
Eyes: Amber
Personality: Shy and slightly weak, drawn to medicine cat's den...
Gender: She cat
Clan: Blaze
Other: Daughter of Foxfur and Dog

Name: Bearkit
Looks: Dark brown with a black belly
Eyes: Green
Personality: Tough and strong, would die defending his sister, Calicokit
Gender: Tom
Clan: Blaze
Other: Son of Foxfur and Dog

Name: Jay
Looks: So black he looks blue, sort of a moehalk thing starting at his head and going down his back plastered with mud
Eyes: Dark brown
Personality: Tough, but can be kind at times
Clan: Rogue
Other: N/A

Name: Dogpaw
Looks: Brown with gray spots
Eyes: Green
Personality: Tough, amusing, curious
Clan: Tree
Other: Son of Mudstorm, step brother to Skunkpaw

Name: Skunkpaw
Looks: Black and white, with the markings of a skunk
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Energetic and hyper, but kind
Clan: Tree
Other: Daughter of Mudstorm and LEopardfrost

Name: Graypaw
Looks: All gray
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Quiet and wise, mysterious
Clan: Water
Other: Daughter of Mudstorm and LEopardfrost

Name: Littlepaw
Looks:White with black spots, like a snow leopard
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Shy and a bit tough, sweet
Clan: Snow
Other: Son of Mudstorm and LEopardfrost

Name: Specklepaw
Looks: Brown with little white spots
Personality: Tough and strong, outgoing
Clan: Blaze
Other: Son of Mudstorm and LEopardfrost

Name: Starliteyes
Looks: Golden brown with an odd shining quality to his fur
Eyes: Purple
Personality: Mysterious and shy, something odd about him...
Clan: Rogue
Other: Fell to Leoaprdfrost right as her kits were being born, along with an odd prophecy

Name: Sheeppaw
Looks: White and fluffy, like a sheep
Eyes: Green
Personality: Kind and sweet, loving
Clan: Snowclan
Other: NA
Gender: She cat

Name: Canarypelt
Looks: Black and yellow, like a canary
Eyes: Green
Personality: Fierce but gentle, fast
Clan: Tree
Gender: She cat
Other: NA

Name: Fighterclaw
Looks: All black
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Kind but fierce
Clan: Snow
Gender: She cat
Other: NA

  1. My new clan cats
    17th Jun 2009 19:18
    15 years, 9 months & 1 day ago
  2. The Story of Awies
    21st May 2008 20:00
    16 years, 9 months & 28 days ago
  3. My (old) Roleplay Cats
    1st Mar 2008 14:49
    17 years & 19 days ago