My (old) Roleplay Cats
17 years & 19 days ago

1st Mar 2008 14:49
I know that we changed, so I can't use them anymore, but I still love them, so I will keep them here!
Name: Leopardfrost
Looks: White with black spots, like snow leopard
Eyes: Light blue
Personality: Fast and smart, and very loyal
Clan: Snow
Other: Step sister to Moonstreak
Name: Mudstorm
Looks: Gray with brown mud-like streaks
Eyes: Green and blind
Personality: Quiet and very loyal to what he believes in
Clan: Tree
Other: Is blind
Name: Moostreak
Looks: Beautiful pure white and fluffy
Eyes: Light blue
Personality: Proud of her looks, headstrong, and strong
Clan: Water
Other: Step sister to Leopardfrost
Name: Foxfur
Looks: Orange-red with white puffy tail and white socks
Eyes: Amber with flecks of gold
Personality: Fierce and strong but loyal
Clan: Blaze
Other: none
Name: Dog
Looks: All brown with a dog-tooth studded collar
Eyes: Green
Personality: Fierce and a bit unloyal to her clan, but extremely loyal to her mate, Foxfur
Gender: She cat
Clan: Blaze
Other: NA
Name: Calicokit
Looks: A calico pelt, with red, orange, brown, gray, black, and a white stomach and paws
Eyes: Amber
Personality: Shy and slightly weak, drawn to medicine cat's den...
Gender: She cat
Clan: Blaze
Other: Daughter of Foxfur and Dog
Name: Bearkit
Looks: Dark brown with a black belly
Eyes: Green
Personality: Tough and strong, would die defending his sister, Calicokit
Gender: Tom
Clan: Blaze
Other: Son of Foxfur and Dog
Name: Jay
Looks: So black he looks blue, sort of a moehalk thing starting at his head and going down his back plastered with mud
Eyes: Dark brown
Personality: Tough, but can be kind at times
Clan: Rogue
Other: N/A
Name: Dogpaw
Looks: Brown with gray spots
Eyes: Green
Personality: Tough, amusing, curious
Clan: Tree
Other: Son of Mudstorm, step brother to Skunkpaw
Name: Skunkpaw
Looks: Black and white, with the markings of a skunk
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Energetic and hyper, but kind
Clan: Tree
Other: Daughter of Mudstorm and LEopardfrost
Name: Graypaw
Looks: All gray
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Quiet and wise, mysterious
Clan: Water
Other: Daughter of Mudstorm and LEopardfrost
Name: Littlepaw
Looks:White with black spots, like a snow leopard
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Shy and a bit tough, sweet
Clan: Snow
Other: Son of Mudstorm and LEopardfrost
Name: Specklepaw
Looks: Brown with little white spots
Personality: Tough and strong, outgoing
Clan: Blaze
Other: Son of Mudstorm and LEopardfrost
Name: Starliteyes
Looks: Golden brown with an odd shining quality to his fur
Eyes: Purple
Personality: Mysterious and shy, something odd about him...
Clan: Rogue
Other: Fell to Leoaprdfrost right as her kits were being born, along with an odd prophecy
Name: Sheeppaw
Looks: White and fluffy, like a sheep
Eyes: Green
Personality: Kind and sweet, loving
Clan: Snowclan
Other: NA
Gender: She cat
Name: Canarypelt
Looks: Black and yellow, like a canary
Eyes: Green
Personality: Fierce but gentle, fast
Clan: Tree
Gender: She cat
Other: NA
Name: Fighterclaw
Looks: All black
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Kind but fierce
Clan: Snow
Gender: She cat
Other: NA