Stocks 2 sell
5 months, 24 days & 11 hrs ago

21st Sep 2024 22:56
So that I have an even number:
Nothing, currently.
Trading Annoyances
7 months, 11 days & 9 hrs ago

5th Aug 2024 01:03
Ah yes, you are trading me an account upgrades exclusive item that costs around 61 mil on the trading post currently instead of the 10 mil I asked for.
A good deal right? Surely I would accept it!
Let me ask you something: How easy is it to actually sell that thing? A minipet that you can only get a single plate from since it doesn't have other colors you could at least try to grind for?
And has that price been artificially inflated, considering that most account upgrade minipets seem to top out at around 15 mil themselves?
Sure, that minipet has an avatar... But it's a "random when making plate" one, not an actually guaranteed one. So it would be a massive timewaster, since I could only do a plate every few hours and the resort twice per day.
If I accepted it, I would likely have a hard time actually selling the minipet to make a profit, and you would have essentially robbed me of the 10 mil (now 9 mil) I wanted for my original item, an enchanted plushie of a limited pet, which is guaranteed to sell for a good amount of money.
Do better, try harder. Time to mark all my trades with "MP only" or something.
Avatar Temple Reminder
9 months, 20 days & 9 hrs ago

27th May 2024 00:58
One to choose this time: Gumball Addict