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  1. This is funny!!!
    17th Jun 2009 16:30
    15 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  2. HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Cheak this out and do it!!!! =D
    31st Dec 2008 14:13
    16 years, 2 months & 15 days ago
This is funny!!!
15 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
17th Jun 2009 16:30


Use the first 3 letters of your name. If your name olny had 3 letters in it, then use your whole name(Wow, I would have never thought of that, lol=]) Then read the phrase of the the beginning, middle or end that corresponds to your 3 letters then put the three into a line then read out loud. Have fun

A-I licked
B-I punched
C-I hit
D-I hugged
E-I screamed at
F-I smelled
G-I ate
H-I spray-painted
I-I fell on
J-I kissed
K-I slapped
L-I insulted
M-I killed
N-I skipped on
O-I hated
P-I tired out
Q-I ignored
R-I thrived on
S-I sat on
T-I forgot
U-I cried because of
V-I walked on
W-I thought of
X-I remembered
Y-I danced on
Z-I looked at

A-My best friend
B-My dog
C-My cat
D-A stick of butter
F-My computer
G-My I-pod
H-My stuff animals
I-A piece of grass
J-My front lawn
K-An apple
L-My bed
M-My bike
N-A window
O-The floor
P-A Flower
Q-My shoe
R-A book
S-My mirror
T-My CD's
U-My car(or dad's car)
V-A worm
W-A birthday card
X-One of my toys
Y-Some food
Z-A piece of clothing

A-Because I wanted to
B-Because I said so
C-Because someone made me
D-Because I've gone crazy
E-Because..why do you care anyways?
F-Because I was board
G-Because I was in a good mood
H-Because I was in a bad mood
I-Because I was told not to
J-Because I have lost my mind
K-Because I don't care anymore
L-Because I love it that much..well not really but anyways
M-Because I wanted a good laugh
N-Because I don't care what people think of me
O-Because someone stole my cookie!
P-Because it's my life
Q-Because someone laughed at me
R-Because I wanted to make a fool of my self
S-Because, who's going to stop me?
T-Because I'm just that cool
U-Because it hates me
V-Because it loves me
W-Because I'm taking over the world
X-Because it was taking over the world
Y-Because it was cold outside(?)
Z-Because it was warm outside

I slapped my best friend because I was in a good mood

HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Cheak this out and do it!!!! =D
16 years, 2 months & 15 days ago
31st Dec 2008 14:13


Choose 3 letters. Maybe they're the first 3 letters of your name or just random ones and pick your phrase by choosing the beginning, middle or end part of the phrase that corresponds to your 3 letters.

A-I skipped on
B-I killed
C-I loved
D-I thrived on
E-I danced on
F-I remembered
G-I noticed
H-I ignored
I-I insulted
J-I hugged
K-I walked on
L-I decided on
M-I tired out
N-I hated
O-I kissed
P-I fell on
Q-I laughed at
R-I slapped
S-I thought of
T-I insisted
U-I cried because of
V-I licked
W-I spray-painted
X-I sat on
Y-I forgot
Z-I was

A-A stapler
B-A ruler
C-The person below me
D-A map
E-A computer
F-A file
G-A mouse
H-An elephant
I-A phone
J-A dog
K-A speaker
L-A chair
M-A scanner
O-A marapet
P-A person
Q-A book
R-A pair of glasses
S-A doll
T-A lava lamp
U-A crumb
V-A friend
W-A bike
X-A pair of curtains
Y-A lift
Z-A tree

A-Because I wanted to
B-Because the sky is blue
C-Because it ate my homework
D-Because I'm random
E-Because it was too loud
F-Because it had a knife
G-Because I can't drive
H-Because I'm mad
I-Because a bearded lady told me to
J-Because it smelt like chocolate
K-Because...hmmmm...I don't know
L-Because I'm reading this
M-Because the sun is HOT
N-Because I'm greedy
O-Because I'm a pig
P-Because it looked burnt
Q-Because God told me to
R-Because I speak Chinese
S-Because I hate school
T-Because I don't like it
U-Because I'm stupid
V-Because I'm bored
W-Because Marapets rocks
X-Because I'm a cat
Y-Because I hate my sister
Z-Because I'm last

Mine: I walked on a stapler because I can't drive.

  1. This is funny!!!
    17th Jun 2009 16:30
    15 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  2. HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Cheak this out and do it!!!! =D
    31st Dec 2008 14:13
    16 years, 2 months & 15 days ago