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  1. Meeting Lacerta
    19th Jun 2015 08:32
    9 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
  2. Plushies That I Have Collected
    3rd Jun 2015 12:57
    9 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  3. Photos That I Have
    3rd Jun 2015 12:40
    9 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  4. Minipet Plates That I Have
    3rd Jun 2015 12:18
    9 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  5. Bertie Botts Every Flavour Jelly Beans
    26th May 2015 13:21
    9 years & 10 months ago
  6. The Muggleborn Makes Me Happy
    24th May 2015 20:14
    9 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  7. Whirlpool Statistics
    3rd May 2007 11:03
    17 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  8. IceCaves Statistics
    3rd May 2007 10:59
    17 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
Meeting Lacerta
9 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
19th Jun 2015 08:32

A Harry Potter Fanfiction
*Originally posted at 'elsewhere' under lexi.atel; this is me.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to Jk Rowling, I do not make any profit in writing this story what so ever, I am just having some fun.

Originally written for
The Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition(season three)

Round 7;

The BallyCastle Bats

Position: Beater 2

Main Prompt - Potions Class; Polyjuice

-Additional Prompts

3. (poem) 'Winter' by Jan Allison
4. (colour) olive
5. (picture) *fire place*

Story Title: Meeting Lacerta

Summary: Young Scorpius finds a girl in his room late one night. No ratings necessary. Family.


The wind howled, whistling through the tops of the trees. The cold, bitter breeze cut right through little Scorpius' heavy winter robes. Sharp pieces of ice, that had once clung onto the scrawny limbs of the trees, shattered around the boy, sliding along the sheet of the solid white layer of ice.

Scorpius' hold on his mother's gloved hand got tighter. He pushed himself closer to her as they neared the Manor, walking along the what would have been a paved path if it hadn't been covered with ice. No matter where he looked, Scorpius saw only white and it was nearly blinding. But he wasn't scared, because his mother would know the way back. He was just cold. Very cold. And he couldn't wait until they were back inside.

Finally inside, the ten year old removed his outdoor clothes and his mother directed him to sit down in front of the fireplace to warm up. He stared at the dancing orange and red flames, relieved to feel heat at last. He shivered a bit, a reaction of his body returning back to its regular temperature.

A few minutes later, a house elf came in with a serving tray, setting it onto a table. "Thank you, Snuffy," Mother said politely and excused Snuffy before calling Scorpius over to sit down for tea.

"When will Father come up?" Scorpius asked in his tiny voice.

His mother frowned and took her time in responding. Scorpius knew the answer probably wouldn't be "Soon." He twirled a biscuit in his hands, looking at it.

"He's really busy, sweetie," Mother said apologetically.

Scorpius lifted his shoulders up, pretending to be fine with the answer. Pouting about it wasn't going to make things better. "I know," he said softly and took a small nibble off his treat.

"And when he's through, he'll play with you!"

Scorpius could tell that she was just trying to make him feel better by forcing herself to be cheery. He gave a simple nod in response. He knew that too. But it had been a long time since his father had played with him. Mother had said that it had been five weeks since Father had started his potion brewing, and he was too busy to play with him. Scorpius had been told over and over that he just had to wait his turn. He was tired of waiting though.

* / *

A tap on the window made Scorpius bolt up from his sleep. His heart thudded wildly against his chest as he looked around the window, seeking for whatever the cause of the noise had been, but he saw nothing. After several minutes of silence, he took a deep breath and lay back down, turning his back on the window.

"Wake up," a child's voice whispered as soon as Scorpius shut his eyes again. The boy sat back up in his bed, giving his large room another look over. Something jumped up right at his bedside making Scorpius screech. He scrambled away, rolling off the bed.

A blonde haired girl about his own age giggled and climbed onto the bed to crawl toward him, stopping at the edge. She was dressed in a frilly olive green dress with white polka dots. "You're silly!" She said. "You certainly can't be afraid of me?!"

Scorpius scoffed."No!" He untangled himself from his blanket that had wrapped around him. "I'm not afraid of girl!" He said, standing up. "How did you get in here anyway?"

The girl rolled over onto her back, all the while keeping her eyes on him. "I was here already. Before you even," she answered.

"Before me?!" He demanded. "This is my house! And my room!"

"My name is Lacerta, but I already know your name, Scorpius," she introduced herself with a smile, ignoring his outburst.

"How?" He asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I know lots about you. And about Draco."

"Who are you...?"

"I told you already." Lacerta rolled her eyes. She then spun off the bed and hurried to the door. "Come on! I want to show you something!" She set her hand on the doorknob, pausing with opening it to look at Scorpius, who had made no move to follow. "Well?"

"I'm not supposed to wander out of my room at night," he informed her quietly.

"Why not?" She then gasped. "Do you think there are ghosts that haunt this floor?!"

"Ghosts?!" Scorpius whispered in a terror.

She laughed. "I was only playing, there are no ghosts here!"

The boy let out a small sigh in relief. "Good."

"Do you want your father to play with you?"

Scorpius nodded eagerly. "Yes! He promised to teach me some Quidditch moves, but he has no time anymore..."

"I can fix that, but you have to help me, okay?"

"Alright..." Scorpius slowly agreed and joined her side.

"You have to be very quiet," she whispered seriously after opening the door. "Come on!" She gestured him to follow her.

"What about the elves?" Scorpius suddenly asked, freezing up in fear of getting caught out of bed. He'd surely get into a lot of trouble if Mother found out that he was not where he was supposed to be!

"Stop worrying," Lacerta said gently. "The elves are clear on the other side of the Manor." She then began leading the way, tiptoeing three floors down, and stopping at the lowest floor.

Scorpius gasped. "We can't go in there!" He squeaked. "That's my father's Potions lab! He'll skin me a new one if I go in there!"

Lacerta rolled her eyes. "What are you; a ninny?!" She demanded, slipping into the room. "Come on, you'll thank me later."

Scorpius puckered out his lips and folded his arms. He sent the girl's back a glare, momentarily insulted by what she had said to him.

"Do you want to learn those Quiddich moves or not?" She asked impatiently after noticing that he had remained on the outside of his father's Potion lab.

Scorpius didn't need anymore encouragement. He stepped into the room, closing the door quietly behind him. "What do we do?"

Lacerta pointed to a long table. Things were scattered around it, and, in the middle, sat a bubbling potion. The girl walked to it and peered into the brew. She sniffed it and wrinkled her nose. "What's it smell like?"

Scorpius, who had followed closely behind her, leaned forward and took a quick whiff. He shrugged. "I don't know... Sort of... like lettuce?"

Lacerta nodded. "I was thinking that too." She turned around to the shelf behind them, her eyes settling instantly on a specific location. Her lips spread out into a grin. She took a wand out from the front of her dress. "Don't tell," she said in with mischievous whisper.

"You're not sup-"

She rolled her eyes. "Are you a goody two shoes too?!" Wordlessly, she summoned two very dusty jars from the top shelf. "Your Father's been working hard on something, let's give him a bit of help," she said, placing one jar on the table, and struggling with opening the other.

"I don't know how though..." Scorpius admitted quietly.

Lacerta grunted, growing frustrated with the lid that wouldn't come off. "But I know how," she reassured him. She set the unopened jar on the table. "See if you can open it! It's too tight for me!" She pouted. Scorpius took the jar and popped the lid off quite easily. He smirked at her, making her roll her eyes. "Okay, Mr. Strongman, measure out a cup of that liquid and pour it into the potion," she ordered, pointing to a liquid measuring cup that was already on the table, ready to be used.

Scorpius wrinkled his nose at the colour of the liquid as he tipped the jar, measuring out a cup of it. "What is it?" He asked, pinching his nose from the sour, gross smell.

"Rancid Lizards Juice," Lacerta answered. "It's hardly used in potions anymore." She shrugged. "I'm not sure why though, since it's a great ingredient! It makes the effects of potions last longer! Pour it in," the girl reminded him.

"It smells horrid!" He shrieked, once he had done as she said.

"Don't most rancid things?" She replied cheekily. "You might as well open the other jar."

Scorpius tilted his head warily, eyeing it. "It's not going to smell bad like the last one, is it?" He asked weakly.

"No. I promise."

Scorpius opened the jar and peered into it. "Hair?" He questioned, eyeing the near white, blonde hair.

"Yes! It's the most important ingredient!"

With her instructions, Scorpius took an empty vial from a case that sat on the table, filling it up with the potion. He then removed a piece of hair from the jar and dropped it into the potion. It instantly turned a dark shade of green, matching Lacerta's dress. White solid looking pieces of cubes formed, bouncing along as the potion burbled. "Now what?" He asked.

"Now you drink it," Lacerta said, her green eyes shining with excitement.

"Dr-Drink?" Scorpius suddenly gulped. The potion doesn't look very tasty...

"Isn't that what you do with most potions, Scorpius?" The girl asked, taking a ladle, and stirring the brew. "Don't you want to help your father succeed so he can play with you?"

Scorpius nodded and took a huge breath before he drank the potion in two gulps. He shuddered. "It's... cold..." he informed her, slightly startled by the icy temperature.

Lacerta nodded simply. "I figured it would be."

Scorpius stomach started twisting and turning after that, and he felt like he was going to be sick. He bent over to throw up, but nothing came out. When his stomach settled back to normal, he noticed that his hair had grown longer. He stood back up, grabbing at a handful of it in confusion.

"What did it taste like?" Lacerta asked eagerly.

"Um, like very nasty vegetables with a sugar icing."

Lacerta nodded. "That's probably the sugar cubes. Come along!" She skipped to the door, opening it. "Let's get you back to bed before you get into trouble."

"Sugar cubes?" Scorpius questioned as he followed her out. "We didn't put any sugar cubes in the potion."

Lacerta grinned. "No, Scorpius, we certainly did not!"

* / *

"Scorpius!" Mother called for him from his doorway. "Time to get up, dear! Breakfast will be ready in four minutes."

"Yes, Mother," he replied, sitting up and stretching.

Mother gasped. "What on Earth happened to your hair, son?! And... your eyes...your lips..." she trailed off, her mouth stuck in an open gap. She walked to him, inspecting the boy with her eyes alone. "Draco!" She shrieked. "Draco! Get in here! Hurry!"

* / *

"How much did you take?!" Father demanded, his grey eyes wide with worry. "It's important that you remember, Scorpius!"

"Only a vial!" Scorpius replied with a quivering bottom lip. "She said it would help you. I only wanted to play-"

"She?!" Mother interrupted.

"Who is 'she', Scorpius?!"

"That girl that was in my room... Lacerta..."


"Room?!" Father spun on his heel, leading the tiny family up to Scorpius' bedroom.

"Right there." Scorpius pointed to Lacerta. The blond girl sat on Scorpius' desk, slightly kicking at the face of it, creating a faint thudding sound each time her heels met the wood surface.

"Did you finally notice?" She asked with a giggle. "Ooooh!" She jumped off the desk and neared him. "Your lips are purple! That's probably why they don't use Rancid Lizard Juice in potions anymore!" She smacked her forehead. "Now, I remember! I had forgot all about that!"

"You made me look like a freaky girl!" Scorpius snapped, glaring at her. "And now I'm in trouble for it!"

Mother and Father were exchanging confused looks. "Scorpius..." Father started slowly.

"She said it would help you, Father!" Scorpius insisted. "I just wanted to help you with your work. That's all!"

"There's no one there, son..."

* / *

"Why can't they see you?" Scorpius asked that night after he had gotten back from Saint Mungo's to get his body back to normal. Thankfully, he hadn't gotten into too much trouble for messing up his father's potion. Father said he would be able to fix it now that he knew what Scorpius had done to it. Besides, his parents were currently more worried about him seeing someone that they couldn't.

Lacerta only shrugged.

"Are you a ghost?"

"No, I'm not dead... Just... invisible." She lowered her head to hide her face.

"How, and where are your parents?"

"They are dead, and have been for lots of years, Scorpius. I've been a member of this Manor for nearly 200 years."

"And no one but me has been able to see you?"

"I think it's a curse, created on a backfiring spell that my stepmother had made. You see, my stepmother didn't like me, as my father paid attention more to me than her. So she wanted to fix that, by secretly killing me, but instead of dying, I just kind of... vanished from sight... and everyone thought I was dead. When my eight year old half brother finally seen me three years later, we played together..." Lacerta went quiet, a tear slid down her face. She quickly wiped it away. "They thought that he had gone mad, because he could see me, and no one else could." She then lowered her voice down to a whisper, "On his eleventh birthday, he couldn't see me anymore... It's like that with all the kids that live here... When they all turn eleven, they can't see me. Then, they forget about me. When that happens, I spend most of my days in the Potions lab, because my Mother and Father were once grand Potion makers and it was my dream to follow in their footsteps."

"You're last name is Malfoy then?"

Lacerta nodded with a sniff. "I didn't even get to go to Hogwarts..."

"I'll never forget you," Scorpius promised, "and you can come with me when I go to Hogwarts."

She smiled sadly, staring at the lit fireplace in Scorpius' room. "That's nice of you to care, Scorpius, but you'll forget me when the time comes; just like all the others have."

Scorpius chewed on the inside of his lip. "Well, then, Lacerta, let's make this the happiest few months of your life!"

* / *

A new blanket of snow had fallen on the surrounding ground, sparkling like tiny diamonds. Tiny snowflakes were falling, sprinkling down from some magical world high up above.

Two children laughed as they tried making the perfect pair of snow angels. Only one could be heard by the couple who sipped their cocoa, watching their son enjoy what little time he had left of his childhood.

Plushies That I Have Collected
9 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
3rd Jun 2015 12:57

Since I am just beginning to collect these, it'll be easier for me to keep track of the plushies that I do have, instead of the ones that I need.

Listed in Alphabetical Order

Fairy Chibs Plushie
Love Fasoro Plushie
Marapet Keeper Plushie
Orange Chibs Plushie
Orange Leido Plushie
Pink Leido Plushie
Radioactive Leido Plushie
Red Grint Plushie
Red Jessup Plushie
Sindi Slide Plushie

Photos That I Have
9 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
3rd Jun 2015 12:40

Since I am just beginning to collect these, it'll be easier for me to keep track of the photos that I do have, instead of the ones that I need.

Listed in Alphabetical Order
The ones in bold means I have the pet- if you need/want the photo, let me know, I'll definitely trade for one that I don't have already.

Alien Daisy Photo
Balloon Leido Photo
Bee Echlin Photo
Blue Azul Photo
Blue Daisy Photo
Blue Gonk Photo
Blue Kidlet Photo
Blue Knutt Photo
Brown Addow Photo
Brown Walee Photo
Brown Xoi Photo
Candy Willa Photo
Chibi Rusty Photo
Chocolate Chibs Photo
Chocolate Leido Photo
Digital Quell Photo
Fire Paffuto Photo
Frostfire Xoi Photo
Gold Reese Photo
Green Azul Photo
Green Zetlian Photo
Hairy Vixen Photo
Hobo Chibs Photo
Ice Viotto Photo
Love Fasoro Photo
Monster Leido Photo
Musical Feliz Photo
Nefarious Ideus Photo
Pink Azul Photo
Princess Phanty Photo
Radioactive Equilor Photo
Red Azul Photo
Red Leido Photo
Red Xoi Photo
Robot Xoi Photo
Shaved Walee Photo
Snow Fasoro Photo
Snow Ushunda Photo
Spring Troit Photo
Slime Leido Photo
White Knutt Photo
Witch Xoi Photo
Yellow Azul Photo
Yellow Jessup Photo

Minipet Plates That I Have
9 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
3rd Jun 2015 12:18

Since I am just beginning to collect these, it'll be easier for me to keep track of the plates that I do have, instead of the ones that I need.

Listed in Alphabetical Order
The ones in bold means I have the minipet - if you need/want the plate, let me know, I'll definitely trade for one that I don't have already.

Black Chati Plate
Black Flaydor Plate
Blue Jacko Plate
Blue Pinto Plate
Brown Snoodi Plate
Camero Plate
Doogle Plate
Foh Plate
Gobbled Plate Plate
Green Goglue Plate
Green Volum Plate
Grey Yonce Plate
Gromps Plate
Orange Damaged Plate
Orange Tantow Plate
Orange Yonce Plate
Pink Christmas Plate
Pink Addimo Plate
Pink Addoth Plate
Pink Azint Plate
Pink Chiliz Plate
Pink Goglue Plate
Pink Daniel Plate
Pudine Plate
Red Deeko Plate
Red Miort Plate
Red Nodio Plate
Sawni Plate
Totette Plate
Toxic Plate
Vikee Plate
Yellow Horus Plate
Yellow Two Million Plate

Bertie Botts Every Flavour Jelly Beans
9 years & 10 months ago
26th May 2015 13:21

A Harry Potter Drabble "fanfiction" about Bertie Botts Every Flavour Jelly Beans!

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to Jk Rowling, I do not make any profit in writing this story what so ever, I am just having some fun.

Drabble # 1
Characters; The Marauders
Year: 1973
Title: Initiation

"All of 'em, Peter." James coaxed his chubby roommate. "If you want to be one of us, you have to put all of them in your mouth and chew them."

Peter whimpered. He looked like he was about to vomit, but the young Gryffindor was determined.

Sirius burst out in laughter as Peter's face deepened a shade of green. "This is great, James!" He smacked his friend on the back with glee.

"Indeed." James said smirking. "Your best idea yet!"

Remus frowned. They hadn't made him do that to be a part of their group. "Come on, guys, he's definitely proven himself."

James rolled his eyes. "Fine fine! Spit it out then, Peter."

Peter wasted no time. With a grimace, several jelly beans erupted from his mouth, spilling everywhere.

"Yick!" Sirius cringed at the half chewed, slimy candies.

"How'd it taste?" James asked, half interested.

"Like... the worst puke I've have ever done, multiplied by a thousand."

Drabble # 2
Characters: Severus and Lily
Year; 1969
Title: The Gift of Jelly Beans

"Petunia likes jelly beans, doesn't she?" Severus asked.

"Yeah, the red ones."

"I want to give her some for her upcoming birthday. I'll even pick out all the other colors." Severus said innocently.

"That would be a very nice thing, Sev! Thank you!" Lily hugged him.

Two days later, Severus gave Lily a paper bag with all of Petunia's 'favourite' flavours. "Make sure she knows it's from me." He said, concealing a smirk.

"I will!"

Drabble # 3
Characters; Fred, George, and Ron Weasley
Year: 1986
Title: All The Weasleys Do It.

"Ronald, you just GOT to do it!" Fred said.

"Yeah, every Weasley has done it before yourself."

"You can't be a Weasley unless you do it."

"I don't wanna!" Ron wailed, eyeing the box of jelly beans that George shook in front of his face.

"I guess you're not a real Weasley then." Fred said with a pout.

"And how I bet he'll end up in Slytherin for being such a ninny."

Ron narrowed his eyes. "No way!" he snatched the box of candy from his brother and tipped the whole box into his mouth, pointedly chewing the entire mouthful. His face scrunched up in disgust.

The twins burst out in laughter. Ron had the most interesting looks of expressions.

Bit by bit, Ron consumed every piece of the jelly beans. He shuddered when he was finished.

"Now what?" Fred asked his twin.

"Pepper Ups?"

Drabble # 4
Characters: Harry Potter, Dudley Dursley
Year: 1995
Title: I Like to Prank Too

Harry quickly emptied the box of jelly beans into a sandwich bag and folded up the box, tucking it into his pocket. He watched his cousin closely, although without necessity; the whale's eyes were glued to the screen of the television.

With a smirk, he switched out the jelly beans that Aunt Petunia had bought for Dudley with the ones he had bought.

Snickering, he took the bag of Muggle jelly beans up to his room to munch on. He sat at his desk, popping one at a time into his mouth, humming a tune he had heard on Fred's radio from a Wizard radio station.

Then he heard a god awful shout of disgust. Harry choked down a laugh and hid the rest of the Muggle sweets in a hollowed book that he had bought in Diagon Alley.

Maybe that'll teach his cousin how to properly eat his food.

Probably not...

Drabble # 5
Characters: James (II), Albus(II), Lily(II)
Year: 2012
Title: A Potter Tradition

"I don't trust you." Albus said with narrow eyes.

"Lily can vouch for me, won't you, Lily?"

Lily was too busy with her dolly to pay much attention to her brothers. "Yep." She said absently, brushing Reece's long black hair.

"You PROMISE that they are a special edition?" Albus asked warily.

"All the yummy flavours, Ably. It says so right here." He pointed, but Albus couldn't read well yet, so he had to take James' word for it.

"And if I do, a Galleon will appear?"


"Albus, Jamie wouldn't give you the jelly beans if that could happen." Lily's tiny voice came up reasonably.

"That's not true, I love my little brother!"

"Daddy would give you a Galleon if you ate them all yourselves, Jamie."

"Would he?"

Lily nodded eagerly, now watching her older brother. "He said so to me the other day. He says; 'If James can eats a whole box in one mouthfuls, I'll give him a Galleon, right from my bank account."

James smiled at the thought.

"That's what he says to me."

"Sorry, Al, but these are mine!" James ran off. "Dad! Dad!"

Lily returned to her dolly, changing out her dress and began singing a song.

"Lily..." Albus scolded. "You lied to him."

Lily looked up innocently. "I play good prank though." She then burst out into giggles.

  1. Meeting Lacerta
    19th Jun 2015 08:32
    9 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
  2. Plushies That I Have Collected
    3rd Jun 2015 12:57
    9 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  3. Photos That I Have
    3rd Jun 2015 12:40
    9 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  4. Minipet Plates That I Have
    3rd Jun 2015 12:18
    9 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  5. Bertie Botts Every Flavour Jelly Beans
    26th May 2015 13:21
    9 years & 10 months ago
  6. The Muggleborn Makes Me Happy
    24th May 2015 20:14
    9 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  7. Whirlpool Statistics
    3rd May 2007 11:03
    17 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  8. IceCaves Statistics
    3rd May 2007 10:59
    17 years, 10 months & 23 days ago