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02:20:16 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
KQdRu8c.gif Welcome to my profile (:

I'm a 23yo from the United States.

Trades: I accept MP or AU on all of my listed trades. I also consider trading for any items on my wishlist. My wishlist is updated regularly. My pets are not currently up for trade. If I ever do choose to trade any of my pets I will put them in pet trades.

I like helping people with their goals and quests. If I have something in my gallery or trades that you really need or you want to haggle, MM to discuss.

I often switch between my laptop and mobile phone and rarely log out so online status may be deceiving.

~MT~Open but I prefer MM
~Friend Requests~Open
  1. Pet Goals/Ideas
    13th Oct 2020 19:14
    4 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
Pet Goals/Ideas
4 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
13th Oct 2020 19:14

~Anime Tasi

~Minipet Vlad

~Bug Straya

~Moonlight Straya

~Funky Straya

~Baby Rusty

~Minipet Rusty

~Scout Rusty

~Anime Nino

~Minipet Nino

~Sparkle Nino

~Bug Sindi

~Bug Snookle

~Anime Willa

~Calico Willa

~Candy Willa

~Anime Chibs

~Baby Chibs

~Pixie Chibs

~Spring Chibs

~Baby Ercuw

~Gnome Ercuw

~Baby Daisy

~Fairy Daisy

~Pastel Daisy

~Autumn Limax

~Bug Limax

~Fairy Limax

~Nimus Limax

~Love Limax

~Breeze Viotto

~Calico Viotto

~Defective Viotto

~Floral Viotto

~Pastel Viotto

~Pixie Viotto

~Sleepy Viotto

~Spring Viotto

~Autumn Eyru

~Wizard Eyru

~Chibi Zola

~Cotton Candy Zola

~Daylight Zola

~Fairy Zola

~Fade Zola

~Nimbus Zola

~Moonlight Zola

~Spring Zola

  1. Pet Goals/Ideas
    13th Oct 2020 19:14
    4 years, 4 months & 30 days ago