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  1. Rating Writing - Scales / Credentials
    20th Feb 2011 16:26
    14 years & 29 days ago
  2. Impress Me
    20th Oct 2010 20:49
    14 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
  3. 'Mythological' Beings, their Habits, and Abilities
    16th Jul 2009 13:00
    15 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  4. The Creating of a World/Realm :: How To Guide.
    16th Jul 2009 11:59
    15 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  5. Writers Block? :: Inspiration!
    14th Jul 2009 16:06
    15 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
Rating Writing - Scales / Credentials
14 years & 29 days ago
20th Feb 2011 16:26

Ok. So I am going to randomly pop in on marapets, drop some harsh looking ratings, and most of you are not going to know where I am coming from, who I think I am, etc etc.

I use 3 different methods to rate. Marapets Rating Scale, Personal Acquaintance Scale, and Professional Rating Scale. Below I am going to describe why I don't feel too bad for doing this. So my credentials, if you will.

Believe it or not, I am not just a jerk online destroying what you find precious. Although, it may seem like I am, I am just a nice guy trying to bring some reality into your dreams before reality crushes you to pieces.

I've been a member of marapets for a long time. Before this ancient account I had another account. I pretty sure I have been here as long as marapets has been here. I have roleplayed with the 'greats' and seen some pretty amazing things here. People like PuppyPower I knew like, ages ago when her poems were kind of lame, and then she became like, skilled. Aquapower and Weeeveee are also gifted people, as were other amazing persons. My MRS is me comparing you to these great people, and to people whose names I will not mention (because they were that poopy at writing). Its fair. Take it as a bone, because my other rating scales are much harsher. Wide Grin

My best friend is an editor for some publishing company, and loves to give me lectures on what I do wrong, etc. When her book is published i'll link y'all to it if you want. My other friend is working on a book that I am sure her publisher will gobble up. this friend has won a couple big time writing competitions. My other friend got like, 3rd or something in the Canadian Remembrance Day Essay Contest. Doesn't sound too big, but she never submits writing to anywhere else. She is phenomenal. Regardless, 3 of my friends writing is published somewhere, or soon to be published (1). This is why I give a PAS rating.

I have been taking writing courses for the past year, and have taken many of them in the past. Whenever I pop in on marapets it is because my brain is fried, so there is a high chance you are going to see me slipping up. I apologize in advanced. I have the ability to edit someones work, and then the person who I edited can use me as a reference or w/e they do when submitting me to their publisher. I've only done this once, for one chapter of a book. Its not fun, and I will never ever do it again. Professional editing is a butch. This why I can give a PRS mark.

Impress Me
14 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
20th Oct 2010 20:49

Post a poem that you think will wow me. If it does, I may give you some riches and wealth. If not, I'll just say so. Bluntly, so don't cry.

'Mythological' Beings, their Habits, and Abilities
15 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
16th Jul 2009 13:00

???Mythological??? Beings, their Habits, and Abilities

These beings live on our oceans, completely invisible to the naked eye, they roam free. Only with the full moons light can you see them, but even then, it takes a keen observer to notice these beasts. They look like regular horses, but with a large horn on their head, and a blue aura around their hooves. They used to live in forests, and on land, but to preserve themselves, they were forced to move onto the ocean, where mankind cannot locate, or destroy them. They are commonly mistaken for water nymphs, mermaids, or other sea beasts. They have a beautiful song they sing to one another, a song so sweet it will lure man off his ship, and into the ocean.

Gnomes are the slyest of all beings. Living under floorboards, in cupboards, or anywhere else with enough room for them, they spend their days sleeping, and their nights moving man???s things around. With the ability to become unseen, they sometimes roam in the daytime, moving our keys and papers, just for the fun of it. They have the uncanny ability to change forms, and to get out of tight situations. From the start of mankind, these beings have roamed beside us, following us, tracing our every move. They love human activities, and commonly watch T.V. with us.

Of all the beings I will speak of, Faeries are the most common today. They have all shapes and sizes, and commonly travel solo, or with a close group of friends. Commonly mistaken as insects, they are killed frequently by man. Due to the fact that they have changed their physical appearance to that of insects, you will never be able to see the true faerie, since they have lost the memory of their form. Freedom loving beings, they will do whatever they please, with no real boundaries. There vocabulary is small, as is their attention span.

Unlike most think, elves are not little men in green, or large bowman like in fantasy movies. They are the second most logical being in this world, and posses many abilities man has envied them for. Needing to hide themselves, they have shrunk down 89% of their original size, and live in large dead trees. They are all peace loving beings, which practice in the arts of healing and growing. But do not take this as a sign of weakness. They are the most skilled fighters, and with hundreds of years of practice, even with their small size, would be able to take down a full-grown man.

The Creating of a World/Realm :: How To Guide.
15 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
16th Jul 2009 11:59

A rough plan on how to create your own World/Realm.
Written by Hawkear. Copywrited. Ask before taking anything out of this for anything at all.

To create a fantasy world, you need to be able to imagine yourself there. Close your eyes and picture what the world you are creating is like. What creatures are there? What is the general terrain? Is there large fortresses scattered about?

To successfully create a world, you must be able to colorfully describe what the world is like. If this means researching describing words for a day, so be it. You want to make the world as user friendly as possible. You may be able to imagine it, but can your audience?

Maps are always useful to make. Be it for a city, a realm, or for the world involved. Not necessarily necessary, well drawn maps are a fantastic start. If you can draw your realm, you can write it, and with an image of what the world is like with you all the time it makes writing in it fairly accurate. You do not have to go back and see what you wrote about where this is, and where that is.

Now that topography has been covered, what about climate? Is it a generally warm realm? Is it a miserable place, full of rain? Or perhaps a large drought has hit the realms. Your reader has to imagine what you imagine as you write about your world, so you must guide them as closely as possible.

Now that I have covered the world itself, we must touch base with the people. Are there different species? Are there different ???sides??? of the map for different alliances? Are there different species of animals? Give a brief overview of important creatures, groups, and cities as you describe your realm. This will give the audience a glimpse at what they are to deal with throughout the novel.

Next step is alliances. Is there good and evil groups? Are there dark forces scattered throughout the land? Are there certain places that are dreaded by mankind? What do the main characters have to deal with? Are there groups of trades??? people who travel on certain roads?

Now we get to the more complex details. The laws of the land. Is there a tyrant in power at the moment? Is there a curfew that the heroes must obey, are there corrupt law enforcement groups? Is there a certain set of rule that the hero must obey or face punishment, or even death? All of these areas must be taken into consideration.

Next is the all-time favorite subject: The laws of Magic. Does your world have magic in it? If so, how does it work? Are there certain risks, or a payment to make for using it? It is advised to limit the amount of magic used, and the types of magic used. If not, you may end up with all-powerful characters that can destroy anything they want at a drop of a hat. Or maybe the realm is already suffering under magic wielders, and have a hierarchical system of magicians who limit the amount of magic used. The sky is the limit in fantasy writing, and don???t you forget it.

Now you have to find a way to cleverly engraft your plot into this world you have created. Doing this successfully will ensure that you have a unique land where your characters can fit in, fight in, and die in.

Writers Block? :: Inspiration!
15 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
14th Jul 2009 16:06

How do I become inspired? How do I get over this major writers block!

These questions may fly around ones head as they are writing pretty much anything. How do you press on? What helps you write??

I have some useful tips and tricks to get inspired. First off, turn off your music. That???s right, turn it off. Now, look at your playlist. What songs are on there? How can they relate to what you are writing? Believe it or not, music affects you a lot when you are writing. Go through your entire playlist, and find those songs that you /know/ will make you feel inspired. Be it love music or music based on fighting for somebody. After you have chosen the songs that make you feel inspired, look through them again. What are you writing? How do you plan on going through this book? Set your songs up to the mood you plan on going by, and watch as it works wonders.

Music is one of those things that help inspire you, but there are more. Where are you sitting? Is it roomy? Do you have stretch room? Do you feel comfortable? These are important questions you should ask yourself as you set up for writing. Some people work better in the open, some work better in a closed room, with naught but a pen and paper. A view outside can also be /very/ inspiring. My personal favorite spot to write is the bubble of a moving train. My personal bests have been written in the bubble. The view is extraordinary. The outdoors has so many ideas for any scene in a book.

Now here comes another issue. How on earth do you get rid of writers block?

There are many, many ways to get through this common problem. I will list the ways I get rid of it.

1. Write short poetry. It can be meaningless, it can be powerful. Sometimes you just want to express something completely unrelated to your story. Poetry helps.

2. Free write. Just close your eyes (or if you must, watch your fingers) and write. Do not look at what you are writing, do not edit it. Just write until you cannot write anymore. Now read what you wrote. Sometimes its complete gibberish. Sometimes it???s fairly useful for your books. Some professionals say to use this way as well. I find it helpful sometimes, but other times it can be counter productive. It???s just how you role I suppose.

3. Write intro???s or plot ideas. This is why I role-play. I mean, I am sure I have made more plots then I have roleplayed so far. I find it a nice way to get distracted, and it can be fairly fun. Also, if you make a plot, it can be used for future stories. Really, it???s a win-win.

4. Sing. Find a great song, and sing along. Don???t know how, but it seems to be very helpful.

5. One of the most???effective, yet life changing ways is to fall in love. Nothing inspires a writer more then to fall in love. It does stuff to you, I swear it does. And none of this infatuation with ???Edward Cullen??? or ???Zac Efron???. I mean true to your heart love. To top it off, do not reveal your feelings at first. This makes you /want/ to write about it. And when you finally be true to your emotions, be it acceptance or rejection, your emotions go on a crazy rollercoaster. This is helpful indeed.

If you try these methods, I am sure you are going to get results. The best part about writing to get inspired is it also helps you improve your spelling. This leads me to a final point.

As you progress, make sure you have another read your work. Somebody you can trust to be honest with you. Ask them to tell you what they think. This can be nerve wracking, and painful, but believe me, this is helpful. If you learn to write alongside learning to take advice and go with it, you are bound to become a great writer. (Keep in mind though; some people were just not made to write.)

So these are my helpful tips. It is greatly appreciated if you shared your own; since we all know what applies for me does not apply for everyone. Just try it, Share your advice. It???s fun, really.

  1. Rating Writing - Scales / Credentials
    20th Feb 2011 16:26
    14 years & 29 days ago
  2. Impress Me
    20th Oct 2010 20:49
    14 years, 4 months & 30 days ago
  3. 'Mythological' Beings, their Habits, and Abilities
    16th Jul 2009 13:00
    15 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  4. The Creating of a World/Realm :: How To Guide.
    16th Jul 2009 11:59
    15 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  5. Writers Block? :: Inspiration!
    14th Jul 2009 16:06
    15 years, 8 months & 4 days ago