mine and KrazyKim1993's torchwood rp2
16 years, 11 months & 22 days ago

22nd Mar 2008 04:04
jack walked into torchwood.followed by ianto.his hair was everywhere and his clothes where not none right and scrowed up.
"morning owen"he smiled coming and seeing what he was doing.
"i see you have a fun night, jack"he said cutting something up. it looked like a alion but who nows.
harry walked in to."hay owen"she smiled then she looked at jack"i won't ask"she said rolling her eyes.
Tosh entered. "Morning Owen." She smiled. "Jack there has been some alein sightings over the river."
"Most liking people playing up." Martha said walking in.
"Where's Gwen?" Ianto asked.
"hay tosh,ianto i have not seen her today."he sighed.
jack nodded "to my office please ianto,harry"he walked off.
harry shruged and walked after him.
Ianto shrugged and followed.
Tosh and Martha shurgged and set to do some work.
Meanwhile Gwen woke sleepily. She sat up slowly rubbing her sore arm. She looked down. "Oh..." She said shocked. She was pregnant!
((Going to do the pregnant ne except she's already married.))

"ianto!"jack shouted siting down.harry smiled.harry lent on the table,her arms stretched out.she looked jack right in the eyes.
Ianto sat down too.
Gwen grabbed her mobile and called Torchwood's number as quickly as possible. Tosh picked up. "Gwen where are you?"
"Tell Jack, Owen and Ianto to get here as soon as possible. I-I'm pregnant."
"WHAT!?" Tosh said looking shocked at Owen and Martha. Martha frowned.
she blow in his face.harry then walked out the door."someone say pregnant?"she shouted to tosh.
"you what?"owen shouted coming out from a room.
"ianto,i'm a geting this right?"jack asked.
"Gwen's pregnant!" Tosh said going to Jack and Ianto. "She needs you, and Owen there right away because obviously it's alein as she wasn't 8 months pregnant yesterday."
"what like the last one?"owen said.
"right,now that better then what i was thing!"he walked out the door and down the steps.on his way he winked at harry and she blushed.
"owen get the divise and meat me in the car"he pulled on his coat.
owen nodded and ran off.harry just stood there.
Tosh nodded and headed back to the computer. "Harry try and track that alein they were chasing last night. I have a funny feeling that it has something to do with that." Tosh said.
Ianto grabbed the SUV's keys and headed for the door.
"Need me to help?" Martha shouted to Owen.
Gwen stared at herself in the mirror. "Not again." She whispered.
"nope got it!"owen shouted"o harry?you want to see a real alian?"
harry nodded. and thay ran off.
jack got in with harry and own and ianto.
"ianto,mush!"jack said.
Tosh and Martha shrugged and got back to work.
Gwen continued to stare.
"o never mind ianto!"jack said starting up the suv and off thay went.
10minuets later....
"gwen...."jack sung barsting in from out side.
"gwen,i'm hear to kill your baby??"owen said then smiled when he just got what he said and jack smiled to.
"hay gwen,cool bump!"harry smiled walking in."sorry about them to,owen has been giving jack gas agean and owen is um.. well i don't no about him"
"J-Just get rid of it!" Gwen said desperately. "Wait are you using that thing again Owen. If so NO WAY!"
Ianto walked in. "Morning Gwen Hows the bump?"
jack,owen and harry smiled.
"sorry gwen but it walked last time"he said looking around."um... anyone seen rhys?"
back at torchwood...
"hay sweety"john said walking in to the hub.
"NO IDEA WHERE HE IS!" Gwen said angrily getting up.
Back at Torchwood...
"John! How'd you get in?" Tosh asked getting up.
"Who's this?" Asked Martha.
"hay there sweety"he said walking over to martha.
"well sorry!"owen said looking way.
"look i will do it!"she siad grabing the thing.pointing it at gwen."right stay still"
jack hide behind ianto and owen hide in a cobard.
"Well hello." Martha smiled.
"No way Harry!" Gwen said quickly moving.
(going to wotch TW see you tomorrow)
owen looked out of the doors."is it over?"he asked.
"o but gwen i'm good at this!"she said smashing a table "o sorry"
john smiled.he grabed martha by the wast.
"Harry!" Gwen winced.
"Bit strong." Marth asmiled. Tosh rolled her eyes.
((Ok bye!

"sorry,did you like thet?"she asked.
jack banged his head agenst the wall.
"so whats a girl like you doing in a place like this?"john asked.
"Just do it!" Gwen shouted quickly.
"Trying.." She pulled away from John. "...to work."
"right o"she smiled pointing it at her. owen shut the doors.
"aaaaaaahhhhhhh!"she shouted as she flow back.it had shot in the right place and worked.jack steped out from behind ianto and owen came out the cubard.owen grabed harry but.... "i i.."he steped away as she got up."i can feel her flesh".
"well why don't you came work with me,sweety"he said letting go and walking over to a chair and siting down with him leg up on the table."its better the this place...you no um..."he was trying to remember what it was called.
Gwen held her stomach, relieved, but in pain. "T-thanks H-Harry." She gasped.
"Torchwood." Tosh grinned tapping on her computer.
"what do you mean,owen?"jack asked.
"i i can feel!"he smiled.
"huh?"harry asked looking around.
"yea yea what ever"he said"hear tosh was it?,yea tosh get me and my new friend a drink"
Gwen smiled through her pain. "Are you serious?"
"You know where the kettle is..." Tosh said still tapping away.
((ohn is back in the final episode. I'm not watching TW tonight because I've seen it.

(ha ha!!i still have 2 more to go instead of 1!

"yes"owen said"i could feel her worth"
"we had better go back to the hub and check it out"jack said.
"great,coffee for me love"john smiled.
Gwen smiled. "Give me two minutes." She said disappearing into the bathroom. Just then Rhys walked in.
Tosh rolled her eyes and didn't move.
((Isn't there three left? Adrift is tonight's one. I've seen that. Then there's two more.))
(no cos there 12 in a seres)
"owen stop looking at me like that!"harry hissed.
owen was giving her one of him looks.you no when he was alive,the way he looked at girls.
jack knocked on the door."come on gwen we don't have all day"he tarned round "ianto tell tosh and martha we are coming back"
"come on"he said"it toke me along time to come hear i'm parched".
((There's 13 episodes. i have one left to see, but there are two more to be shown.))
"Tosh we're heading back." Ianto said into his communicator.
"Ok hold on." Gwen said. She came out in her jeans and a red top. She tied her hair loosely at the back. "What the hell's been going on here?" Rhys asked. "I'll explain later." Gwen said kissing him.
"Ok Ianto." Tosh replied. "Like I said you now where the kitchen is, get it yourself. Oh and Jack and that are coming back."

"o good"john said rolling his eyes.
back at torchwood and thay are just coming down the lift.
"hay tosh,martha,john"he smiled"did i just say john?"the lift stopped."john???"
"sup Marapets is totally awesome"john said getting up.
jack,owen and harry stepped off.
"owen stop it!"harry said"and don't try anything.
"tosh why is he hear?"jack asked.
Gwen and Ianto stepped off too. "Hello Vera." Gwen smile a glint in her eyes.
"No idea, he just appeared." Tosh said getting up.
"Owen what's wrong?" Martha asked staring at him.
"no thing martha"he smiled"just...I CAN FEEL AGAIN SO I'M NOT DEAD!!"
"o shut up owen!"harry shouted.
"well well who is this?"john asked looked at harry.
"That's great!" Martha beamed hugging him. Ianto and Gwen smiled. "That's Harry." Gwen smiled still. "The new member of our team."
"harry sparrow?"he asked trying to get martha out the way.
"yea what?"she said tarning round.she bumped right into jack who lost his footing,grabing gwen and ianto and harry grabed owen.
thay landed on a heap on the floor.
"o hay ianto"jack smiled who was on top of him.
"ahhhh!"harry shouted"get of owen!"she got up.and looked around."he he sorry"
Ianto smiled. "Gwen mind getting off me?" he asked as Gwen was on top of him. "Sorry." She said getting off and sitting n the floor. "Gwen you're bleeding." Martha said going towards her.
"It's just a scratch Martha." Gwen smiled looking at her arm.
Ianto got off Jack. "Sorry Gwen I think that was my fault." Gwen shrugged as Martha looked at it. "It's fine, just a scratch."
jack and owen sat up.
"sorry again"she sighed.
jack got up."its ok harry"smiled jack."now thets got you checked over"
"right"she smiled
"martha go help owen and harry do the tests and um.... will someone make me a coffee please"he begged scraching him head"it to arly in the morning!"he stoped and walked to his office.john followed.
Martha nodded and went with Owen and Harry.
Ianto shouted. "Sure...give me two minutes. John you want one?"
Gwen got up and thought for a moment as her mobuile rang. "Hello?" She said picking it up.
jack sat down and john stood at the door.
"she a hand full i gess"he said.
jack nodded"yes but she is great"
"right we need to check my DNA,blood and anothing that might make owen feel me"she looked away and went red"i mean, be able to feel only my flesh and not away eles"
Martha smirked slightly.
Ianto took in two cups of coffee to Jack and John.
"No, it's fine. I'll be there as soon as possible. Is anyone hurt?" Gwen said down the phone. "Ok I'll bring a medic. Right ok." She put the phone down. "JACK! Weevil attack in the town centre. Big panic. Someone's hurt. Martha want to come and help me?" Gwen asked grabbing the SUV's keys. Martha nodded. "Sorry guys, I got to help Gwen."
"thats ok"owen said
"i'm comeing to!"harry shouted but owen grabed her."unfare!"
jack ran down stairs."ianto look after harry,owen and john,tosh with use!"
Tosh nodded and grabbed her gun. She slipped in on her belt, as did Gwen. Martha had no need for a gun as she was a medic and plus she'd never used one before. Gwen threw Jack the SUV keys.
"What if..." Ianto started glancing at John. "...He gets out of control?"
"then give him to harry!"jack shouted.john smiled.
jack got into the SUV and started it up.
"ianto!!!"harry shouted.
Martha, Gwen and Tosh climbed in. Gwen in the front. "Tosh can you locate the weevil or where the attack has been exactly?" Gwen asked her. "Sure." Tosh nodded pulling the computer out from the back of the seat and tapping away.
"Yes?" Ianto said going over to Harry.
john flowed.
"well you please help"she asked."i need you to hold this"she throw her top at him.she had a brare on but john still smiled.
"o grow up!"she shouted
"hay"he nuged ianto "does this remind you of someone?cos it does me"he whispered.
Ianto turned away.
"Ok, I got the place. middle of Town by Starbucks." Tosh said still tapping away.
"um.... coffee"jack said driving off.
"ianto whats wrong?"she asked siting on the cold table.
"right blood please"owen said geting a needle but before he could take some harry had slit open her arm.
"Oh nice." Ianto winced.
"Jack we are not stopping for coffee." Gwen said strapping herself in.
"well its not like..."she waved her arm"like your covered in it"she said sloftly "sorry"
john licked ianto face where the blood was.
"needs more iron"john said.
"oh...but..."jack said as thay stoped.
Ianto pushed John away angrily.
"No Jack." Gwen said gettng out. "Sometimes feels like I'm the boss you know." She raced off gun drawn. Tosh jumped out after her, Martha grabed her medical kit and sprinted after them.
"you say what now?"jack hissed getting out.he got out his gun and ran after them.
owen stiched harry up and she got up.
"ianto can i please have my.."be she never got to finish what she was say cos john triped her over.
"John!" Ianto said helping Harry up.
Gwen stopped in shock. Twenty or so Weevils were running around. "No way..." She whispered. Tosh and Martha stopped.
"ianto,owen,harry we need back up!"jack said.
"right boss"harry smiled poting her top back on."owen do we have any weevil DNA?"she asked.
"yea why?"
"great mine,now pot it in my blood sistem"
"right"owen said grabing it and toping it into her arm.
"Martha, there are some injured people over there." Gwen pointed. "Take Tosh with you." Tosh and Martha nodded and walked slowly over keeping an eye on the Weevils.
"I've got a plan Jack." Gwen said looking at him. "We need to get them away from these people. Ready to play bait?" She asked smiling. "Get ready to run." She whistled grabbing most of the Weevils attention. "Hey over here!" She shouted. "RUN!" She shouted to Jack running off as the Weevils ran after them.
jack ran to just as the overs arived.
"run!"he shouted to harry "ianto help tosh and martha you to owen!"
owen nodded and harry ran off.john got out streched.wotched the weevils go after jack and walked in for a coffee.(lol,now thats mean cos jack wants one)
Ianto raced over to help the others.
"Got any ideas Jack?" Gwen asked still running as the weevils followed them.
"coffee?"he asked and harry hit him over the head.
"he means... yes your right jack,coffee!"
harry smiled "the coffee well burn them!"
john sat wotching them from the window with some coffee.
"You're kidding yeah?" Gwen said.
"no!"she smiled"follow me"she ran into starbug.jack followed.
Gwen rolled her eyes and followed, closely followed by the Weevils. She drew her gun. "Everyone out now!" She shuted as the customers legged it out the door screaming.
Martha knelt beside a badly wounded girl.
owen knelt down trying to take her pouls.
"ahhh!being dead does not help!"he said"martha you do it!,where is harry when you need her".
"get coffee and anything you can grabed!"harry shouted getting hot water.
"mine!"jack said grabing john's coffee.he take a sip.
"hay..oh i wanted that!"john hissed.
"now thats what i needed"jack smiled.
Martha took her pulse. "It's so weak!" She said. "Owen tend to her wounds."
Gwen grabbed a pot of hot water. "Harry this won't last long. Maybe 5-6 Weevils at most."
"do i look like i can?"he said but did it.
"ye but it will still work till we can get them away!"she said.
"You're still a doctor." Martha snapped.
"Ok if you say so...on 3. 1...2..." Gwen said
"3!!"she said as the weevils barsted in.
"yea yea"owen said"she lost blood we had better get some more"
Martha bit her lip. She took some of the girl's blood and tested it. "She's the same blood type as me." Without thinking she plunged a drip into her arm and the girl's arm, giving her blood.
Gwen threw the hot water over the Weevils.
so did harry and jack.
"heads up martha!"harry shouted throweing her a knife.
Matha caught it. She but her arm and placed another drop in gving the girl more blood.
The weevils started to scream, but more came. "Any more ideas?"
"um....."she made poping noises."run?"she said.
owen kept the drip in place.
"Good idea." Gwen said grabbing Harry and Jack's hands and pulling them to the back door.
Martha winced as the drip moved. "Ow!"
"gwen jack go!"harry said stoping.
"I'm staying if you are" Gwen said quickly.
"i don't think you want to see this gwen"harry said as the weevils came closer.
"Yeah well I'm sure I can handle it." Gwen said.
"ok..."harry said.she smelt the air.
jack stoped half way to the SUV."owen martha?wheres harry and gwen?"he asked.
owen shruged.
"there fight the um.. weevils"john said walking past.
"Wait you left them to!" Martha said to jack sudden;y. "Harry might not be able to die or whatever, but Gwen can!"
"i can die!!!"harry shouted.
"and anyway,harry wont let gwen die,you have to trust her martha"
"what like thay trusted you jack?"john said stoping.jack gave him a evil gler."so jack how many peaple died then?"
"Yeah and because everyone that trusts you always survives don't they Jack." Martha whispered. She looked at the floor. Ianto looked away, they'd seen so many deaths of people they'd cared for.
"What's the plan Harry?" Gwen asked.
"you no this new body,well it has this!"she smiled giving her spider web like chanes.
"rap this around them and then hiyer a van to get them back"
"look just get in,thay will be ok!"jack hissed grabing the door of the SUV."oh and martha!i have saved more lives then you have,even with the doctor!"he got him and owen followed with the girl in his arms.
"Ok sounds good." Gwen said taking it. "Ready?"
Martha glared at Jack. She slmemd the door shut and walked away leaving her Torchwood pass and gun on the floor near the SUV. "Jack you can't just let her walk away!" Ianto said quckly.
"yep!"she smiled "now get ready!"
"i can but she can't"she nodded at harry and gwen.
harry could see martha walking way."gwen get martha hear now!"she shouted"we are going to need her".
"lets go"jack said starting up the car."we will see martha soon"
"MArtha!" Gwen shouted, but Martha ignored her, she kept walking. "I'm guessing she's leaving us." Gwen whispered.
"Jack! You can't just levae her!" Ianto said.
jack said nothing.
"martha jones!"harry shouted getting ready to fight."just cos jack said something that,does not mean you have to walk away."
Martha kept walking away. "Great." Gwen whispered. "What do we do now?" She asked.
"JACK!" Ianto shouted now getting a little angry.
"martha you walk away and i will tell him!"she shouted as the weevils came crashing in."please martha!"
jack got out and walked over to ianto.he looked down on ianto cos he was a little shorted then he was.
"ianto jones"he smiled a little."don't fuss!"
"Tell Jack what?" Gwen asked Harry as Martha kept walking away.
"F if you won't go after her then I will." Ianto said runing after Martha.
"Jack now Ianto has gone." Tosh warned.
"no not jack"she said"the doctor!"she shouted.
owen grabed ianto."no you don't big feller"he said holding him.
"ianto,just stop and think!"jack said as john started to lath.
"The doctor? The one Jack spoke of." Gwen asked.
"So first you let Gwen and Harry solve a problem with 20 plus weevils, ten you let Martha walk away, while we go back and sip coffee." Ianto growled pushing Owen off him.
"Owen let go of him!" Tosh said stepping towards them. Ianto looked grateful for help.
"toshio,if martha will see sence then she will lission to harry and gwen"jack said grabing ianto himself and hugging him."ianto carn down"he said.
Ianto pushed him angrily from him.
"Harry I say we run." Gwen whispered as the weevils edged closer.
"you get the van and i will lead them in.
martha,please help we need you" harry begged.
"ianto we are going back to the hub"jack said.
"we need to save her"owen looked at the girl."she will die and i need all the help i can get".
"I'm not leaving you. MARTHA! GET THE VAN! PLEASE!" Gwen shouted. Martha froze and bit her lip. "Marth we need you!" Gwen shouted as the Weevils got closer.
Ianto looked from Martha's back to the girl, and got into the SUV.
"o at last"jack said getting in and owen did to,he was holding tosh's hand very tite.
john sided and got in to.
"gwen get ready!"harry said getting ready.
Tosh squeezed his hand.
Gwen got prepared as there was a beeping of a van. Gwen turned around to see Martha driving the van towards them. "YES!" She shouted.
"hay hay not to hard i don't want something eles broken.
harry smiled."right i'm going!"she said running into the back.
"ahhhh!!"she shouted "weevils!"she jumped out and shut the doors."never doing that again!"he said wiping the blood of her face.
Tosh smiled.
"Well done Harry, Martha!" Gwen smiled.
the team pulled up to torchwood followed but the girls.
"owen tend to the girl,tosh find a good place for the weevils,martha go help owen,gwen make shore the weevils and um... harry ianto come to my office"she said walking off.
"ooooohhhh"owen said and walked off.
Tosh and Gwen headed off to sort out the Weevils.
"Yeah well I'm going to help Martha and Owen, like Owen said he needs as much help as possible." Ianto snapped angry about earlier.
"It's ok Ianto. We'll be fine." Martha smiled following Owen.
"yea ianto,i think he relly wants to see you"harry smiled walking up.
"jack what about me?"john shouted.
"make some coffee!"jack shouted back.
owen pot the girl on the cold table."we need some blood"owen said
"I'll do the coffee." Ianto said angrily marching off.
"Again?" Martha commented. "Owen you know we don't keep blood here. This is a room for cutting up aleins, not humans." She slashed her ar, again and pushed in the drip.
"no you don't"harry grabbed him and pulled him into jacks office and locked the door.
"you no i worried about you,but now I'm dead i don't but......her vital bits have been bashed".Owen said."so we need blood and some new organs"
Ianto looked angry.
"And where do we get them?" Martha asked.
"um..."he asked switching on him music.it was playing Poor Unfortunate Souls.he grabed a handle and pulled.it opened it up and a human body was there."well don't just stand there!"he said handing her a knife"get cuting"
"jack should i be hear for this?"harry asked.
"yes"jack nodded.
Martha made a large slice. "What does she need?"
"Here for what?" Ianto asked.
Tosh and Gwen loaded the Weevils in a top sercurity basement.
"lung,liver and a nose"he sighed.
"ianto,something very bad has happened"jack sighed.
Martha cut carefully.
Ianto frowned. "What?"
Gwen and Tosh headed for the Hub.
"we have um.. the over going to be wiped out of this world,with martha and we need to do somthing baout it"he exsplaned.
Ianto frowned. "How'd you mean?"
"i fort i made it clear"he sighed.
"look ianto,if we don't go back in time and stop who ever it trying to kill use then we will dissapear"harry said leaning on the door.
"So we have to go back in time, to safe our lives?" Ianto frowned.
"yea"harry and jack said together.
"Right, who's going then?" Ianto asked.
"we can't tell the overs but we can tell then in the past"jack smiled.
"he he a young torchwood"harry smiled to.
"But then they'll already know now." Ianto frowned looking over at Tosh and Gwen as they waked in. Gwen winked slightly before carrying on.
"i fort i locked that!"harry moned.
jack rolled his eyes and walked over to ianto."we can't let them no yet"he whispered.
"aaaaaaahhhh!!"owen shouted he lifted up his hand and a cut was there and bleeding."thats odd?"he said then looked at martha."martha where is your arm?"he asked.
"Here." Martha frowned. "Owen you're bleeding!"
"you think!"owen shouted"martha your arm is dissapearing".
"DOn't be silly." Martha snapped looking at her arm. "Oh my....!"
"so ianto any ideas on getting back in time?"jack asked.
"see look!"owen said."o god"
Martha started to panic.
"except?"jack said.
"don't panic martha!"owen shouted getting strested.
"There is one thing." Ianto frowned.
"DON'T PANIC!" Martha screamed.
"i'm no!!"he shouted.
"what?,harry go find wants wrong with martha nad owen,i can hear them shouting".jack said to harry.
"right"she smiled walking out the door."hay um.. girls your arms are dissapering"she smiled as she walked past.
It was Tosh and Gwen's turn to panic now. Gwen ran over to anto and Jack. "JACK!" She shouted looking at her disappearing arms.
"Owen you are as well!" Martha screamed.
"yes but only the holl in my chest!"she said looking shocked.
"hay girl!"harry said walking in and siting on the side.
"huh?oh what"he asked looking half asleep.
"Why aren't you disappearing?" Martha asked Harry.
!Jack we're disappearing." Gwen panicked. Ianto frowned at them.
"gwen don't be silly i just got this on"he said pulling out a divisce."it makes you vanish"
"me?"she asked.
"yes you!"owen shouted.
"o um.. cos i'm good?"she asked.
"Then switch it off!" Gwen and Tosh yelled at him.
"Harry!" Martha shouted "What's going on!?!"
"ohhh but i like it"she said sadly and stitched it off."well ianto?"he whispered in ianto's ear.
"what? oh nothing,sorry just um... he he something i made and i did wrong its ok it will turn off soon"she liyed.
Ianto looked at him. "What?"
"Harry you're lying!" Martha whispered
she blushed and a scrach mark showed.
"harry wants that?"owen asked poting his now gone hand.
she pot her hand over it."you don't want to no"
"yes i do!"owen said changing hands.
harry walked over and whispered in his ear.the she walked back to the over side.
"ok.... never mine.."he said looking very ill.
"to go back in time ianto!"he whispered.
Martha frowned.
Ianto nodded. "To save them?"
"shoosh!"jack said quickly"yes"
"she it turning into jack!"owen told martha.
"now you have to beleave me its something that i made" said harry
Ianto nodded. "Okay." He whispered.
Martha was still panicking. Now Tosh and wen had joined them too.
"aaaahhh!"harry shouted."to many girls panicking can't handle it!must.... go with jack and ianto...."she walked out the room.
"i'm not a girl!!!"owen shouted.
harry walked into the office.
"right what has ianto said?"she asked.
jack looked at her."i don't no do i?"he walked back and sat on his desk.
"Right there is a device that allows us back in time."! Ianto said.
harry hugged ianto and kissed his on the check.jack gave harry and ianto a gales looks.
"right off we go!"jack said grabing harry and pulling her off.
Ianto searched for the device and found it quickly.
"o at last can we go now?"harry asked being held my jack."hay jack you no..."he said blushing again.
jack looked at her with a little gitter in his eye."hay ianto can this just what for like 5 minutes?"he asked.
"What?!" Ianto asked.
Gwen laughed suddenly. "Yeah, but you are a girl."
"i'm a girl?"
"he's a girl?"jack and harry said together.
"i'm not a girl!"jack shouted.
"oh gwen you leg is going to"harry smiled evilly.
Gwe shrugged. "Tell Rhys I love him." She smiled sadly.
"we will"jack and harry said together with there fingers crossed.
"right ianto lets go"he smiled.
Ianto fiddled with the device and pressed the red button sending them back in time.
"hay jack i....."said john but he walked into it just before it closed.
thay all landed on the ground.
"ha hu"jack smiled "i have you where i wont you"he was talking to ianto because he was laying on top of him.
"jack!"harry shouted.
"o um.. maybe another time"jack smiled again at ianto as he was being dragged off.
john stood up."should i ask um... yea i should" he was slow and carm till.."what the hell??"he shouted.
Ianto looked around. "I think this is before we started Torchwood, obviously Jack you'll be here, but me, Tosh, Owen and Gwen shouldn't. Neither should Harry or John. We have to find each of us and stop whatevers going to happen. Except won't be able to meet myself in the past as it would change the future."
jack smiled."yea but i can"
"i think i'm 15 now"harry said.
john crept away.
"right i have dibes on see ianto in pjs!"harry shouted
"thay had better be better then the ones now"said jack with a big grin on his face.
"are thay pink?"she asked
jack stoped and looked at ianto and nodded,then whispered"with white rabbits on" and thay barst out larthing.
Ianto turned bright red. "Right anyway we should get on. And it's not rabbits, it's ducks." He smiled, got up and walked off.
harry smiled.
"right who first what about tosh?"jack asked walking down that very big hill.
"Sounds good to me." Ianto said.
"so where would tosh live?"harry asked.
"no idea but lets look"said jack looking around.
"Well she used to live with her mum." Ianto said remembering. (NO! Tosh and Owen died. Can we still keep them going? I don't think it'll feel right without them.))
"right to toshiko's mum!"harry said walking with her finger in the air.
jack looked worry and she put it down.
Ianto frowned, but nodded and headed off toward Tosh's mum's.
"harry it this way"jack said walking after ianto.
"oh right.."she smiled running after them.
Ianto soon came to a small house. "Is that it?" He asked Jack.
"i don't no?"he nocked on the door.
a old lady opened the door.
"yes dear"she said to jack.
"see are hear to see toshiko sato"jack said.
toshiko's mum smiled."so your the lucky man?"she asked.
harry pushed jack aside."no that would be owen harper,he is are lucky man"she smiled.
"right... toshiko!"she shouted.
Toshiko bounded down the stairs. She was younger and looked less worked out. She frowned. "I thought Owen was here." She said looking at the group "Who are you?" She asked. Ianto stepped forwards. "I'm Ianto Jones this is..."
"hay captain jack harkness"jakc smiled grabing tosh's hand and kissing it before letting go because harry punching him.
"you sould not no owen yea"harry said pushing jack out the way again.
"Well I do. We met not so long ago." Tosh frowned rubbing her hand.
"Time had mesed up." Ianto whispered to Harry and Jack. "She shouldn't even know Owen exsists."
"yea yea"she waved"toshiko sato,we are hear to um.. help you,but not in the way jack is thinking"she punched him again."we want to talk to you we are from a news paper"harry flashed a battered wollet.
mean while in the tardis,
"now where did a put my siket paper?"the doctor said throw stuff everywhere.
back in cardiff,
"jack,ianto get the mother and give her the enemy so she can steal and then go the prison and then jack will come right?"she whispered to them so tosh could no hear.
"so miss sato,you want to come you boss said you can have a day off"harry smiled."my teat"
she blushed and a scrach mark showed.
"harry wants that?"owen asked poting his now gone hand.
she pot her hand over it."you don't want to no"
"yes i do!"owen said changing hands.
harry walked over and whispered in his ear.the she walked back to the over side.
"ok.... never mine.."he said looking very ill.
"to go back in time ianto!"he whispered.
Martha frowned.
Ianto nodded. "To save them?"
"shoosh!"jack said quickly"yes"
"she it turning into jack!"owen told martha.
"now you have to beleave me its something that i made" said harry
Ianto nodded. "Okay." He whispered.
Martha was still panicking. Now Tosh and wen had joined them too.
"aaaahhh!"harry shouted."to many girls panicking can't handle it!must.... go with jack and ianto...."she walked out the room.
"i'm not a girl!!!"owen shouted.
harry walked into the office.
"right what has ianto said?"she asked.
jack looked at her."i don't no do i?"he walked back and sat on his desk.
"Right there is a device that allows us back in time."! Ianto said.
harry hugged ianto and kissed his on the check.jack gave harry and ianto a gales looks.
"right off we go!"jack said grabing harry and pulling her off.
Ianto searched for the device and found it quickly.
(we have owen!!

"o at last can we go now?"harry asked being held my jack."hay jack you no..."he said blushing again.
jack looked at her with a little gitter in his eye."hay ianto can this just what for like 5 minutes?"he asked.
"What?!" Ianto asked.
Gwen laughed suddenly. "Yeah, but you are a girl."
"i'm a girl?"
"he's a girl?"jack and harry said together.
"i'm not a girl!"jack shouted.
"oh gwen you leg is going to"harry smiled evilly.
Gwe shrugged. "Tell Rhys I love him." She smiled sadly.
"we will"jack and harry said together with there fingers crossed.
"right ianto lets go"he smiled.
Ianto fiddled with the device and pressed the red button sending them back in time.
"hay jack i....."said john but he walked into it just before it closed.
thay all landed on the ground.
(note:you can still play your torchwood people but there younger and not in torchwood.)
"ha hu"jack smiled "i have you where i wont you"he was talking to ianto because he was laying on top of him.
"jack!"harry shouted.
"o um.. maybe another time"jack smiled again at ianto as he was being dragged off.
john stood up."should i ask um... yea i should" he was slow and carm till.."what the hell??"he shouted.
Ianto looked around. "I think this is before we started Torchwood, obviously Jack you'll be here, but me, Tosh, Owen and Gwen shouldn't. Neither should Harry or John. We have to find each of us and stop whatevers going to happen. Except won't be able to meet myself in the past as it would change the future."
(gwen you done you job yet?)
jack smiled."yea but i can"
"i think i'm 15 now"harry said.
john crept away.
"right i have dibes on see ianto in pjs!"harry shouted
"thay had better be better then the ones now"said jack with a big grin on his face.
"are thay pink?"she asked
jack stoped and looked at ianto and nodded,then whispered"with white rabbits on" and thay barst out larthing.
Ianto turned bright red. "Right anyway we should get on. And it's not rabbits, it's ducks." He smiled, got up and walked off.
(ha ha ha ha aha ha asgha shadjadfha lol)
harry smiled.
"right who first what about tosh?"jack asked walking down that very big hill.
"Sounds good to me." Ianto said.
"so where would tosh live?"harry asked.
"no idea but lets look"said jack looking around.
"Well she used to live with her mum." Ianto said remembering. (NO! Tosh and Owen died. Can we still keep them going? I don't think it'll feel right without them.))
(sigh soz gwen but thay will have to go in the rp)
"right to toshiko's mum!"harry said walking with her finger in the air.
jack looked worry and she put it down.
((Ok can we at least wait until we've finished this rp? Please Jack!

Ianto frowned, but nodded and headed off toward Tosh's mum's.
(i will think cos well its a good time to kill them and you can still play ianto and gwen for a bit to...oh god what i'm a talking about!

"harry it this way"jack said walking after ianto.
"oh right.."she smiled running after them.
((Maybe we shouldn't be able to save them in the past and just save Gwen. That way they'll die anyway.))
Ianto soon came to a small house. "Is that it?" He asked Jack.
(gwen!! we are not just saving you!

"i don't no?"he nocked on the door.
a old lady opened the door.
"yes dear"she said to jack.
"see are hear to see toshiko sato"jack said.
toshiko's mum smiled."so your the lucky man?"she asked.
harry pushed jack aside."no that would be owen harper,he is are lucky man"she smiled.
"right... toshiko!"she shouted.
(your toshiko?)
((Why not? They have to die anyway!

Toshiko bounded down the stairs. She was younger and looked less worked out. She frowned. "I thought Owen was here." She said looking at the group "Who are you?" She asked. Ianto stepped forwards. "I'm Ianto Jones this is..."
(i allways die and i want ianto safe!

"hay captain jack harkness"jakc smiled grabing tosh's hand and kissing it before letting go because harry punching him.
"you sould not no owen yea"harry said pushing jack out the way again.
((Well then, lets say that Gwen, Ianto Martha Harry and Jack all stay safe.))
"Well I do. We met not so long ago." Tosh frowned rubbing her hand.
"Time had mesed up." Ianto whispered to Harry and Jack. "She shouldn't even know Owen exsists."
"yea yea"she waved"toshiko sato,we are hear to um.. help you,but not in the way jack is thinking"she punched him again."we want to talk to you we are from a news paper"harry flashed a battered wollet.
mean while in the tardis,
"now where did a put my siket paper?"the doctor throwe stuff everywhere.
back in cardiff,
"jack,ianto get the mother and give her the enemy so she can steal and then go the prison and then jack will come right?"she whispered to them so tosh could no hear.
"so miss sato,you want to come you boss said you can have a day off"harry smiled."my teat"
Ianto looked at jack confused.
Meanwhile in London an image of Rose appeared from nowhere. She watched the street aimlessly. "DOn't be silly he'll be in cardiff with Jack." She muttered.
"miss sato?"harry said again.
"thats how she came to torchwood!"he hissed hiting ianto and then hugging him.
"go on toshiko,you need a day out"her mum smiled giving her a coat and pushing her out the door.
Ianto nodded then blushed. Tosh looked a little surprised, but nodded and headed out.
"great miss sato,i know your um.. i mean there one of my favourite place"harry smiled
jack let go rubbed ianto's hair and looked around."we should have got the SUV"she sighed.
the doctor stepped out from the tardis.
"oh good old Cardiff"he smiled"the fireworks should be going off soon!"
"Well we could highjack a car." Ianto shrugged. Tosh frowned at Harry's cover up.
Meanwhile Rose reappeared in Cardiff. She looked around. Searching for the blue box.
"hay,good idea ianto!"jack patted him on the back.
harry sighed."jack,ianto phone for a taxi"she said
the doctor smiled."right off for some tea!"he said locking the tardis and walking off.
Ianto took out his mobile, but it disappeared. "It's high tech. Not yet created." Ianto sighed. Tosh frowned again.
Rose wandered around. "You alright love." someone called to her. She half nodded. "You seen a blue box around here?!" She called back, but he shook his head. She sighed and continued on.
jack sighed.
harry sighed to"hay looks theres one she said running and stoping a taxi.
Tosh followed slowly as did Ianto.
Meanwhile Rose was wandering around.
"doctor!"a shout from inside the tardis made the doctor run back and open the door.
"i was just on the loo!"she shouted.
"ok ok,i'm sorry i forgot"he sighed locking the tardis again.
"so why are we in cardiff?"donna asked.
"the fireworks"he smiled.
thay got in and drove to a small place in town.when thay stoped,harry payed as thay got out.
"Where are we?" Asked Ianto.
Rose stood in shock. The doctor had been inches from her. Had he not seen her? Or if he did, did he think he'd imagined her?
the doctor diden't see her,so he and donna kept walking.
"a French place!"harry smiled.
"he haw"jack smiling at ianto.
Rose ad kept her foot in the door of the Tardis. She pushed the door open and walked in.
Ianto smiled back. Tosh still frowned.
(i locked the tardis!
harry linked arms with tosh.
"right shall we go in?"he asked.
jack linked his arm with ianto."should we get the snails?"he asked walking in after them.
((Oh right))
ose stared at the door.
"Yeah sure." Tosh laughed.
the doctor and donna sat in a restaurant.
"you haveing the snails?"donna asked.
"um.. no i will have the frogs"said the doctor looking at the frogs legs in the book.
harry and jack sat down with tosh and ianto.
"did i just see?"jack said but shock him head.
Rose ventured to where everyone else was. She didn't recognize Jack or the doctor. She sat down pointlessly. Tosh looked over at her. She thought she looked a little rough. "One moment." Tosh said getting up. She walked over to Rose. "You ok?" She asked. Rose's head jerke upwards and she nodded.
thay all looked round.
"rose?"jack asked."rose tyler?"
"another of your males?"harry asked.
"no!"he hissed and walked over.
"rose?the doctor said you where gone!"
"doctor?"harry said loudly.
"yes?"the doctor said walking over with donna."jack... rose...!!!"he looked shocked.
Rose looked at them in pure shock. She jumped up and hugged Jack, but as she tried to she went right through him. She stepped back. It was like she was a ghost. Ianto gaped. "Jack...I'm still gone." She whispered not looking at any of them.
"doctor!"jack shouted hugging him.
"hay cool,a cute one!"harry said as jack let go and the doctor blushed.
"this you team?"he asked and jack nodded.
"so who what how when?"asked donna.
"no idea"harry said to her.
"Not all of the team. Gwen and Owen aren't here. And we're not a team yet. Not until...6 months time." Ianto whispered. Rose started to fade. "Look I need you to open the rift that seperates the two worlds. Jack you need to go back to the present day. I know you're trying to save Gwen adn Owen and Tosh, to do it you have to, open the rift!" Rose said quickly as she faded even more.
"rose!"jack shouted.
everyone was looking now.
jack looked at the doctor."open it!"he shouted.
"no!"the doctor and harry shouted.
"harry!"he shouted.
"what you have ianto,i want him!"harry shouted at jack.
"Look this isn't about saving me...the two worlds are in danger. I need your help. I can't do this alone." Rose said looking at Jack then the Doctor as she faded a bit more.
"how do we now your really rose?"asked the doctor.
"yea!"harry said.
"your a shape changer?"he asked looking at her.harry had changed into the doctor.
harry smiled.
"right will you stop it you two!"jack shouted."we have to save rose!"
"sorry jack"she said poting her head down.
donna rolled her eyes but harry gave her a big grin and she smiled.
(you want to play donna?)
((Yeah sure))
Ianto rolled his eyes as DOnna grinned.
"You lot are my last hope." Rose whispered now fading even more. Tosh started forwards. "Why don't you do something?!" She shouted. Donna looked at the doctor. "Doctor we NEED to help her."
"whos help now what?"the doctor and harry said together.
jack sigh."right of to"she shuddered."london!"
Donna rolled her eyes. "Jack who is this girl?" Ianto asked looking at Rose. "And if we are to help her, we have to go forwards in time to the present day, we also have to wipe Tosh's memory." He whispered the last bit, as Tosh watched Rose in amazement as she was now barely there.
jack sighed"ianto i know but if you just lission"
"um.. jack,torchwood londen blow up"said
"Sort of our fault." Rose half smiled. "Please doctor, Jack! I need your help, before it's too late. Please." Her last word was barely audiable. She disappeared completely.
"Rose....?" Donna twigged. "That was your Rose."
"well yea!"jack,the doctor and harry shouted.
"yes harry your right it did blow up"said the doctor and jack huffed.
"Are we going to stand here and talk all day or are we going to do something about that girl?" Ianto asked. And Donna agreed.
all three sighed.
"right lets go"jack said grabing ianto and walking out.
"yea"said the doctor and grabed donna and walked out.
harry sighed.
"i feel so lonly"she said flowing with tosh.
Tosh was looking confused. "So what's going on?" She asked Harry.
"well your going home and we are going"she stoped talking and then"going somewhere".
"Right." Tosh nodded. "I should be going actually." She started to walk away, still confused about them all. Ianto aimed a gun-like-thing at Tosh and wiped her memory of them. "She knows nothing about us." He said.
"i really worry about you ianto"harry sighed felling lonly.
"right off to london"jack smiled.
"no off to Scotland"said the doctor.
Scotlan?" Ianto asked.
Meanwhile back in Cardiff present day, tehy were reappearing. Rose appeared in the base. "Who are you?" Gwen asked. Rose just stared at her.
(we haven't saved them yet)
"and she is?"owen asked walking in.
((I know, but because Rose is there, they're reappearing))
"I don't know." Gwen said looking at Rose. She stepped forwards and Rose stepped backwards.
"she's cute"owen said walk over to him.
Rose smiled at him. Gwen rolled ehr eyes.
"what?"he shruged.
in scotland.
harry,jack and the doctor steped out of the tardis.
"oh god,i really did not like that"harry said she was feeling very dizzy.
Rose smiled even more. "Who are you?" Gwen asked her.
Ianto was looking a little sick.
"h ha!"jack shouted jumping up and down.the doctor smiled.
"i stoped time traveling in a tardis for them reasions"
Donna laughed. Ianto muttered. "Don't blame you."
"yea....."the doctor smiled but then looked at her"you what?"he asked.
Donna frowned. "Come on we're meant to be saving Gwen, Owen, Martha and Tosh." Donna said. Ianto nodded.
"um.. he he yea right lets go"she said walking quicky away.
Donna rolled her eyes and Ianto laughed.
"come on ianto"jakc said grabing his arm.
Ianto allowed himself to be dragged along.
harry grinned "ianto where is it?"she asked
Where's what?" Ianto asked
"torchwood!"she sigh.
"well maybe the sigh that says torchwood might help"said the doctor.
"oh"she looked at the sigh"he he silly me"
"But we're in SCOTLAND!" Donna pointed out/
"yea we no!"said jack."hang on scotland?"
harry smiled"rather northik"she said
"oh yes that place is great!so flat!"the doctor smiled as he said that.
Ianto and Donna frowned.
"what it is?!"the doctor and harry said together.
jack sighed."lets just go"
Ianto nodded as did Donna.
after a liitle bit.
"right we are in torchwood"jack said dusting himself off.
harry sneezed "oh do i love air vents"she sneezed again.
Donna squeezed and squeezed and squeezed. Ianto held them back.
the doctor brushed himself off.
"right now where?"he asked.
"i don't no"harry shruged.
"Doctor we were following you." Donna moaned.
"are you?why?"he smiled down at donna.
"oh come on!"harry said linking arms with the doctor and jack and walked off.jack grabed ianto and the doctor grabed donna.
Donna and Ianto allowed themselves along with the rest. Though Donna, who didn't like being touched, resisted a little.
"ready and everyone skip!"harry smiled as she said that.the doctor and jack started to skip.
Ianto and Donna stopped not moving. "No way."
"Nu uh not doing that!"
as the two stoped,harry,jack and the doctor fell over.
"it for the red beams"said harry bloing hair from her face.
"Red beams?" Ianto asked
"sensers"said the doctor getting up.
harry lay on the ground with back who had had the wind in him all blown out.
Ianto just watched.
jack sat up.
"if you see"he pointed at small boxs on the wall.
They both nodded and followed slowly and carefully. "Why aren't we back in cardiff opening the rift?" Donna asked/
"oh thats ok leave me!"harry shouted ranning after them.
"london blow up and..."
"cardiff can't do it"jack said just as the doctor was saying it.
"Right, and this'll help Rose and the team?" Ianto asked.
"but what if that wasen't rose?"harry asked.
"of cores it was"said jack"right doctor?"
he said nothing and just kept on walking
"Who else do you think it's going to be?" Said a sudden voice behind them. Ianto whipped round now face to face with Rose. But she was looking at the doctor. "How could you even think it wasn't me?" She asked.
the doctor said nothing.
"rose!?"said jack looking shocked
harry sighed"not you again"
Rose looked a little offended. She half smiled at Jack. "What have I done to offend you Harry?" She asked still looking at the doctor.
Harry looked like she was in a trance,her eyes went dull and see looked into space.she even spoke softly."i can see into his mind,see all the darkness that is there.see how he felt about you,see how both of his hearts jump and beat faster when he sees or hears you.but now he tries so hard to forget,like all the overs but...."she blinked and looked around,her normal voice was back."but then you came hear and expect him to do anything for you!he has martha and donna now!"she said loudly.then she looked down"but does he really want them and if so who?"
Jack stared at her,the doctor still said nothing and looked away as he already was he gave a small smile and then it faded.
harry looked up.
"what was that?"jack asked.harry said nothing eles but shrugged.
Tears sparkled in Rose's eyes. "I'm sorry. I should have never come for help." She said it without looking at the doctor. "I have to learn to forget you." She looked at him. "The question is can I? Goodbye Doctor for the last time." She looked at the rest. "Goodbye Jack. And Ianto and Harry. Donna take care of him." She looked once more at the doctor and faded. Donna rounded on the doctor. "So that's what happens is it? You just forget us? Dump us and leave?"
"no!thats not what i do!"the doctor hissed with grited teeth."thay leave me not the over way around!"with that he walked off down the hall and into a big lab.
"HARRY!"jack shouted
"what?that came from his head but there was more!"she shouted back"more then you can even think of!"
"harry i really don't no why your hear why you ever can with use or even met use!i fort you where like me but i can see your no better then the master!"jack shouted
harry and jack looked at each over,deep into each overs eyes.one tear drop fell from harry's right eye.
Ianto and Donna had followed the doctor. "And what about Rose? Hum! I know she meant the world to you. And You'ew going to let ehr die?!" Donna shouted at him.
the doctor was testing some liquids but when Donna said that,the test-tube went boom!!!(he he he)"look she is not dead!"he hissed"she is in a different world"
jack looked away."so?"he asked sounding softer then he did."so what was the over thing?"
"that is none of my business."she said.she walked away from jack who just stood there.harry pushed throw ianto and Donna and grabbed the doctor.she dragged him off by the arm."hay hay"she said smiling"i was doing something"
"don't care,we are going to save rose!"she smiled back.
Ianto and Donna looked surprised at Harry's change of heart. They looked at each other beamed and followed them.
"don't get any ideas you two!"harry said"oh and grab jack will you"
jack stood by the door cross armed.
Ianto grabbed Jack by the arm and led him.
"ianto check for rift activity"harry said looking around.she had let go of the doctor but she stood close to him.
Ianto took out a little device. "The only thing showing is where Rose came through and disappeared again."
"nothing in any rooms in the buildings?"she asked now looking like jack.she stoped walking.the doctor stopped to"can you hear that?"he asked and harry nodded.
"Hear what?" Ianto and Donna asked.
"thats the thing,doctor why can't thay hear it?"harry asked.
"its like when me and donna went to see the ood.."he broke off.
"That again?" Donna asked.
"the ood donna ood!"he said turning round and saying ood in her face.
harry smiled "and a ood is?"
the doctor looked up to face harry."ood,human like thing that has tentacles on its face and is born with its brain in ins hand"
"Yeah I know that it is!" Donna said angrily.
"then don't asked stupid questions"he said.
"so is it the ood then doctor?"harry asked.he shock him head.
she sigh"ianto how is that scan come along?"she asked.
"Still nothing." Ianto said frowning. "Wait." She spun round to be faced by a boy, it was Mickey Smith. "Who are you?" Ianto asked. Mickey ignored him. "I've come to tell you of Rose's death." He said looking at the doctor. "She died about ten minutes ago. She said you'd help, everyone over here is dying and fast. Rose was one of the first. I thought you were ment to be a hero DOCTOR!" Mickey glared at him before disappearing.
"ok.. that was?"harry asked
"rickey smith"said the doctor sighing."do you think this i going to go one for long?"he asked.harry shrugged.
"You let her die!" Donna suddenly shouted. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "How could you?" She glared at him before racing off. Ianto gave the Doctor a dark look and followed.
"what is it with them two?"harry asked as all three wotched them walk away.
the doctor sigh.
"i think you need a new one doctor"said jack.
"jack!"harry hissed hitting him over the head.
Donna turned around to face Ianto. "Is there a way to get to the other world?" She asked.
Ianto nodded. "It's dangerous though." "Do it." Donna replied. "Please Ianto. I need to meet these people for myself." Ianto nodded he took a little device and slung it round his and Donna's necks. Pressing a button they both disappeared and reappeared in the paraell world.
sudddenly the doctor and harry fell over.
"what the hell?"harry asked.
"i don't no and your on my leg!"said the doctor.
"the singing its louder!"harry said getting up and pulling the doctor up to.
"yes even i can hear it!"jack said looking around.
"it sounds like.."said the doctor
"ROSE!"thay all shouted
"where is ianto?"jack ran down the hall and then back."there gone"
the doctor pot on him 3D glasses."yep void stuff"
"i'm not asking"harry sighed."so thay went to that over place?"
the doctor nodded
"oh god!ianto!"jacks shouted.
Meanwhile Ianto and Donna were knelt beside's Rose's cold body. They had managed to locate Mickey and Jackie. Rose's eyes were shut. Donna was crying. "He did this to her, he left her. Why?"
"Because it's what he does." Jackie said sadly.
"Isn't there anyhing at all we can do?" Ianto asked.
"Bring him here." Jackie sighed. "He won't come though."
"you don't brleave in me do you miss tyler?"said the doctor.
"i'm getting good at this"harry grined and so did jack.
"ianto you safe!"jack said running to him and giving him a big hug."oh by the way"he whispered in his ear"your dead meat if we get back!"
Jackie turned around slowly. "You came? I didn't think you would. YOU LEFT HER TO DIE DOCTOR!" She shouted. Donna put and arm round her. Ianto shrugged. "I had to do something." He whispered back
you have to be kiddi