My Goals
16 years, 6 months & 20 days ago

23rd Aug 2008 11:12
My Goals:
Complete Trunx
Get Ice Viotto(wow)
Get Quell (wow)
Get Chibs(wow)
get 150 female clothes
Angel Angie to be a Homecoming Queen
Angel Angie to become and LE
Im back!!!
16 years, 7 months & 5 days ago

8th Aug 2008 03:33
Hi I'm Liz, so pls call me that!!
(Its a looooong story!

Its been a long time since I hav been on here, and a LOT of things hav changed!! Me and Angie (ChelseaRockz) hav started up a club and it will be completely ready and FANTASTIC very soon!! In the club we will be having an LE GIVEAWAY!!! Which i am sure u will all b interested in!! Our club is called Maradan Explorers, as u can see on my proile information! Once our club is opened, so will many competitions, quizzes and polls and giveaways! So, of course u will want 2 join! If u refer people u will get rewarded! There are plenty of other things 2 b rewarded 4 as well!
Maradan Explorers
COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!