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  1. A Word to the Wise
    26th May 2007 16:25
    17 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  2. Blog #4228
    19th May 2007 14:42
    17 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
A Word to the Wise
17 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
26th May 2007 16:25

~Sometimes, you can have all the riches in the world and never be happy.
~No one cares means no one stares.
~An island of hope lost in a sea of sameness.
~Being misunderstood can ruin a perfect relationship among friends, even when you did nothing but try to help.
~Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.
~A rolling stone gathers no moss.
~Don't judge a book by its cover.
~Jumping to conclusions will result in you becoming the villian.
~If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
~Frowning uses 47 muscles. Smiling uses only 16.
~The grass really isn't greener on the other side.
~Be nice to your pals. Some of them may become the president/king/queen!
~Travel the road less traveled.
~Try new foods.
~If someone starts insulting you/gets mad at you, whack them with a pillow and hide behind the couch.

17 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
19th May 2007 14:42

Hey.shocked.gifYou.dry.gifYeah you! Duh! dry.gif LOOK INTO MY EYES. shocked.gif YOU'RE GETTING SLEEE-PYYY. shocked.gif VE-RY
SLEEEEPYYY. shocked.gif WHEN I SAY "Shriveled-up monkeyhead,"
I WANT YOU TO SEND ME A...blink.gif....shocked.gif A MARAPOP.
shocked.gifYOU WILL COME OUT OF THIS TRANCE WHEN I SAY "Zombie roadkill." shocked.gif ZOMBIE ROADKILL! happy.gif Okay.
Now.....SHRIVELED UP MONKEYHEAD!!!dribble.gif

  1. A Word to the Wise
    26th May 2007 16:25
    17 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  2. Blog #4228
    19th May 2007 14:42
    17 years, 9 months & 30 days ago