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  1. sweetnsour101
    7th Jun 2008 21:54
    16 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  2. Raise the roof; c'mon, raise the roof!
    25th May 2008 15:11
    16 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  3. PETS ~~ OooOOOoooO
    8th May 2008 15:52
    16 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
16 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
7th Jun 2008 21:54

My first pet.
I just don't want to lose the name, so I'm gonna post it here..

Raise the roof; c'mon, raise the roof!
16 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
25th May 2008 15:11

Okies, I'm just writing down pets that I mght get in the future.

Rotten Sindi F
Royal Chibs M
Prison Lati F
Superhero Mordo F
Enpiah Yuni F
Halloween Kronk M
Seasonal Viotto F
Prison Crindol F
Fire Quell F
Sketch Rofling M
Gothic Fasoro M [Emaciated]
Punk Sindi F [Kiash]
Zombie Fasoro F [Sombi]
Zombie Crindol M [Kriffan]

PETS ~~ OooOOOoooO
16 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
8th May 2008 15:52

Yup, yup. I'm bored, so I'm gonna write out to to pronounce my pet names.. 0.o

Emaciated - [ ih - mey - shee - ey - tid ]
Kiash - [ kee - ash ]
Ralink - [ rah - lingk ]
Sombi - [ shom - B ]
Kriffan - [crih - fhin ]

Kiarioh - [ key - ah - ry - oh ] (Traded)
Arimagine - [ air - ih - maj - in ] (Traded)
Raffensia - [ rhaf - en - C - ah ] (Traded)
PrincessJen - [ prin - ses - jen ] (Traded) I miss joo PJ!!1! :[
EvannaLynchrox - [ E - vawna - linch - rocks ] (Traded)
Imorshikii - [ ih - more - shik - E ] (Traded)
Jaciinta - [ jack - in - ta ] (GaveAway)
Alenio - [ ah - lean - E - O ] (GaveAway)
Idirlion - [ id - ur - lee - on ] (GaveAway)
Oakior - [ oak - E - or ] (GaveAway)
Badia - [ bad - E - uh ] (GaveAway)
Equatical - [ E - qwi - tih - cul ] (GaveAway)
Fliisca - [ flee - ska ] (GaveAway)
Condence - [ kuhn - dens ] (GaveAway)
Mind - [ mind ] (Traded)
Ohio - [ ohio ] - (Traded)
Noodelle - [ nude - ell ] (GaveAway)
Kaetya - [ K - et - yah ] (GaveAway)
Kiliara - [ kill - E - R - uh ] - (GaveAway)
Kharoah - [ kha - row ] (GaveAway)
Delightness - [ D - lihyt - niss ] (GaveAway)
Rilek - [ rih - lek ] (GaveAway)

  1. sweetnsour101
    7th Jun 2008 21:54
    16 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  2. Raise the roof; c'mon, raise the roof!
    25th May 2008 15:11
    16 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  3. PETS ~~ OooOOOoooO
    8th May 2008 15:52
    16 years, 10 months & 9 days ago