2021 Maraween Items
3 years, 4 months & 17 days ago

27th Oct 2021 08:26
Beelzebub *new* Prizes
Beelzlebub Donut []
Beelzlebub Smoothie []
Elger's Trick or Treat
Haunted Pizza []
Slice of Haunted Pizza []
Puddle of Witch Blood []
Witch Blood Smoothie []
Licorice Spider Web [x]
Mucus Soup []
Kitty Cake Pop []
Moon Macarons []
Green Pumpkin Tea []
Broken Horns []
Giant Horns []
Nightingale Dress []
Spider Crop Top []
Haunted Hair Extension []
Spooky Shoes []
Haunted Skirt []
Bat Socks []
Candy Classics [x]
Book of Witch Hats []
Cauldron Candle []
Red Pumpkin Candy Bucket [x]
Undying Fairy Ike Plushie []
Undying Fairy Yuni Plushie [x]
Dark Oglue Plushie [x]
Hostility []
Halloween Snowman
Garlic Smoothie []
Mucus Gazpacho []
Ghost Macarons []
Mummy Cake Pop []
Blue Pumpkin Tea []
Nefarious Sleeves []
Striped Witch Hat []
Spooky Boots []
Book of Werewolfs []
Bats Glowing Egg []
Handle with Scare [x]
Haunted Horn x10 []
Dark Vixen Plushie []
Blue Cauldron Candle []
Blue Pumpkin Candy Bucket []
Undying Fairy Crikey Plushie []
Putrid []
Halloween Alien
Bat Milkshake []
Red Cauldron Candle []
Character ToT
Grape Spider Web [x]
Garlic Spider Web [x]
Eyeball Cake Pop []
Yellow Pumpkin Tea [x]
Ghoul Cupcake [x]
Spider Macarons []
Smoke []
Demon Contact Lenses [x]
Bat Gloves [x]
Skull Beanie []
Bat Crop Top []
Haunted Trousers []
Haunted Coat []
Striped Bat Socks []
Book of Healthy Treats []
Children of the Night []
Green Pumpkin Candy Bucket [x]
Purple Cauldron Candle [x]
Dark Lati Plushie [x]
Undying Fairy Rusty Plushie [x]
Undying Fairy Sybri Plushie [x]
Perspiration [x]
Pumpkin of Gold
Undying Fairy Sybri Plushie []
Haunted Bodice []
Pumpkin Hunt
Halloween Sleeves []
Candycorn Bow []
Pumpkin Bow []
Wicked Hair Extension []
Pumpkin Beanie []
Pumpkin Shorts [x]
Halloween Feliz Stamp []
Book of Candycorn []
Haunting Tunes []
Green Cauldron Candle [x]
Dark Daisy Plushie []
Perspiration []
Pumpkin Candy Bucket [x]
Purple Pumpkin Candy Bucket [x]
Undying Fairy Phanty Plushie []
Halloween Taiko [x]
Spider Web Glowing Egg [x]
Slime Milkshake [x]
Fat Free Pumpkin Cupcake [x]
Pumpkin Cake Pop []
Pumpkin Macarons [x]
Pumpkin Tea []
Purple Pumpkin Tea [x]
2021 Pumpkin [x]
Defective Pumpkin []
Enpiah Pumpkin []
Ghost Pumpkin [x]
Goblin Pumpkin [x]
Negative Pumpkin [x]
Polar Pumpkin [x]
School Pumpkin [x]
Scout Pumpkin [x]
Shaved Pumpkin []
Strobe Pumpkin [x]
Super Hero Pumpkin [x]
Swamp Pumpkin [x]
Tiger Pumpkin []
Toddler Pumpkin [x]
Tornado Pumpkin [x]
Toy Pumpkin [x]
Tundra Pumpkin []
Underwater Pumpkin [x]
Undying Fairy Pumpkin [x]
Werewolf Pumpkin []
Wizard Pumpkin []
LE Maker/Pet Value
4 years, 1 month & 24 days ago

18th Jan 2021 09:12
As of October 28, 2020 (MrDraco Thank you)
Arinya - 9mil - 10miil
Astro - 3mil - 4mil
Basil - 40mil
Chibs - 35mil - 40mil
Crikey - 45mil - 50mil
Daisy - 20mil (approximate as prices vary)
Dakota - 10mil - 12mil
Decadal - 200mil - 250mil
Echlin - 12mil - 15mil
Ercuw - 10mil - 12mil
Eyru - 9mil - 11mil
Figaro - 9mil
Gizmo - 4mil
Gobble - 12mil - 15mil
Hump - 15mil - 20mil
Huthiq - 7mil - 8mil
Ike - 12mil - 14mil
Justin - 100mil - 120mil
Kronk - 7mil - 8mil
Kujo - 8mil - 10mil
Lati - 10mil - 11mil
Limax - 20mil - 25mil
Lorius - 18mil - 20mil
Mordo - 20mil
Nino - 7mil - 8mil
Oglue - 7mil - 8mil
Phanty - 5mil
Poera - 8mil - 9mil
Pucu - 30mil - 35mil
Quell - 20mil - 25mil
Raulf - 25mil - 30mil
Rofling - 100mil - 120mil
Rusty - 18mil - 20mil
Sindi - 8mil - 10mil
Snookle - 9mil - 10mil
Straya - 25mil - 30mil
Sybri - 8mil
Tasi - 8mil
Troit - 4mil - 5mil
Ushunda - SS
Viotto - 9mil - 11mil
Vixen - 18mil - 20mil
Vlad - 15mil - 17mil
Wallop - 20mil - 22mil
Willa - 15mil - 17mil
Yuni - 22mil - 25mil
Zoink - 7mil - 8mil
Zola - 90mil - 100mil
Zoosh - 2mil
My Newest Personal Goals
5 years, 1 month & 5 days ago

7th Feb 2020 11:02
Will update as I come up with new ones. Wish me luck.
Make Keelin A Halloween Raulf
Make Zeplyn A Gothic Chibs
Make Verdulac Something Vampire
Make Ghouligan Something Spooky
Make Rouxgaroux Something Werewolf
(The rougarou (alternatively spelled as roux-ga-roux, rugaroo, or rugaru) is a legendary creature in Laurentian French communities linked to European notions of the werewolf)
Keep Statting MrBojangles And Turn Into A Musical Chibs (Have Cossie) And Give as many instruments as I can
[x]Make Congo A Tiger Sindi(02/07/20)
[x]Turn Hugger Love(02/22/20 Thanks to a very special friend)
Get A Viotto
[]Bank 50 Mil
Bank 75 Mil
Bank 100 Mil
Giftboxes Needed
Missions 10/10
Monthly Checklist 10/10
Transformation Temple 10/10
Transmogrification Temple 10/10
Capsule Machine 10/10
Extra Pet 10/10 (Many)
Goals Progress
5 years, 4 months & 22 days ago

22nd Oct 2019 09:32
Baspinars Castle-Complete Level 10 or higher Theatre mission
You need to complete level 27 or higher at the Blitzen's Grotto mission
Candyland-Have 15 or more Stamps in the Candyland Page of your Stamp Album
City Sewers-
You need to complete level 12 or higher of the Sewer Cleaner mission
City of Marada-You need to complete level 20 or higher at the Tarquin's Library mission
Dukka Caves-Have 300 or more items in your pet's Instrument Collection
Elekas Castle-
You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Fates mission
You need to complete the Ublish's Lair mission
Foxfire-Complete the Foxfire Pond Treasure Map at the Foxfire Pond
Gigantic Paradise-
You need to complete level 20 or higher at the Rubbish Dump mission
You need to complete level 25 or higher at the Clam mission
Kamilah Desert-You need to complete 25 or more Hump Racing quests
You need to complete level 8 or higher of the Priscilla mission
Lush Lake-You need to enter the Olympics at Ultimate level or higher
Minipet Island-You need to have collected 6 or more Treasure Maps
You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Greedy Gertrude mission
Puchalla Village-
You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Bumpkin mission
Simeria-You need to complete the Simerian Explorer Treasure Map
Slater Park-
You need to complete level 15 or higher at the Circus mission
Undying Woods-Complete 100 or more Elger Quests
Vortex Park-You need to complete 25 or more Shusan quests
Ziranek-Complete 100 or more Microwave Quests
Gallery Order
5 years, 5 months & 29 days ago

14th Sep 2019 09:53
4.-Enchanted Plushies
5.-Non Enchanted Plushies
10.-Easter Eggs
11.-Flash Game Chains
14.-Minipet Food
15.-Rainbow Items
16.-Pink Collection
17.-Halloween Items
18.-Christmas Items
19.-Easter Items
20.-Random Items I Like
22.-Christmas Crackers
23.-Raulf Items
24.-Balls Of Yarn
25.-Thanksgiving Items
26.-Maraween 2019 Items
28.-Minipet Poop
32.-Toy Blocks
34.-Sugar Cubes
35.-Travis Photos
36.-Travis Plushies
38.-Potato Chips
40.-Waffle Wobble Minipets
41.-2020 EEH Items
42.-2020 Easter Eggs
43.-Mummy Plushies
44.-Ice Sculptures
45.-Beelzebub Items 2020
46.-Pumpkin of Gold Items 2020
47.-Elger ToT 2020
48.-Alien Auction 2020
49.-Ghostly Graves 2020
50.-Pumpkin Hunt 2020
51.-Halloween Snowman 2020
52.-Pumpkin Patch Pumpkins