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Marapets is mobile friendly
"Your style is never outdated just because the time passed by. Your time is always yours." A curious wanderer that never stays at one place, unless she can call it as home.

Comfort is always my top priority.

Loves to try adventure---but lacks of initiative to do so.

  1. Can we be friends?
    3rd Mar 2018 05:09
    7 years & 11 days ago
  2. My Firsts here.
    19th Jul 2016 06:25
    8 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
  3. My First Month in Marapets after few years
    14th Jul 2016 19:29
    8 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
Can we be friends?
7 years & 11 days ago
3rd Mar 2018 05:09

Hi, hello marapets buddies!

I am Wen from Philippines Smile
I hope you all are in good health when you read this.
I've been player here for more than 5 years, I guess?? Yet I kept on forgetting my other accounts because of my inconsistency activeness. However, luckily I didn't forget this account though xD

Atm, I am 17 of age, hmm, what should I say? I'm really looking forward to have friends here. Ohhh, I'm still exploring the other parts of Marada. Still learning again the basic things.

Have a wonderful day!

My Firsts here.
8 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
19th Jul 2016 06:25

Here I am again, saying such thing just to ease my boredom at this very moment. So here we go,

I started playing Mara since I was on elementary grade. But it is not consistent, circumstances considered, so I stopped, I play, stopped, play again, stop again then play again.
Yes, from my previous accounts ( yes, accounts but I forgot the passwords so yea, create new, start from the start)I never met a chatty buddy that I could share my experiences here on mara, or real life experiences, in short, a virtual friend.

Now, I joined a club, named "Sketch" (hey, buddies! xD ) I met few members there and became my friends, a chatty buddy tbs. ( I have 6 friends now! congrats to meh!Wink They are from different countries that could be from the other side of this world. ( too much drama okay XD) :>

Another first? when I report a fellow ph citizen's comment, ghad, out of curiosity, I clicked the "!" blame my hand, not me! ( Cryztal! heyy!Wink XD

Another another first!
It is when I met the first filipino maraplayer ! *waves at Pirata* She is nice XD go go bebesh! more stories, more fun! more jokes, more cornetto xD

I think, that's all!
For now... Tongue Out

"Every second is a treasure."

My First Month in Marapets after few years
8 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
14th Jul 2016 19:29

Oh right, as the title indicated, this is my first year again Wide Grin

I could say this year gave me sooo much time to explore more in Marapets world.

But first I am going to introduce myself~
I,Wenlyn, is from PH.
A teenager and really loves food and virtual games like this *w*
this is my past time before but seems I am getting hooked to this game xd

Anyway, my first 'month' is smooth since this game is easy to handle. click there, click here. Though I know the other free games. I was quite amused to the new free games and other 'characters' added to different world Wide Grin

Shortly, it is still fun and a good way to relax Wide Grin

  1. Can we be friends?
    3rd Mar 2018 05:09
    7 years & 11 days ago
  2. My Firsts here.
    19th Jul 2016 06:25
    8 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
  3. My First Month in Marapets after few years
    14th Jul 2016 19:29
    8 years, 7 months & 28 days ago