Gulugrik's Skating Day!
5 years, 11 months & 21 days ago

22nd Mar 2019 15:19
My owner took me surfing in the water today! I had a blast! I showed her some tricks I had learned from other Marapets. She cracked up laughing when I fell off my skateboard several times. I frowned, but then got back on and continued showing off. I had fun!
~Gulugrik Rules!!!
6 years, 10 months & 15 days ago

28th Apr 2018 19:18
Hey, this is Harker McCullock speaking. Oh, my gosh! My owner is like, so totally addicted to this site. She comes here more often than I can count.
Okay, here are the following items I would like:
That's it for now.
8 years, 2 months & 9 days ago

3rd Jan 2017 19:09
So, my owner, cromergar13, has adopted several new pets, gained and spent more marapoints, and is addicted to playing the plushie machine, gumball machine, duck, duck, dive game, and using the operation portal. She doesn't really do anything. Her Spring 2017 semester starts on 1/9/17, which is English 111 Writing and Inquiry and Math 040. I can only take 2 classes at a time, but that's fine with me. Okay, back to the real world.
Eleada2315 the Yellow Renat
A Beautiful Day in Marada
8 years, 5 months & 1 day ago

11th Oct 2016 09:52
Hey, folks! It's me, cromergar13 here. How are you doing? I'm great. My pets and I are having a blast traveling around Marada. We have yet to explore some places, but we'll get there soon enough. We love doing the quests, missions, goals, and other games. This is an awesome game, and I'm addicted to it. We are going to sight-see some more in a minute.
Have a great and blessed day, and I will be back soon. Peace out!