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  1. AUR
    19th Aug 2024 15:30
    6 months, 24 days & 19 hrs ago
  2. Maragoals note
    24th Aug 2023 10:40
    1 year, 6 months & 21 days ago
  3. SE Stats
    25th Oct 2017 10:40
    7 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
6 months, 24 days & 19 hrs ago
19th Aug 2024 15:30

D: 14


Maragoals note
1 year, 6 months & 21 days ago
24th Aug 2023 10:40

Level 52
1. Complete Level 19 or higher of Lowlyhood Goals
2. Deposit 50,000,000MP or more into the Maradan Bank
3. Collect 110 or more Stamps in your Stamp Album You gain 132,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 53

Level 53
1. Complete Level 20 or higher of Vortex Park Goals
2. Sell Stock Market Shares for a profit of 25% or higher
3. Complete 150 or more Mission levels You gain 135,000 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 54

Level 54
1. Complete Level 30 or higher of Ziranek Goals
2. Use the Magic Carpet to complet a Mission level
3. Have 10 or more Giftboxes in your collection You gain 137,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 55

Level 55 1. Complete Level 31 or higher of Simeria Goals
2. Win a Hieroglyphic from the University
3. Find 250 or more Hidden Avatars You gain 140,000 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 56
Level 56

1. Complete Level 33 or higher of Eleka's Castle Goals
2. Buy any item from the Pirate Ship
3. 5 or more completed Treasure Maps in your collection You gain 142,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 57

Level 57 1. Complete Level 34 or higher of City Sewers Goals
2. Accept a level 6 or higher Job Promotion
3. Pay 30 days or more of Sultan Taxes You gain 145,000 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 58

Level 58 1. Complete Leve 35 or higher of Kamilah Desert Goals
2. Sell Stock Market Shares for a Profit of 50% or higher
3. Win 1,000 or more Battles You gain 147,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 59

Level 59 1. Complete Level 36 or higher of Lowlyhood Goals
2. Buy any item from the Antique Shop
3. Complete 10,000 or more Quests You gain 150,000 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 60

Level 60 1. Complete Level 37 or higher of Vortex Park Goals
2. Sell Stock Market Shares for a Profit of 75% or higher
3. Collect 1,000 or more items in your Wardrove You gain 152,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 61

Level 61 1. Complete Level 37 or highr of Biala Mountain Gaols
2. Buy any item from the Boosters Shop
3. Collect 1,000 or more Plates in your Plate Collection You gain 155,000 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 62

Level 62 1. Complete Level 38 or higher of Candyland Goals
2. Accept a level 7 or higher Job Promotion
3. Have 100 or more Trading Cards in your Battle Deck You gain 157,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 63

Level 63 1. Complete Level 38 or higher of City of Marada Goals
2. Sell Stock Market Shares for a Profit of 100% or higher
3. Collect 1,000 or more Photos in your Photo Album You gain 160,000 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 64

Level 64 1. Complete Level 39 or higher in City Sewers Goals
2. Accept a Level 8 or higher Job Promotion
3. Collect 160 or more Glowing Eggs in your Nest You gain 162,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 65

Level 65 1. Complete Level 39 or higher of Dukka Caves Goals
2. Buy an item from the Account Upgrades Shop
3. Collect 150 or more Stamp in your Stamp Album You gain 165,000 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 66

Level 66 1. Complete Level 39 or higher of Enpiah Goals
2. Accept a Level 9 or higher Job Promotion
3. Complete 200 or more Mission levels You gain 167,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 67

Level 67 1. Complete Level 40 or higher of Jenoa Goals
2. Buy any item from the Giftbox Shop
3. Have 15 or more Giftboxes in your collection You gain 170,000 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 68

Level 68 1. Complete Level 40 of higher of Kamilah Desert Goals
2. Sell Stock Market Shares for a Profit of 150% or higher
3. Find 400 or more Hidden Avatars You gain 172,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 69

Level 69 1. Complete Level 40 or higher of Lowlyhood Goals
2. Accept a Level 10 Job Promotion
3. Collect 7 or more Treasure Maps in your collection You gain 175,000 MP for completing this level
You also win a Mara Stamp
and progress to Level 70

Level 70 1. Complete Level 41 or higher of Lush Lake Goals
2. Win 1,500 or more Battles
3. Pay 60 days or more of Sultan Taxes You gain 177,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 71

Level 71 1. Complete Level 41 or higher of Nimbus Goals
2. Collect 1,500 or more items in your Wardrobe
3. Complete 1,500 or more Quests You gain 180,000 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 72

Level 72 1. Complete Level 41 or higher of Puchalla Village Goals
2. Have 150 or more Trading Cards in your Battle Deck
3. Collect 1,500 or more Plates in your Plate Collection You gain 182,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 73

Level 73 1. .Complete Level 42 or higher of Slater Park Goals
2. Collect 190 or more Glowing Eggs in your Nest
3. Collect 1,500 or more Photos in your Photo Album You gain 185,000 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 74

Level 74 1. Complete Level 42 or higher of Undying Woods Goals
2. Complete 250 or more Mission levels
3. Collect 175 or more Stamps in your Stamp Album You gain 187,500 MP for completing this level and progress to Level 75

SE Stats
7 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
25th Oct 2017 10:40

Quests done: 101
Runes Acquired: ABCKMMSWZZ
MP Spent: 460,000
Revenue: 2,828,000
Profit: 2,368,000
Time Elapsed: 38 minutes
Quests done: 100
Runes Acquired: IJPQ
MP Spent: 499,000
Revenue: 1,172,000
Profit: 671,000
Time elapsed: 35 minutes
Quests done: 100
Runes Acquired: AKLLS
MP Spent: 452,000
Revenue: 1,456,000
Profit: 1,040,000
Time elapsed: 34 minutes
Quests done: 100
Runes Acquired: NTU
MP Spent: 385,000
Revenue: 845,000
Profit: 460,000
Time elapsed: 36 minutes
Quests done: 100
Runes Acquired: FHIMOOPQR
MP Spent: 469,000
Revenue: 2,874,000
Profit: 2,405,000
Time elapsed: 30 minutes
Quests done: 101
Runes Acquired: HIIT
MP Spent: 499,000
Revenue: 1,450,000
Profit: 951,000
Time Elapsed: 46 minutes
Quests done: 100
Runes Acquired: FHIKLLNQQQ
MP Spent: 529,000
Revenue: 3,651,000
Profit: 3,122,000
Time elapsed: 42 minutes
Quests done: 100
Runes Acquired: "AE"CKMRUZ
MP Spent: 512,000
Revenue: 2,106,000
Profit: 1,594,000
Time elapsed: 51 minutes
Quests done: 100
Runes Acquired A"AE"BCCLNNZZ
MP Spent: 672,000
Revenue: 3,714,000
Profit: 3,042,000
Time Elapsed: 33 minutes
Quests Done: 100
Runes Acquired: EFGGHIJZ
MP Spent: 504,000
Profit: 2,646,600
Time Elapsed: 46 minutes
Quests Done: 100
Runes Acquired: AAGGKMQQU
MP Spent: 591,000
Revenue: 2,780,000
Profit: 2,189,000
Time Elapsed: 62 minutes
Quests Done: 100
Runes Acquired: "AE""AE"GN
MP Spent: 550,000
Revenue: 1,498,000
Profit: 948,000
Time Elapsed: 78 minutes

Total Current Profit: 21,436,000
Map cost: 32,000,000

Average time for runes to sell, repricing every 2~6 hours is 1-3 days

Summary: Profit from each quest: 17863.33
Total profit each 1000 quests: 17.85m
Average amount of quests to pay back full map cost: 1791
Average amount of time to finish 100 quests: 41 minutes
Average amount of time spent to pay back full map cost: 734.31 = 12 hours and 14 minutes

rune prices accurate at time of writing

  1. AUR
    19th Aug 2024 15:30
    6 months, 24 days & 19 hrs ago
  2. Maragoals note
    24th Aug 2023 10:40
    1 year, 6 months & 21 days ago
  3. SE Stats
    25th Oct 2017 10:40
    7 years, 4 months & 20 days ago