RP Character Profile
3 years, 5 months & 21 days ago

22nd Sep 2021 10:36
* Character Name: Gwenhwÿfar (Gwen for short)
* Character belongs to: BriBri
* Gender: Female
* Age: Immortal, but acts with the maturity/ look of a young human adult, around the age of 22. Gwen finds that age group to be the most fun to portray.
* Race/Species: Fairy
* Profession: Healer. She uses her healing magic and potion-making skills to heal minor to moderate injuries and illnesses. If she attempts anything more than that, Gwen will get very weak or faint, depending on how severe the wound/illness. While she won’t hesitate to charge the wealth for her medical skills, she will usually not charge the poor. Though she has accepted food and/or lodging if they could spare it.
* Skillsets:
- White Magic: Healing.
- Illusion Magic: Gwen usually uses her illusion magic to change her physical features to blend in.
* History: Gwen, like most fairies, was born from the Faetree. Unlike most fairies, however, Gwen has an adventurous spirit and was not content to spend her life protecting the tree, despite knowing how important the three trees and the faestones are to everything. So one day, Gwen decided to leave the Upper Greenlands and explore the rest of Audalania. However, not willing to leave her homeland fully behind, she scooped up some of the soil near the base of the Faetree and put in a little vial and then using a piece of thin rope she placed around her neck, before leaving the island.
Gwen then spends most of her time roaming around Audalania, usually alone though she has joined some adventure parties, offering up her healing abilities. She has occasionally stayed in a city or town for a generation or two, longer if there is a particular family she grew fond of during her stay. Gwen would also make her way back to the Faetree (as well as the Springtree and the Lifetree) from time to time.
* Appearance:
- Physical Features: Gwen is an average height, light skin fairy. She has freckles dotting around her face, and big, dark purple eyes. Her pointy ears are mostly hidden by her long, thick, slightly wavy auburn hair. Her wings are almost transparent dragonfly-like wings, with light brown veins. Of course, thanks to her illusion magic, she can “change” her looks whenever the need/want occurs.
-Clothing/accessories: Gwen’s clothing of choice is green blouses, black leggings, brown skirts, and boots. Gwen knows it is not very subtle, but she also doesn’t care. She also wears a vial filled with soil from the Faetree on a thin rope around her neck. She wears a potions belt around her waist that usually holds healing potions and antidotes for quick access, and a bag filled with other potions, potion ingredients, bandages, food, and trinkets she has collected throughout her travels.
* Other/ Miscellaneous info: Gwen is quite a trusting person. She always tries to see the best in a person, and to give them the benefit of doubt. Despite numerous times of seeing cruelty through out her travels (and even been betrayed a few times), Gwen’s views haven’t waived.