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  1. Pet related stuff
    2nd Oct 2007 18:22
    17 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
  2. my day at school
    1st Oct 2007 16:00
    17 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  3. School Pictures
    30th Sep 2007 09:51
    17 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
Pet related stuff
17 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
2nd Oct 2007 18:22

Anybody want to trade pets? Aleene_is_me is my portal pet. I'll trade her if you want her. All my Fasoro's are NOT for trade!!

What pets I want:
A Dark Fasoro
Glass Fasoro
A Gothic Fasoro

If you have a pet I want and Aleene_is_me turns out to be a pet you want . . . PLEASE SAY SO! I'm been trying since I created my account to get those 2 Fasoros!!! (Well, 3 now that glass costume came out...) o,o I've been on . . . about 2 years now . . . o_o

my day at school
17 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
1st Oct 2007 16:00

Excluding Mrs. Garlic, this is my typical day at school! LOL!

OMG! MY TUMMY HURTS!!! XDDDD You see, usually at lunchtime, Peaches (blackhole1027) & I do stupid/silly stuff and we end up laughing our little hearts out!! XDD Like today, we were throwing snack fruits at people!! biggrin.gif Not fruit snacks, snack fruits. (Weird, huh?) But the fun ended in 7th period . . . We had a SUBSITUTE!! o,o Mrs. Garland . . . A.K.A Mrs. Garlic because garlic ain't so sweet!! D:< She sent me to a different desk because I "distract" her!! All I did was ask my friend, Samantha, for the page #, but she didn't know so I asked Jordan. He told me it was page 53. Then I said, "Thank you kind stranger." XD (What me and Peches say to people we know! XDD) Then Mrs. Garlic tells me to move . . . OMG! I hate her . . . everyone does . . . XP omg you should see her ear lobes!! o_o They're all wrinkled and shrivled and . . . gross . . . o_O Yeah, let's forget about that . . . So the annoyance contined in 8th period too . . . There is this 7th grader who won't stop talking to me!! o_O It's like "WTH Stop talking to me!! I DON'T KNOW YOU!!" Because I don't . . . I think she's trying to stalk me or something . . . She keeps pointing out the obvious too! (I have her in Chior class)
One thing she said was, "I think Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is a weird song."
Me: Well it is about a flying car
Her: but it's still weird
Me: It's about a flying car!!
Her: Yeah, but . . .
This continued for quite some time before I just stopped responding . . . she just doesn't take a hint. T_T Then she pointed out some other obvious stuff . . .

Then when school was over, Peaches gave me back my English books & we went into a classroom of my 7th grade English teacher! (I'm in 8th btw) omg We just had a BLAST! Well, the teacher was quite shocked that we were still hyper, but me & Peaches were laughing so hard, we couldn't stand up! XDDDD I left a message for the 7th graders . . .

"Hey, Sevies! Havin' fun? Peaches & I had a blast in this class! This was our funnest class ever!! We had a bomb-diggity time here!! -Magazine" XDDDD bomb-diggity is something my friend, Cream, says so it's hilarious for us!! XDDDD Then Peaches found a box and she wanted it . . . XDDDDDD Suprisingly, the teacher gave it to her! LOL! I wanted the little Indian person on it, but she started growling & stuff . . . XDDDD o_o That's Peaches for ya!! LOL!! . . . You don't want to know what happened at lunch. XDDDDDD To random to read! LOL!!! XDDD *dies of laughter*

School Pictures
17 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
30th Sep 2007 09:51

I took them on Thursday! Everyone is freaking out if they look good because this picture will be on our student IDs & in the yearbook!! This is the first time that I actually LIKED the picture! XD lol But I'm not putting it up. XD Sucks for you peoples, doesn't it? XDDDD

  1. Pet related stuff
    2nd Oct 2007 18:22
    17 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
  2. my day at school
    1st Oct 2007 16:00
    17 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  3. School Pictures
    30th Sep 2007 09:51
    17 years, 5 months & 26 days ago