~Dear staff~
10 years, 7 months & 12 days ago

1st Aug 2014 22:14
I recently won a viotto through a giveaway and I won it for my little brother who did not have an account at the time, I checked through a support ticket if I was allowed to send him mp and the pet to accept and it was approved.
his username is
and we share the same IP Adress and play on different devices, he uses a tablet and I use a laptop or phone.
Terms and Conditions:
"It is perfectly OK for several family members to all play marapets from the same computer/IP address. We prefer you use separate email addresses but if that's impossible then that's fine too. Where several family members play then it's OK to give gifts every so often to each other but accounts that exist ONLY to make mp to give to another family member will be treated as multiple accounts. We advise that where several family members play marapets from the same computer/IP then you maramail one of the staff to let us know. You may also add a note on your profiles for staff. This does not guarantee that your accounts will not be frozen if your logs prove that other accounts on your IP address were being used to cheat. "