13 years, 7 months & 25 days ago

20th Jul 2011 16:07
[]Own a rusty in remembrance of my puppy Macy
[4/6/2012]Have a sleepy nino
[4/11/2012] Costume Aryno Light Fairy
[2/28/2012] Costume Ishkidara Pixie
[6/13/2011] Potion && Cossie my own LF Mordo
[7/19/2011] Collect all Female Celeb Clothes
[] Collect all Female Shoes
[] Collect all regular Female Clothes
[] Collect all Female Bonus Clothes
[3/24/2012] Collect all Female Sunglasses
[] Collect all Wigs
[] Collect all Female Costumes
[] Complete glowing egg nest
[] Complete one mission
[] Get a chocolate costume from the tree
[] Get a mental cossie from Kutt House
&&more when i think of them
Special shout out and thanks to Michael {idkare101} for his insane generosity and for making me one of his giveaway winners. Aryno would have taken forever and a day to be light fairy if it weren't for him. <3
Guest Book <3
13 years, 8 months & 4 days ago

10th Jul 2011 12:32
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