Giveaway!Giveaway all Leprechaun Stuffs or more?:)
10 years, 11 months & 22 days ago

21st Mar 2014 05:39

So,Hi,Im Meg and I would be delighted to give away all the Leprechaun stuff and costume what I put in trades.
The rules are easy.Just write down here WHY do you want to have them badly.It should be good.

Ill pick the best writters and seperate prizes to each one of you.If its good,ill give stuffs depending on whats best for you.I maybe will chose more than 3 winners for this giveaway.Or maybe ill give something random that I didnt put in trades.So,good luck!Losers still win a prize.

1.You can ONLY submit the maximun of two (2) entries
2.Those who submit their entries in Maramail are NOT counted.It should be here in the blog.
3.No begging for whats your prize
4.Make it a little longer for me to enjoy

Good luck again!!

Deadline: Before April 2014 (Not final)