2019 Missing Avatar List
5 years, 9 months & 11 days ago

11th Jun 2019 14:00
Battle RelatedAcne: Attack Acne with Egg Grenades in Battle Arena.
Agent: Win 13 battles against Agent in the Battle Arena
Bad Egg: Have the Bad Egg Trading Card in your deck and then view that card in your deck.
Bailiff: Beat Bailiff 15 times in one-player battle arena.
Balloon: Have Balloon Trading Card in your Deck and view it.
Betsoni: Win 390 battles against Betsoni then view Betsoni on the Opponents page.
Bomb: Beat Bomb 17 times in the Battle Arena
Cake: Have Cake Trading Card in your deck and view your Deck.
Can: Beat Can 60 times in the Battle Arena.
Carvey: Have Carvey Trading Card in your Deck and view it in your Deck.
Caveman: Beat Caveman 11 times in the Battle Arena.
Pet Related25 to Life: View your Prison pet when it's prison stat is 25 or more.
@: Refresh your pets book list after it has read Maramail Grammar Guide.
Accordian: View your pets instruments list when it's Level 10 at accordian.
Angel: Own an Angel pet that has watched Angels then view it's DVDs.
Baby Grand: View your pets Instruments list when it has reached Level 10 Baby Grand Piano.
Banjo: View your pet's instruments list when it's Level 10 on Banjo.
Bass Guitar: Have your pet at level 10 Bass Guitar then view it's instrument list.
Bat Guitar: View your pets Instruments when it has learned level 10 Bat Guitar.
Beige: Feed any Beige item to a Beige pet.
Bookworm: View the Book list of a pet that has read over 2500 books.
Bottled: Have a pet with 700+ Play Collection then view its Play List.
Candycane Trumpet: View your pets Instruments when it has reached level 10 in Candycane Trumpet.
Cheese: Feed a Cheese Marapop (not Diet) to a Cheese Fasoro.
Chibs Warrior: Own a level 51+ chibs, battle with it and then view it's profile.
Chocolate: Own a Chocolate pet and feed it any chocolate.
Christmas Drum: Have a pet with Level 10 Christmas Drum and view your pets Instruments.
Minipet (Pet) RelatedAlen: Repeatedly attach an Alen to your pet.
Anjet: Attach an Anjet to your pet for 150+ days then view the minipet.
Anlur: Attach a Anlur minipet to a Vixen then view the minipet.
Arizona: Attach an Arizona to a Fire pet then view the minipet.
Ata: Attach an Ata to your pet for 22 days then view the minipet.
Balloonimal: Attach a Balloonimal to a Pinata pet and view minipet.
Batty: Attach a Batty to your pet for 170+ days then view the minipet.
Batz: Attach a Batz to your pet for 11+ days then remove it.
Baxter: View a Baxter aged 3+ days.
Beach: Attach a Beach to your pet for 11+ days then view the minipet.
Billy: Attach a Billy to your pet for 157+ pets and then view the minipet.
Blake: View attached Blake aged 22 days
Blub: Attach a Blub to a Water pet then view the minipet.
Boris: View attached Boris aged 31 days.
Bubbles: Attach a Bubbles minipet to an Underwater pet for 112+ days then view minipet.
Buckaroo: Attach a Buckaroo to your pet for 190+ days then view the minipet.
Bugsy: Attach a Bugsy to your Minipet pet then view the minipet.
Bullo: View a Bullo attached to a Daisy pet.
Butters: View attached Butters aged 41+ days.
Chevron: Attach a Chevron to your pet for 220+ days then view the minipet.
Chook: Attach a Chook to your pet for 600+ days then view the minipet.
Christmas: Attach a Christmas to your pet for 200+ days then view the minipet.
Minipet (Plate) RelatedAristocornAutumnAvalonBootyBouncerBunnsCacklesCamelotCamofogCantooCerberusCheckmateChickleChidderMinipet (Organic) RelatedAlyeeApplexBananeyBlooblooBrockleeCactooCactusCheriiChest RelatedAdorab: Receive an Adorab when opening a Cancer Treasure Chest.
Aura: Receive an Aura minipet when opening a Winter Treasure Chest.
Bandit: Find a Bandit when opening a Noble Treasure Chest.
Cancer: Open a Cancer treasure chest.
Clothing RelatedAngelic: Wear the Angel Character Costume.
Bah Humbug: Wear a Santa Claws Male or Female Costume
Bride: View Ball Dress costume in your wardrobe.
Chibi: Dress your character in a Chibs Onesie or Chibs Mask and attach a Chibi minipet to your pet.
Shop RelatedAntiques: Buy any item from the Antique Shop in Simeria.
Apophis: Buy an Apophis from the Spy Shop.
Cairo: Buy a Cairo from the Spy Shop.
Game RelatedAnagram Sam: Random when completing an Anagram Sam puzzle.
Pet Job RelatedArchitect: Have a pet with Architect job accept a promotion Level 2.
Astronaut: Get your pet the Astronaut job.
Bank Robber: Resign your pet's job as a Thief.
Businessman: Have a pet with Buisnessman job accept a promotion Level 5.
Carnie: Get your pet the Clown job and collect its income.
Chef: Have a pet with Chef job accept a promotion Level 6.
Mission RelatedBalloon: Complete Level 24 of the Circus Mission.
Blitzen: Complete Level 30 of the Blitzen mission.
Candle: Complete level 24 of Priscilla Mission.
OtherBaby: Win an auction for a Baby Costume.
Bamboo Flute: Make a Bamboo Flute at the Microwave.
Beauty Contest: Win the Beauty Contest in Lowlyhood.
Brain Freeze: Have 150 different types of ice cream in your Attic, then view Ice Cream page of your Attic.
Bullseye: Play Dagger Throw and send score when it is Game of the Day.
Chatty: Have 250 posts in Maratalk.
Temple (Retired)8th Birthday9th BirthdayAdventApril FoolsBirthdayBirthday HuntBoneheadBooCamp JaniCamp PambaCarrotastropheChristmasChristmas EveTemple (Costume)AdventAlienAmericanAnimeArcadeArmouredAutumnBeeBlitzenBootlegBreezeBritishBugCalicoCamouflageCartoonCheckeredChibiChineseChristmasTemple (Other)BeargerBloggerBye Bye BunnyCelebrateChristmas 07