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  1. Completed Blitzen Attempt
    10th Aug 2009 17:34
    15 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  2. Music to my Soul
    5th Jul 2009 18:37
    15 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
  3. Avatar Lending
    21st May 2009 09:13
    15 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  4. Missions and Temples
    25th Oct 2008 08:53
    16 years, 4 months & 19 days ago
  5. Ataia's book list
    28th Sep 2008 11:39
    16 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
  6. Goals
    16th Nov 2007 16:34
    17 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  7. >.>
    21st Aug 2007 17:25
    17 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
Completed Blitzen Attempt
15 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
10th Aug 2009 17:34

I'm going to try Blizten, and I want to keep up with how much I spend, so I'm going to put it here! >]

2: Yellow Fasoro Plushie- 1 MP
Green Gonk Plushie- 75 MP

Total = 76 MP

3: Blackjack Spikes- 1 MP

Total = 77 MP

4: Glowing Cheese Egg- 989 MP

Total = 1,066 MP

5: Giant Pink Lilly - 398 MP

Total = 1,464 MP

6: Blue Hair Dye - 646 MP

Total = 2,110 MP

7: Blitzen Horns - 2,000 MP

Total = 4,110 MP

8: Female Sneakers - 699 MP

Total = 4,809 MP

9: Frozen Ham - 535 MP
Bolimo Gauntlet - 8,500 MP
Sagitta - 638 MP

Total = 14,482 MP

10: Horn of Black Jessup - 6,425 MP
Doyle Voodoo Doll - 1,498 MP

Total = 22,405 MP

11: Hotcha #19 - 2,001 MP

Total = 24,406 MP

12: Blue Grint Potion - 8,500 MP
Bonus Clothing #89 - 24,994 MP

Total = 57,900 MP

13: Bonus Clothing #100 - 12,900 MP
Newth Stamp - 799 MP

Total = 71,599 MP

14: Yellow Reese Potion - 3,985 MP

Total = 75,584 MP

15: Biala Sword - 7,000 MP

Total = 82,584 MP

16: Grey Kidlet Potion - 1219

Total = 83,803 MP

17: Red Bolimo Photo - 2,000

Total = 85,803 MP

18: Polka Dot Baby Doll - 24,450 MP

Total = 110,253 MP

19: Simerian Key 33 - 78,990 MP

Total = 189,243 MP

20: First Dates Book - 76,000 MP

Total = 265,243 MP

21: Silver Gumball - 29,000 MP

Total = 294,243 MP

22: Chocolate Mousse and Cookies - 549 MP

Total = 297,243 MP

23: Christmas Treasure Map 2 - 4,990 MP

Total = 299,782 MP

24: Fasoro Falls Giftbox - 950,000 MP (thank you SO much sonyabgoode!! )

Total = 1,249,782 MP

25: Yellow Huthiq Photo - 49,000 MP

Total = 1,298,782 MP

26: Lati Poison - 41,000 RP

Total = 1,298,782 MP and 41,000 RP

27: Purple Arinya Potion - 1,500,000 MP (thanks so much noname391 !! )

Total = 2,798,782 MP and 41,000 RP

28: Pink Phanty Photo - 399,993

Total = 3,198,775 MP and 41,000 RP

29: Black Renuw - 150,000 MP

Total = 3,348,775 MP and 41,000 RP

30: Dukka Riches Scratchcard - 400,000 MP

Total Spent- 3,748,775 MP and 41,000 RP


Music to my Soul
15 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
5th Jul 2009 18:37

My life had always been the same. Ever since I could remember, it was always the same. My mom was always a great mother, doing what she could even though it was extremely hard. My dad, though, was a horrible, horrible person. Yes, I loved him. But I hated what he became. When I was about six, he got into drinking. He already had a horrible temper, and mixed with the alcohol, it wasn???t pretty.

He found fun in beating my mom and I, causing us pain and plenty of injuries that we always covered up as something else. I became known as the klutz to my friends and teachers at school, always having a new place I had hurt many times a week. And what really bugged me was we still went to church, and he acted like he truly loved God, when to us, it was obvious he didn???t. He was just faking the Christian life.

I stuck it out and smiled, just for my mom. She loved my dad, and didn???t want to tear our family apart. But it was too late. Our family was already torn apart. Over the years, my dad just got worse. The injuries weren???t just bruises anymore. I was getting broken bones.

By the time I turned sixteen, my mom couldn???t take it anymore. She contacted one of those safe houses for families with abusive men, and made arrangements to be moved. Believe me, I was rather happy to get out of this life. I could actually have friends again, and my dad wouldn???t, couldn???t really, refuse to let me see them. I could even have a boyfriend! Excitement was in the air. We were going to move on! We were going to start over! Were.

It???s probably a duh it didn???t go as planned, but I???ll stop ranting now and let you find out for yourself. Welcome to the life of me, Mina Nichole Shindler.


Another day of school. Yay.

I really didn???t like school. I really, really didn???t. Public school sucked. Especially when I had to dump all my friends and tell them we couldn???t hang out anymore, yet not give them a good reason why. Needless to say, I turned a lot of people against me. They said I just thought I was too good for them, and stupid things like that. Which definitely wasn???t true. I wanted to hang out with them. I wanted to have my friends back. But my dad wouldn???t let me have any fun.

The only fun I actually had was acting. I loved acting. So much. It was a time after school where I didn???t have to be me. I could be the part in the play, and escape from my life. It was an amazing and thrilling thing for me.

I still have no idea how my mom talked by dad into it. He was always afraid that if we socialized too much, we would tell someone what he did, and get him locked up. He didn???t want that. But what he didn???t know was that people already knew. We would be leaving sometime soon. He had a business trip he had to go on for work, so we were going to leave after he left. Boy would he be in for a surprise when he got home.

We were already getting ready to move, too. He was leaving tonight, so then we could get packing and be out of here! It was exciting to think about, for me.

My walk home was uneventful. At least, compared to normal, anyways. I had to dodge the stray black lab mix that had taken up at the Ashford???s house that greeted just about everyone, including me, as they came into the neighborhood. Once I actually managed to get the very hyper dog off of me, I continued on my trek.

Instead of walking all the way around and following the road to get to my house, I cut through the Emerson???s garden with permission, loving the fresh smell of plants and flowers. Sometimes if Mrs. Emerson was out in the yard when I went by, she would give me some flowers to take home for the house, but today wasn???t one of those days. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson had just had their first child a few months before, so neither of them were out gardening much anymore. So for today, I just walked through, only pausing to pet their tabby cat that was lounging in the sun, before heading through the small patch of trees, and into my back yard.

Coming into my backyard, I heard the familiar sounds of my parents arguing. Already. I wasn???t even that close to the house. It made me wonder why my dad thought no one knew. We were almost positive our neighbors knew. Especially Mrs. Emerson. Her and my mom were rather close, even though Mrs. Emerson was her in mid twenties, and my mom was in her mid forties. I guess Mrs. Emerson really looked up to my mom. I know I did. She was an incredible person. After all her and I had gone through, there was hardly a moment when she wasn???t smiling. And there was hardly ever a complaint from her, either. She was a very strong woman. I hoped to be like her one day. But I didn???t plan on going through something as hard as this ever again.

I sighed softly, not even wanting to think about going into the house right now. I simply let my backpack fall off my shoulders and dragged it across the yard to our patio swing. I sat down there, put my ipod head phones in my ears and cranked up my favorite Christian rock music, and got to work.

The homework took me maybe a few hours to do, which wasn???t too bad, I thought. Usually I was working on it much later in the day. So I was happy to get done when I did. And it wasn???t like I had to do it. We were moving that week, so.

Since I was done early, I thought I could help mom with dinner, so I pulled my head phones out of my ear and placed the ipod back in my bag with my school books, flung it over my shoulder, and started towards the house.

But as I began walking, I heard my mom scream. It wasn???t a usual scream. This was one of those screams from something of a horror movie, when it wasn???t cheap and it actually sounded like the person was terrified.

I didn???t like the sound of that scream.

I dropped my bag right then and there and ran around to the back door, yanking it open. My feet pushed me as fast as they could into the kitchen, where my eyes went huge. My mom was laying on the floor in a pool of blood, my dad standing over her with a bloody knife. My gaze met my dad???s as he turned to look at me, the anger in his eyes filling me with chills.

As I turned to run, I heard the sound of the knife falling to the ground, and the foot steps of him following me. My heart pounded as I heard him gaining on me, and I knew if I could just get outside, I could scream and alert someone.

Knowing it would take too long to run around the couch, I jumped and launched myself over it, making it to and out the door finally. I stumbled as I landed, losing my balance, which was just what my dad needed. He caught me and grabbed me, putting his hand over my mouth so I couldn???t scream. It was funny that he thought that would stop me, though. I sunk my teeth into his hand, smirking to myself when I heard him yelp as he let go of my mouth.

???Someone, help!??? I screamed at the top of my lungs, before I felt a sudden pain in my back as I lost my breath. I couldn???t move from the pain, and he took advantage of that, grabbing my head and slamming it into the ground. Then my world went black.


I moaned softly, my mind coming back to consciousness. Even though I wasn???t completely with it yet, I waited for the pain to hit. But it never came. That confused me. No pain? Wow. For a second I thought my dad had been nice to me, but why? Why would he be nice to me when I was trying to alert someone that he attacked my mom?

My mom. The image of her laying on the ground in her blood flashed through my mind, and I whimpered softly. Did she make it? Was she ok? I honestly hoped so, but I didn???t see how. There was too much blood. I hoped and prayed that I alerted someone fast enough, and they called 911.

My mind raced as it started to clear, and I thought about what might have happened. Was my dad arrested? Did my mom get to the hospital in time? Was I sent to the hospital? I would have kept going, but a voice spoke, making me snap out of my little world and realize I wasn???t alone???wherever I was. I hadn???t even opened my eyes yet. I didn???t want to. I wasn???t sure I could actually face what had just happened to me. I was good with just thinking about it at the moment.

???Mina? Can you hear me, Mina???? The voice asked softly, clearly female. I had never heard it before in my life.

Huh. Weird. Maybe it was a nurse? But wouldn???t they call me ma???am? I don???t know. But I was surely confused.

???Mina???? The female asked again, and finally, I cracked open my eyes. I looked up to see a young female that looked maybe eighteen. She smiled when she looked into my eyes, and gently brushed a strand of her light brown hair behind her ear. I could tell she was kind, just by her eyes. They were a beautiful blue green, and full of caring compassion. Was she my nurse? Her outfit was definitely not a nurses outfit. She was wearing a yellow jacket over a white shirt, as well as blue jeans. She was kind of young to me a nurse, too. Man, I was confused.

???How are you feeling???? She asked me, smiling even more though I was frowning now.

???Confused, and full of questions, really?????? I mumbled softly, starting to sit up in the bed I was in. The female helped me, and I took the chance to take a look around the room.

The bed I was on was in the middle of a dark blue room, and it looked like it could be a hospital room, but it would have to be a strange hospital. To my left was a door, along with a few cabinets. The wall across from the bed had a desk and a chair, the desk being covered with several different medical instruments that I didn???t recognize. The last wall to my right had two desks right next to each other, covered with more instruments, as well as vials and what looked like a brewing pot. Definitely weird. But what I really focused on was the man sitting in the chair there. He hadn???t said anything, so I hadn???t noticed him before now. He was tall, I could tell, even though he was sitting down. He had blond hair that was very messy and very in his face, making it hard for me to see his blue eyes. But they were very bright, and almost shined through his hair. Almost.

He continued to stay quiet as I turned my gaze back to the female, who was now frowning.

???I???m sorry to say, but you might be confused for a while?????? She mumbled, which really just confused me even more. I raised an eyebrow, tilting my head softly, feeling my hair brush my shoulder.

???I???m Rebecca, by the way. But you can call me Becca if you would like.??? She said after a short pause in which she glanced towards the male. I saw him nod from the corner of my eyes, but I kept them on her.

???Um???well???I have things to attend to. I???ll come check on you later, ok? Here???s something to eat and drink. I???m sure you must be starving.???

She smiled again and handed me a plate with a sandwich and a glass of water. I smiled back, mumbling a quick thank you. It was killing me not to start asking a million questions, but seeing that sandwich made me realize something. I was starving.

I happily accepted the plate, and as I started to nibble on it, I watched as Rebecca exited the room. So I turned my gaze to the male, millions of questions coming to my head. As soon as I was done with this sandwich, I would be asking. He didn't look busy. I could bother him.

He watched me as I watched him, and finally, he smirked. "Full of questions, eh?" He said, and I nodded, still stuffing my face. It would have been rude to speak now.

"I would be too. You're probably wondering where you are, who I am, your mother is." The man said, getting to his feet now.

I had been nodding, but at the mention of my mother, I stopped. I couldn't chew. I couldn't swallow.

How was she? I wanted to know. So, so badly.

"Finish eating, and I'll tell you." He said, and I nodded, but it was hard. Knowing he was nearly impossible to continue eating. I wanted to know so badly. So very badly. But I could tell her was serious about me eating first. So I didn't argue, and ate away.

Finally done, I set the plate and glass on my lap, and crossed my arms.

"Ok, I ate. Spill it." I said, and he just looked at me blankly. It was rather annoying. So I add, "Please"

He chuckled, but nodded then. "Ok, ok. I'm 'spilling it'. My name is Vincent Elric. I'm the...I suppose you could say 'president' here. But please, just call me Ven. I hate anything else, ok?"

"Ok, Ven....President of what? Is this a hospital?" I asked, tilting my head. It really didn't look like a hospital. It didn't feel like one, either. There wasn't that nasty smell of antiseptic in the air, either, which lead me to honestly think I was somewhere else. But where?

"No, this isn't a hospital. But this is the hospital wing. It is more of an..organization, though. It's small, but significant enough."

"Organization of what? Why am I here, then?" I asked, getting side tracked by what he was telling me.

"All in due time. I think you were more interested in knowing about what happened...?" Ven asked, and my eyes shot open just about as huge as they possibly could get.

"Yes...?" I asked, frowning at the long silence, in which he closed his eyes.

"I can only tell you what I've heard. I wasn't there, but I do know what happened." He explained, and I nodded once again. This was taking a while, but I wasn't complaining. He was going to tell me what happened to my mother.

"After you screamed, one of your neighbor's called 911. You were taken to the hospital, as well as your mother. The injuries to your head were significant enough that you were put into a coma. That was six months ago."

I didn't know it was possible, but my eyes got even larger.

"I a coma? For six months?" I asked softly, closing my eyes. No way. That couldn't be possible. Was it really six months? It didn't feel like six months ago...

"My mother? What happened to her?" I demanded, my gaze going back to Ven. I had to know now. But the way he was putting it off worried me deeply.

"I'm sorry, but...she was pronounced dead when they reached the hospital."

Avatar Lending
15 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
21st May 2009 09:13

Maramail me if you're interested. =]

Sizzle- Bid on Fried Egg Plushie in a marapal only auction. 5k tip for friends, 15k tip for anyone else.

Sshh../Astronaut/Robot combo- Get the astronaut job for xXNaosXx, accept him and his robot self through the pet exchange, look at his book list. 36k for pet exchange fees. Total: 100k for friends, 200k for everyone else.

Just making a note: If something happens to my pets, or an item goes missing, I would like to be reimbursed.

Missions and Temples
16 years, 4 months & 19 days ago
25th Oct 2008 08:53

Temple of Transformation: 29/30
Clam: 13/30

Blitzen: 1x
Bumpkin: 1x
Clown: 1x
Rusty Twins: 1x
Tarquin: 3x
Temple of Transubstantiation: 1x

Ataia's book list
16 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
28th Sep 2008 11:39

1000 Leagues Up Book - [x]
300 Million Hits Book - []
3rd Birthday Book - [x]
A-Z of Undying Woods - [x]
Addow Book - [x]
Angel Book - []
Armoured Book - []
Autumn Book - []
Autumn Rain Book - []
Azul Day Off Book - [x]
Bakery Tips Book - [x]
Baking Gingerbread - []
Baking Pumpkins Book - [x]
Balloon Collecting Guide - [x]
Become a Healer - [x]
Being Elger - []
Being a Punk Book - [x]
Biala Book - []
Binded Purple Book - [x]
Blitzen Book - [x]
Blood Stained Book - [x]
Bone Book - [x]
Book of Anime - [x]
Book of Bad Smiles - [x]
Book of Charms - []
Book of Daggers - [x]
Book of Death - [x]
Book of Fate - []
Book of Loyalty - [x]
Book of Mystery - [x]
Book of Secrets - [x]
Book of Swords - []
Book of Time - [x]
Brutal Weapons Book - [x]
Burnt Book - [x]
Camouflage Book - []
Candy Guide Book - []
Candy Mysteries Book - [x]
Candyland Book - [x]
Canning Book - [x]
Chibs Book - [x]
Chinese New Year Book - [x]
Christmas Carol Book - []
Christmas Cook Book - [x]
Christmas Ribbons Book - [x]
Chronicles of the Dark - []
Chronicles of the Light - []
Climbing Mt Dukka Book - [x]
Clown History Book - [x]
Collecting Flowers - [x]
Collecting Stars - [x]
Constellations - [x]
Cooking Turkey Guide - [x]
Dark Spell Book - [x]
Death Spell Book - []
Digital Book - []
Digital Spell Book - []
Doyle Book - [x]
Dukka Caves Book - [x]
Dukka Goals Book - []
Earth Fairy Book - []
Earth Spell Book - [x]
Easter Book - []
Easter Egg Book - [x]
Easter Eggs Book- [x]
Egg Recipe Book - [x]
Eleka Era Book - [x]
Eleka Tombola Book - [x]
Encyclopedia A - []
Encyclopedia B - [x]
Encyclopedia C - [x]
Encyclopedia D - [x]
Encyclopedia E - [x]
Encyclopedia F - [x]
Encyclopedia G - [x]
Encyclopedia H - [x]
Encyclopedia I - [x]
Encyclopedia J - [x]
Encyclopedia K - [x]
Encyclopedia L - [x]
Encyclopedia M - [x]
Encyclopedia N - [x]
Encyclopedia O - [x]
Encyclopedia P - [x]
Encyclopedia Q - [x]
Encyclopedia R - [x]
Encyclopedia S - [x]
Encyclopedia T - [x]
Encyclopedia U - [x]
Encyclopedia V - [x]
Encyclopedia W - [x]
Encyclopedia X - [x]
Encyclopedia Y - [x]
Encyclopedia Z - []
Energy Spell Book - [x]
Enpiah Book - []
Enpiah Law Book - []
Equilor Book - [x]
Error Book - []
Evil Eye Book - [x]
Exchange Rates Book - [x]
Fasoro Book - [x]
Feliz Book - [x]
Festival Book - [x]
Festive Candles Books - []
Festival Pop Up Book - [x]
Fire Book - [x]
Fire Spell Book - [x]
First Dates Book - []
Flaming Book - [x]
Flying with Walee Book - [x]
Fried Eggs Book - []
Frozen Book - [x]
Gardening Book - []
Ghost Tales Book - [x]
Gift Wrapped Book - []
Gigantic Fairy Book - [x]
Glass Book- [x]
Glittering Goods Book - [x]
Gonk on the Ranch Book - []
Gothic Photo Album - [x]
Green Waters Book - [x]
Grint Book - [x]
Guide to Candy Book - [x]
Guide to Magic - [x]
Halloween Book - [x]
Halloween Clothing Guide - [x]
Halloween Recipe Book - [x]
Halloween Treats Book - []
Haunted Festival Book - [x]
Hero Zero Book - [x]
Holiday Decorating Guide - [x]
How to Fish - []
Huthiq Book - []
Ice Book - [x]
Ice Fairy Book - [x]
Ice Spell Book - [x]
Jenoan Tales - [x]
Jessup Book - [x]
Jewellery - [x]
Knutt Book - [x]
Leido Book - [x]
Leprechaun Book - []
Light Fairy Book - []
Lightning Book - []
Lightning Spell Book - [x]
Living in Prison Guide - [x]
Living in Puchala Book - [x]
Lost Ruins Book - [x]
Love Spell Book - [x]
Maramail Grammar Guide - []
Midnight Book - [x]
Mummy Book - [x]
Murfin Book - [x]
Newth Book - [x]
Old Candy Tree Book - [x]
On Fire Book - []
Photo Album - [x]
Pirate Cave Book - [x]
Pixie Book - [x]
Popup Christmas Book - [x]
Pot of Gold Book - [x]
Puchala Village Book - []
Queen Eleka Book - []
Recycled Book - [x]
Reese Book - [x]
Rocket Book - [x]
Rofling Book - [x]
Roman Numerals Book - []
Rotten Book - [x]
Royal Book - [x]
Runes - []
Sad Snookle Book - [x]
Sand Book - []
Scrolls Book - [x]
Secrets of Simeria Book - []
Shadow Spell Book - [x]
Simerian History Vol 1 - [x]
Simerian History Vol 2 - []
Sindi Book - [x]
Skater Book - [x]
Slater Park Book - [x]
Snowball Book - [x]
Snowman Book - [x]
Snowman Hats Book - []
Snowmans Halloween Book - [x]
Snowstorm Book - [x]
Space Fairy Book - []
Speiros Spiral Book - [x]
Steam Spell Book - [x]
Successful Trading Book - [x]
Surviving Madness Book - [x]
Sushi Trouble Book - [x]
Tarquin Book - [x]
The Broken Wand - [x]
The Fates Scissor Book - [x]
The Golden Links Book - [x]
The Travelling Pearl Book - []
Tombola Book - [x]
Trash Book - [x]
Trunx Book - [x]
Under the Sea Book - [x]
Undying Book - []
Undying Tombola Book - [x]
Ushunda Book - [x]
Valentine Book - [x]
Vampire Sightings Book - [x]
Viotto Book - [x]
Voodoo Book - []
Vortex Warning Book - []
Water Spell Book - [x]
Wind Spell Book - [x]
Winter Book - [x]
Witch Tales - [x]
Wizard's Books - [x]
Yakubi Book - [x]
Yakubi Skeleton Book - [x]
Yuni Teacher Book - [x]

Total read:

  1. Completed Blitzen Attempt
    10th Aug 2009 17:34
    15 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  2. Music to my Soul
    5th Jul 2009 18:37
    15 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
  3. Avatar Lending
    21st May 2009 09:13
    15 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  4. Missions and Temples
    25th Oct 2008 08:53
    16 years, 4 months & 19 days ago
  5. Ataia's book list
    28th Sep 2008 11:39
    16 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
  6. Goals
    16th Nov 2007 16:34
    17 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  7. >.>
    21st Aug 2007 17:25
    17 years, 6 months & 23 days ago