12/21 Prelude A.F.I.
12 years, 4 months & 4 days ago

9th Nov 2012 19:19
???This is what I brought you, this you can keep
This is what I brought you, may forget me
I promise to depart, just promise one thing
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
This is what I brought you, this you can keep
This is what I brought you, may forget me
I promise you my heart, just promise to sing, kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
This is what I thought, I thought you need me
This is what I thought, so think me nieve
I promise you a heart, you promise to keep, kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
Kiss my eyes and lay me to???
12/21 Prelude
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0iZYdCeBi4&feature=autoplay&list=HL1352514920&playnext=12 The second song is Miss Murder