9 years, 7 months & 26 days ago

21st Jul 2015 13:29
This is my blog about the pets I've Created/Traded and just owned in general
Pets I still haveAidan Minipet Lorius. Traded for his name and then turned into minipet lorius
Amaria Non LE. Possibly to become a minipet Rusty?!
Amenadiel Water Rusty. (Original name Moraayaa he came partially statted with some GF which I have massively built upon)
Dracol Dragon Yuni. Created from scratch renamed from Calogerus
Emmeline Non LE. Created during the purge 2017
Fayre Hairy Straya. Traded for
Finola Non LE. Created during the purge 2017
Lathuin Superhero Raulf. Created from Scratch
Lecolia Nimbus Chibs. Traded for her name then turned to Nimbus Chibs
Merche Autumn Vixen. Created, traded and finally found again!
Nebride Calico Viotto. Created from scratch after completing Blitzen Missions
Remigius Underwater Gobble. Created from scratch
Sarphe Valentine Straya. Created from scratch
Seraphinus Moonlight Raulf. Created from scratch
Sirantha Villain Rusty. Created from scratch after completing Rubbish Dump Mission
Sleepwalker Sleepy Raulf. Traded for
Typhaon Zombie Starya. Traded for. Poisoned and turned zombie
Tousle Seasonal Nino. Traded and turned Seasonal.
Widdal Non LE, using for Transformations
Zephys Nimbus Lorius. Created from scratch
Pets I have previosuly OwnedCerve Pastel Figaro. Traded for and then traded again
Concerning Was a Radioactive Echlin I recostumed to Burnt- Given to me by Dresden
DanirToddler Vlad. Created from scratch and have traded away
Exsolved Splatter Yuni. Now owned by Dresden and renamed Davison
IncantingChibi Chibs. Created from scratch and traded away
Katerina Candy Figaro. Traded for and then Traded again.
RyodanSpacefairy Snookle. Created from scratch then traded away
Therus Anime Raulf. Created from scratch then traded away
UPDATED 5/5/18
***I have owned/created other pets but I cannot remember them
