3 years, 4 months & 23 days ago

21st Oct 2021 02:39
LEVEL 28 - GIGANTIC - Complete Level 30 to finish Rubbish Dump (Currently at 6)
LEVEL 29 - ENPIAH - Complete Level 30 of Ublish (Currently at 11)
LEVEL 31 - CITY OF MARADA - Complete Level 30 to finish Tarquin's Library (Currently at 6)
LEVEL 35 - UNDYING WOODS - Complete Level 25 or higher Trotter's Movies mission (Currently at 20)
LEVEL 39 - PUCHALLA - Complete Level 15 or higher Bumpkin mission (Currently at 11)
LEVEL 47 - BIALA - Complete Level 30 at Blitzen (Currently at 8)
LEVEL 48 - DUKKA CAVES - Complete Level 30 to finish Pirate Mafia (Currently at 25)
LEVEL 17 - SIMERIA - Complete the Simerian Explorer Treasure Map at the Simerian Explorer
LEVEL 21 - FOXFIRE FOREST - Complete the Foxfire Pond Treasure Map
LEVEL 21 - JENOA - Complete the Fishing Treasure Map
LEVEL 22 - SLATER PARK - Complete Enchanted Plushie Instructions
LEVEL 36 - MINIPET ISLAND - Complete Fishing Treasure Map
LEVEL 35 - KAMILAH DESSERT - Complete Kamilah Pyramid Map
LEVEL 36 - VORTEX PARK - Complete the Vortex Park Reservoir Treasure Map
LEVEL 27 - BASPINAR - Complete 300 knutt knight
LEVEL 26 - ELEKAS CASTLE - You need to use a Chibs Poison item
LEVEL 28 - LOWLYHOOD - Complete 75 Drew Quests
LEVEL 30 - CITY SEWERS - Use any Enchanted Ushunda Plushie or Ushunda Potion
LEVEL 32 - UNDYING WOODS - Win MP500MP from Spooks Busters
LEVEL 34 - NIMBUS - 1000 Magazines
LEVEL 39 - LUSH LAKE - Have 75 or more items in the Lipsticks section of your Wardrobe Collection
LEVEL 49 - CANDYLAND - Have 20 or more stamps in the Candyland Stamp Page (5 away)
- Collect 500 or more Plates in your Plate Collection
You have completed the Ziranek Goals - 16/11/21