fish names
13 years, 7 months & 20 days ago

26th Jul 2011 10:35
Hi marapeople! I know I haven't been online for a couple of weeks but my family had to deal with some internet probelms. But I'm back! So here's the thing: a couple of days ago I got a goldfish but I don't know what to name it. If you guys could help me, it'll save a whole lot of internet serching. All right, here are some suggestions:
Sunburst, Pumpkin, Sunny, Bubbles, Peaches, and Lucky
Chose your favorite. Thanks and see you later!

13 years & 10 months ago

15th May 2011 13:18
Hi! I was wondering if anyone would want to be my friend. I'm not desperate. I'm just lonely. Most of my friends are almost never on and when they are, I'm not on. So, if anyone wants to be friends, you could either mail me or just send me a friend request. Okay? Bye!