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  1. My 'short' story
    30th Mar 2012 18:12
    12 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  2. Pokemon Hybrids
    16th Aug 2011 20:28
    13 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
  3. Story for no reason, NOT FINISHED!
    29th Jul 2011 08:42
    13 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
  4. Harry Potter Siggies
    24th Jul 2011 13:04
    13 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
  5. Poem
    5th Jun 2011 04:38
    13 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
  6. My Harry Potter Character (RP)
    3rd Jun 2011 19:52
    13 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  7. Gifted, Vampire, Fantasy RP character's
    8th May 2011 19:40
    13 years, 10 months & 5 days ago
My 'short' story
12 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
30th Mar 2012 18:12

My body ached, i was sure that I've broken almost every bone in my body. I laid still on the ground, maybe ten feet away from a car with the front of the car dented like it hit a pole or the side of a brick wall. I opened my mouth to speak but no works escaped my lips, only a large glitch of pain crawled up my spine.

I want to scream, but then I remember someone telling me something. "don't scream, they all sense fear" but I just don't remember who said it or who 'they' are.

"miss... Are you okay?!" states a worried voice, that hovered over me. My first thought was 'do I look alright?' but how could I even know. If I looked as good as I felt right then, the answer was 'no'.

I don't move, how could I? I felt paralyzed and was aching in pain, my vision started to blur, my focus started to get dreadfully fuzzy.

"HELP! Someone call an ambulance!" the voice yelled as it seemed that the voice was directed in all directions. "It's going to be okay, I'm so sorry!" the male voice added, honestly.

I heard fingers tapping on a screen as the machine made a ticking sound with each tap, like it was a the person was hitting number on a phone.

All I hear is something that seems to be crossed with a growl and a mutter. I can't even guess what the person kneeling right beside my paralyzed body is saying.

A few minutes later sirens ring in my ears, and the next thing I know is that I'm getting lifted onto a very uncomfortable bed and propped up onto a metal seeming vehicle when the blinding red flashes and siren like noise was coming from.

"miss, if you can hear me. You have to listen to me, your on an ambulance on your way to the hospital" a concerned and serious voice spoke, mixed with a bunch of other things. But the message was clear, 'don't die'.

Twenty minutes of getting tossed around the ambulance, swerving this way and that way. The vehicle stopped still and I was shoved out of the truck on the bed and rushed to emergency.

"doc we have a girl with major head injuries" stated one of the nurse as I just rushed through the doors.

Everyone came in standing around me, wonder how I even survived. The problem was, I didn't even know. The world started to go quiet and darken behind my eyelids.

"NURSE!" yelled the doctor, just before everything fell from my grasp as I starting seeing things, things I didn't think I would ever remember.

~Next Chapter~

I shifted uncomfortably in the chair as he watched me. Looking for something. " I had the dream again" I mutter nervously. My hands clasped in my lap, as my palms were sweating like a pig.

"oh, are you wishing to talk about it?" my councilor asked, as he moved to the edge of his chair. He seemed to interested in hearing my stories, my dreams. He looked at me, hoping I'll say yes. Hoping me to say the nightmares that have been haunting me since I was seven.

I shook my head, no. "I...I can't" I replied, looking down at my lap. "this isn't something I should ever talk about....ever" I added softly. It was the same reply I always gave him, never.

He placed his hand on my knee for comfort. "it's fine, remember it's only a dream" was the last thing I heard him say, before my sea green eyes turned white. Flickering open and closed like an old film.

I was standing in an alley way, the moon was out, shining
dimly in the starry night sky. There was a little girl in the arms of an uneven shaved man, a gun to the small girl's head. The girl's mother begging the man to give her back her child, the women's tears glistened on her face.

The man stood unfazed with the women's tears and placed the end of the shot gun closer to the young child's head. He stood at least 6'1", with a lanky build. The ostrich like man had a scar above his left eye, stretching from his eye to his slim, jaw-etched cheek.

"mommy...." asked the child, frightfully. "shut up, brat" hissed the man, before looking back at the women. "where's Mr. Lance?!" he yelled, sounding desperate and fierce.

"I...I don't know!" cried the mother, looking at the child as though everything was going to be fine but tears streamed down her face.

"fine" growled the drug looking man, before pulling the trigger and letting the small, limp, bleeding body of the little girl tumble to the alley way ground.

I couldn't do anything, I could never do anything in these dreams. I wanted to save the girl, but I couldn't I'd just go through the people, like a spirt or more commonly known as, a ghost.

How could my councilor want to know this. How could anyone be cursed this bad? what did I ever do to deserve this?

I was on the carpet of the room, my knees close to my chest and my hands clenched together in fists; when I woke up. My councilor stood over me, worry filled his eye as I had laid still for five minutes. I started getting up, pulling my body weight off the ground with one of my hands.

"sorry....what were we talking about?" I muttered as I carried myself up to the chair I had been sitting on, daring myself not to look at him. Silence filled the room for ten minutes, I didn't know what to say and it seemed like my councilor didn't know how to say or ask anything...until.

" really should talk to someone about these dreams" he replied reaching for a remote to a near by flat screen tv. He pressed a button on the remote, making the screen lighten up and flash pictures across the screen.

'tonight on Global, we find out the minute, we just got new information of a little girl by the name of Lucy Dawnser. Her body was found in the alley of westwaters street, by the old boxing match building. She was seven years of age, shot in the head. Our news broadcaster stands on the side with more information.' stated the Tv news program before the screen changed to the same alley way I had been dreaming about twenty minutes ago...

"So that's what her name was" I muttered under my breath and looked away from the Television screen. I started playing with my dark brown hair, twirling it around it into a curl. I would have been shaking if I hadn't been able to learn and control my body, when I first watched the news.

You see, my adoptive parents hate watching the news so it's always on sports, for my adoptive father or a soap opera for my adoptive mother. Never on the news. Once I accidentally turned the news on when turning it to my shows. I stopped at the channel and stared at the 'missing person' picture in the corner of the television screen.

After that I didn't sleep for a week, fearing that if I did, more people would die because I dreamed. It didn't, it just continued, causing me to jumping into a unconscious state and see these deaths right before they actually happened...

"Sarah. Do you know what happened? Or who the girl is?" Aurther Nare, my councilor asked. He looked at me fearfully. His brow started to sweat, his eyes hungry for knowledge, my knowledge.

I lean back in the chair and shrug, while having my arms crossed across my chest. "Probably saw her once, somewhere for a brief moment" I lied. I knew exactly who she was, and where I saw her but it would give away my hidden curse in which no one can and will know about.

Aurther nodded his shaggy light brown haired head in interest. "Makes sense" he replied, unknowing that I had plainly lied. He glanced back to the news channel and turned it onto something slightly better, I guess.

I hadn't paid much attention to the scene, but the voices sounded familiar like a soap opera. Maybe it was 'The Young and the Restless' but I could care less on what the show was.

"Sarah" he asked cautiously, as though the next thing in his sentence was going to make me want to throw him out the seven story building or cry a river. "I know you probably wouldn't want to talk about your real parents. But do you have any idea who they are, and where they are?" he continued, it was the last question that he always asked. And the answer never changed.


~next chapter

I flopped onto my bed, once we got home. My 'mother' continued bickering that I need to talk about the waking nightmares. I usually ignore her in the end.

I've been up since three in the morning and the day was finally coming to me. My eyes started getting heavier and heavier, the longer I laid on my bed.

It all started out very well, I was standing in the mall, and spotted a couple people from my former school. I doubt they would know me, or even recognize me now-a-days. I stood in front of the cafe looking around, starting to wonder what to do first. Shop, look to find some of my other friends, but then I stopped, a sudden thought hit me like a snowball.

'someone's going to die aren't they?' I asked to no one in particular, there was no answer which made the answer even more accessible.


Meaning I couldn't do anything on move in my own little compact space and watch what happens. I truly hope this wasn't a gang bust, only an accident, in where someone can survive, but a part of me denied that, that would be the case.

Someone walked right in front of me then looked back as though...they... knew I was there. I didn't see their face clearly enough as they wore a black scarf over half their face and a beanie like hat. But the eye's... Where had I seen them before...

Pokemon Hybrids
13 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
16th Aug 2011 20:28

Name: Sydney Lily Evan(Taylor Ally Black)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Mixed with?: Latias
Pokemon?: Growlithe
Pokemon eggs?: N/A
Other: She's doesn't like people telling her what to do, even her brother. She enjoy's traveling and battles. Taylor is probably someone that you DON'T want to have as an enemy. She likes to work alone, but will work with others if she has to.

Name: Zachary Mattew Evan
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Mixed with?: Latios
Pokemon?: Wartotle
Pokemon eggs?: Gyarados
Other: Older brother to Taylor. He stays by Taylor's side and was the second one between his sister to get their first pokemon, even though he is older.

Name: Kyle Laryce
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Mixed with?: Lugia
Pokemon eggs?:

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Mixed with?: Shadow Lugia
Pokemon eggs?:

Name: Nicholas Gray
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Mixed with?: Rayquaza
Pokemon eggs?:

Name: Emily Elizabeth
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Mixed with?: Rayquaza
Pokemon eggs?:

Story for no reason, NOT FINISHED!
13 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
29th Jul 2011 08:42

One month after birth

The first wizard war was happening as a part veela baby girl was born. She had black hair and green eyes like her father, but looked very much like her half veela mother. It was August 16th, a month and three day???s after the baby girl was born, and all was quiet in Godric???s Hollow, which was unusual these days. A male walked into the room, with a worried facial expression. ???We need to go, He-Who-Must- Not-Be-Named is coming??? He said distressed and holding out his arms for the new born. ???Dear, take Taylor and run, I???ll hold him off as long as I can??? replied the mother of the baby girl, she handed her little girl to her boyfriend, Sirius Black.

Sirius nodded and ran out of the house, holding his little girl close to his chest. ???Taylor Ami Black, who would have thought, another Black??? He muttered quietly in his daughters??? ear and walked for his friends??? house. He would have ran to James??? house, but that would have looked to suspensions. He walked up to the Potter household and knocked on the door. As Sirius looked towards his girlfriends burning house and a group of Death Eaters, surrounding the flame-licked house, James Potter opened the door.

???Sirius! My old friend, what???s going?????? Prongs started then saw the house in flames. He moved out of the way and let Padfoot into the house. The two friends walked silently into the living room and sat down opposite of each other. ???You okay, Padfoot???? James asked, looking a bit concerned for his friend.

Lily Potter walked into the room and almost dropped her cup of tea, when she saw Sirius and the little one-month old girl. ???So this must be Taylor??? Lily said and picked up the little girl.

Sirius nodded to both the Potters. ???We need to stop running??? Padfoot muttered and smiled once Taylor giggled.

Lily sat next to James and bounce Taylor on her lap, making Taylor Ally laugh harder. James placed his hand on Lily???s knee and looked at Sirius. ???Sirius, you know the difficulty of moving around without the dark lord knowing. Expectally with the people from the Order??? James replied with worriness in his voice.

Lily stopped bouncing Taylor and looked at Sirius then her husband. ???James, we both know it???s not safe to live by muggles. The Dark Lord will just kill them off like mice then leave the Death eaters to deal with the rest.??? Lily said to her husband. She stood up and gave Taylor back to Sirius and walked to the kitchen. ???I???m going to call Remus??? She said and picked up the phone and started to call Moony.

A few minutes later a knock came at the door. James got up and opened the door. ???Remus!??? Prongs said and closed the door after Moony walked into the house. Remus hit James in the back and smiled, then walked to the living room and grinned at Sirius Black. ???Hey Padfoot, You okay???? He asked, not knowing that Prongs had asked the same question moments ago.

???Prongs asked the same question a few minutes ago, You don???t have to ask??? Padfoot replied and held Taylor???s hand???s and lifted her up, so she would be standing. ???Skylar???s died??? Sirius muttered and let Taylor walk to her ???uncle??? Remus.

Taylor fell on Remus??? knees and smiled up to him. ???Re???us, un???le Re???us??? Taylor tried to talk to her fathers friend.

???That???s terrible, Sirius, but your daughter seems to be doing well. All you can hope is for her safety??? Remus replied and picked up Taylor and placed her on his lap.

A few years later(About three years)

The minister stomped into the black house in 12 Grimmauld Place. ???Taylor, Hid!??? Taylor???s father yelled from the main level. Taylor???s eye???s widened in fear as she dashed under her grandmothers bed, leaving her toy???s out on the floor and put her hands over her mouth as someone walked into the room and looked around.

???Sirius Black, For the death of Lily and James Potter along with twelve muggles and Peter Pettigrew, you have been sentenced to a life in Azkaban??? A males voice boomed within the household.

Sirius tried to tell the man that he wasn???t guilty, but the man didn???t seem to want to listen and had a couple of men, drag Padfoot out of the Black household.

After the ministry walked left the property, Remus Lupin walked carefully into the house. ???Taylor? Are you there???? He whisper and walked upstairs into the rooms. His eyes darting around the room, seeing movement under the bed, Remus bent down and smiled, seeing Taylor unharmed and safe. ???Hey Tail???s, you okay???? He asked quietly as Taylor crawled out from under the bed. Tail???s was Taylor Marauder name that Remus had given her when she was one and a half.

Taylor nodded and wrapped her arms around Remus??? neck. ???Some people came and took Daddy away. Saying that he killed Mr. and Mrs. Potter, along with WormyTail and some Muggles!??? Taylor cried in Remus??? shoulder.

Remus returned the hug and placed his hand on the back of Taylor???s head. ???I know, I know??? He whispered and stood up, with her in his arms. ???Tail???s I???m going to take care of you, okay???? He informed and placed her on the bed. Taylor nodded and rubbed her eyes getting rid of the tears that had filled her eyes.

Taylor pulled herself of her grandmother???s bed and grabbed her favorite toy that she had left on the floor earlier. ???Rea-dy??? Taylor sniffled and held out her small hand for Remus to lead her with. Remus smiled and led Taylor to his house.

Nine year pass by
Off to Daigon Alley

???Taylor, get up we???re off to Daigon Alley!??? Nymphadora called from the main level. Taylor had grown up with Nymphadora, who rather be called Tonks and Remus Lupin, She had considered them family and her adopted family, after her father was taken prisoner in Azkaban and her mother was killed then burned.

A girl with ebony black hair rose from the covers of her bed and stretched out her arms. She swung her feet over the bed and slowly woke up. As she stood up, Taylor realized what Tonks was telling her about. ???Oh shoot??? She snapped and had a quick shower to wake her up and changed into a tank top with a wolf on the front and pair of small shorts. She raced down stairs and smiled to Remus.

???Taylor, do you have to wear those shorts???? He asked as he sipped his coffee. After nine years of taking care of Taylor, he protected her like his own.

Taylor sighed. ???Not unless, you want me to take 15 minutes of worthless choosing, and then re-choose??? She replied and gave Remus a small kiss on the cheek. She grabbed her shoulder bag and swung it onto her shoulders.

???Okay, Lets go??? Remus replied, giving in to Taylor and her???dress wear. He walked outside and followed by Taylor and Nymphadora. Remus looked at Tonks and smiled as she took out her wand, and indicated the Night bus to come and pick the three up.

The Night bus came to a halt as Tonks put away her wand and waited for Stan to finish his ???speech???. ???Hi Stan??? Taylor waved and walked onto the bus, with Tonks and Moony. ???Where to???? The shrunken head, in the front of the bus asked.

???Daigon Alley, in London??? Remus replied and sat down on a bed, for some of the stranded witch???s and wizard???s. Taylor and Tonks sat next to him, Taylor nodded her head in agreement.

???Daigon Alley, Ernie??? The Jamaican sounding shrunken head yelled to the driver. The driver, that was named Ernie closed the doors to the Night bus and started the bus, driving it through traffic in London.

About 10 Minutes later, the bus stopped. ???The Leaky Cauldron??? Stan said and gestured for the three that this was their stop. ???Thank you??? Remus thanked. ???Thanks??? Taylor said as she hopped off the Night bus and followed her Godfather inside, followed by Tonks.
Taylor walked confidently behind Remus Lupin. She waved to a couple of people in the Leaky Cauldron and continued on to the Brick wall. Remus took his wand out and tapped a couple of bricks, opening up the wall and revealing Daigon Alley. ???Okay we should stop at Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Get some of you money and then grab all your supplies??? Remus suggested and started towards the Wizard Bank.

Taylor followed her Godfather to Gringotts, almost bumping into a pair of red-haired twins on the way. ???Oh sorry??? She apologized as she stepped back and looked up to them. They looked about her age, but at least an inch taller.

???Our fault, we shouldn???t have stepped in front of a pretty girl like you??? One of the boys said. ???I???m Fred, that???s my twin brother George??? He introduced and smiled at Taylor. ???Hi??? George said, a little distracted from something in a window.

???I???m Taylor??? Taylor replied, she blushed a bit and smiled back up to Fred. ???So you???re going to Hogwarts too???? She asked, but before she could get an answer Nymphadora put her hand on Taylor???s shoulder.

???Come on Taylor, You can talk to the two boys later??? Tonks said and pulled Taylor to Gringotts. ???I???ll catch up to you guy???s later??? Taylor yelled and ran to wizard bank, her black hair flying behind her as she ran.

???Taylor, what happened? You were right behind me a moment ago then I see you back there, talking with two boys??? Remus asked, Taylor opened her mouth to reply but Tonks spoke up instead.

???She almost ran into the boys and she was apologizing, then they got into a small conversation, Nothing to big, Remus??? Tonks replied. ???Now lets go, before the day is done??? She added, pushing Taylor and Moony, both inside the wizard bank.

Taylor, Tonks and Remus walked up to the front and stood there. Nymphadora bent down to Taylor, ???Better let Remus do the talking??? She whispered in Taylor???s ear, then stood up straight. Remus gave a small cough of recognition and looked up to the Goblin in the front desk. ???Miss. Taylor Black would like to make a withdrawal??? He said and took a key out of his coat pocket.

???As you wish??? The goblin hissed and another goblin walked up to the three and led them to Taylor???s vault.

???Vault 711??? The goblin said and got out of the cart. ???Lamp, please??? the goblin asked. Tonks gave the smallish goblin the lamp and got out of the cart as well. Remus followed Tonks out of the cart; last to leave was Taylor, who was now holding her key. ???Key Please??? The goblin said, giving the lamp to Remus. Taylor gave the goblin her key and watched the vault door open, revealing a bunch of Galleon, Sickles, and Knuts. Taylor grabbed a couple of sickles, two galleon, and a few knut. ???Think that???s enough???? She asked herself then grabbed a couple more sickles and galleons. Then left her vault and thanked the Goblin that showed her, her vault.

Taylor, Tonks and Remus walked out to the front of Gringott. Remus looked down at Taylor and smiled, he handed Taylor a list of things that she had to get for school. ???Okay, I think you can get your supplies by yourself. We???ll meet up with you in the Leaky Cauldron afterwards??? Remus said and walked back to the pub.

Taylor jumped down from the steps and walked to ???Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions??? to get fitted into robes for Hogwart, then walked next door to ???Amanuensis Quills???, then ???Scribbulus Writing Instruments???. Afterward, she walked over to ???Flourish and Blotts??? to get her books. She walked into the book store and looked around for the books that she needed. Suddenly a crowd of laughter echoed through the store, a group of seven red-haired people walked into the store. Taylor looked at the group, she gave a smile and a small wave to Fred and George. ???Hey??? Taylor said and stood up, walking over to them.

???Fred, George, who is this girl???? The oldest female said, Taylor guessed that she was the twin???s mother.

???I???m Taylor, Taylor Black??? Taylor introduced herself, Fred and George???s older brother flinched hearing her last name. ???Um, not that it a hugh issue, but why did you flinch when I told your lovely mother my name???? She asked; she found no problem what her last name was or anything like that.

???You???re a Black, and my guess is that you???re the daughter of Sirius Black the murderer??? Percy replied, growling at the name of Taylor???s father. ???Percy, that???s not nice to say to the girl??? Mr. Weasley said to his third oldest son. ???Sorry??? Percy hissed to Taylor.

Taylor ignored Percy, rolling her green eyes and brought her attention back to Fred and George. ???You guy???s need help finding your books. I???ve already found mine, so I know where they are??? Taylor smiled, offering her help.

???Sure, it will give us more time to get to Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop??? Fred and George replied and followed Taylor. Taylor nodded; she wanted to head to that place as soon as she passed it. She picked out a couple of books from the selves for the twins, all for school use.

Once Taylor and the twins bought their books, the three walked over to Ollivander???s to get their wands and planned to sneak off to Gambol and Japes Joke Shop. Taylor, Fred and George walked into the wand shop and looked around not seeing the ???all knowing??? Ollivander. ???Hello???? Taylor said peering around the corner of a shelf.

All of the sudden a white haired man popped up beyond the many shelves. ???Ah, Miss Black and two more Weasley???s??? The man said with a smile and took out three wands from one of the shelves and brought them over to the group of three. He handed a box to each of them, taking the wand out of the boxes, each of them flicked the wands. Smash, crack and several box???s of wand flew of the shelves. ???Nope??? Ollivander croaked and snatched the wands and walked back to the back of the shop.

Ollivander came back with three wands two about the same length and the other shorter, but not by much. Ollivander handed the longer wands to the twins and a 12 and a half inch wand to Taylor. Taylor looked at the twins and swished the wand around, nothing but a whoosh of air from the wand. Ollivander smile and nodded ???Perfect??? He sighed and looked over to the twins, who were having a play ???wand??? fight. Ollivander coughed to get their attention and motion for the twin???s to flick their wands. Fred and George nodded and swished their wands, the same thing happened to them as Taylor, nothing but a small breeze of air.

???Ah so the twin brothers have twin wands, interesting??? Ollivander noted and walked off to take care of some of the newer wands.

???Well that was??? The twins started. ???Strange??? Taylor finished, the twins looked at her like they had been seeing double. ???What? It???s true. Now lets go, before all the good things are gone??? Taylor suggested and walked out of Ollivander???s.

Harry Potter Siggies
13 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
24th Jul 2011 13:04
















13 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
5th Jun 2011 04:38

Life is a spider's web,
That's tangled,
Showing and spreading lies
and false hope.

If life was a sky,
We wouldn't be having this talk,
Life would be peaceful,
And round like a smoothed stone.

Life is not a writen book,
that is nice and organized.
We as moral's, try to do this.
We do not shape our lifes.

In fact, our lives are made and,
Are decided before we are born.

Life is a web,
Tangled and dangerous.
We live our lives,
But we do not decide it.

The sword's in my hand,
The dagger on my hip.
The war may have started to end,
But I have not lost yet.

I have fought this war before,
oh so many times I have.
I am begining to feel,
that it will never end.

So I wait, and wait
for my time to shine.
Only I can stop it
Only I shall fight.

This on going battle,
I may never win.
The war against my concious
Will I win or fall deep into a abyss?

  1. My 'short' story
    30th Mar 2012 18:12
    12 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  2. Pokemon Hybrids
    16th Aug 2011 20:28
    13 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
  3. Story for no reason, NOT FINISHED!
    29th Jul 2011 08:42
    13 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
  4. Harry Potter Siggies
    24th Jul 2011 13:04
    13 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
  5. Poem
    5th Jun 2011 04:38
    13 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
  6. My Harry Potter Character (RP)
    3rd Jun 2011 19:52
    13 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  7. Gifted, Vampire, Fantasy RP character's
    8th May 2011 19:40
    13 years, 10 months & 5 days ago