Roleplaying: One on One
12 years, 7 months & 26 days ago

17th Jul 2012 19:38
Hello, . I'm looking for a few one on one rps since the forums appear to be dead. -.- Below are some of the topics I enjoy doing, but I am open to suggestions. If you want to do something that isn't on the list, try me. I like trying new things. (:
My preferred topics are:
Urban Fantasy (Werewolf/Vampire/Faes/Demons - usually in a modern city setting)
Romance (bestfriend/bestfriend, arranged marriage, Fantasy creature/human - open to suggestions! )
Sci-fi (Star Wars, Mass Effect, or original plot - dying to do one of these! )
Fantasy/Medieval (Original plot, Dragon Age, or Elder Scrolls)
High School/Boarding School (I can do gifted, though I've only ever done it a couple of times)
Apocalypse (Nuclear Wasteland, preferably set in a Fallout-type universe)
Thoroughbred Racing (Not controlling the horses, just the people)
Wolf Pack
Left Behind
Pokemon (I've only played up to Ruby/Sapphire)
I prefer doubling up as multiple characters, and I appreciate it when you do too. The more characters in the rp, the easier it is to make posts longer and keep writers block at bay. I play both a male and a female character.
I like to have romance as at least a subplot in my roleplays. I hope you don't mind.
I am open to unique plot ideas and other topics, so don't be afraid to suggest them. I am opposed to doing anything Twlight, Hunger Games, or anime. Sorry, but it's impossible to rp creatively in the Twilight-verse, I've never read the Hunger Games, and my knowledge of anime ends at Sailor Moon and Pokemon.
Maramail me or comment here if you are interested. I am advanced, but I know it is difficult to have lengthy replies all the time. I just ask that you be semi-literate. Ultimately, I'm only as good as the reply you give me.