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Hello there! (click to read more)

I'm an adult Marapets player from the UK, and I've been playing for 16 years (scary I know!). I usually spend my time collecting items for my gallery, and trying to perfect and organize my pets. Mara has given me a lot of joy over the years, and I have a habit of leaving and coming back!

If you ever need any help with anything, just let me know!

Note: None of my pets are for trade, unless under rare circumstances if you have a very well named pet of equal value. I will happily lend pets for goals though (free of charge). MM me if interested.
  1. Notable Scratchcard Wins
    11th Dec 2019 23:00
    5 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  2. Rare Plushie Grabs
    25th Mar 2018 22:52
    6 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
  3. Poison Pit Progress Log
    6th May 2015 14:09
    9 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
Notable Scratchcard Wins
5 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
11th Dec 2019 23:00

Hi! since the new scratchcard feature, I have decided to keep a log of all the notable wins. That means for wins to be documented, they must be either large amounts of currency won, or UB items. Smile

Date started logging - 12/12/2019


Five Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin is now in your Inventory - 12/12/2019 (Goldmine SC)

Rare Plushie Grabs
6 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
25th Mar 2018 22:52

Here are the rare Plushie grabs I have earned from using both the Plushie Machine and the Enchanted Plushie Machine. For the Plushies to qualify, they must be UB at the time of adding them as a blog entry.

Before I started documenting grabs
-Pink Justin Plushie (Can't remember machine)
-Orange Decedal Plushie (Can't remember machine)
-Green Figaro Plushie (Can't remember machine)
-Invisible Astro Plushie (Plushie Machine)

After (Documented Grabs)
You move the claw up...
You picked up Robot Mordo Plushie 26/03/2018
-Enchanted Plushie Machine

You move the claw up...
You picked up Earwig Plushie 26/03/2018
-Enchanted Plushie Machine

You move the claw to the right...
Enchanted Lilac Basil Plushie is now in your Inventory
(wow, amazing! so happy)

You move the claw to the left...
You picked up Lilac Kronk Plushie
-Plushie Machine

Poison Pit Progress Log
9 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
6th May 2015 14:09

Here is a log of my past Poison Pit progress. This log goes up to 100. As of 30/10/2018 I have stopped updating it.

First 4-5 tries I believe I simply recieved stats. Here is is the continuation from that point forwards...

1) You dipped Bounchy Axe into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.

2) You dipped Orange Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Uwibami has gained 1 strength stats

3) You dipped Furry Bath into the Poison Pit and...
Tasi has gained 1 health stats

4) You dipped Bagpipe into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 164 BP!

5) You dipped Broken Sofa into the Poison Pit and...
Mollusks has gained 1 level stats

6) You dipped Bronze Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Ghoul has gained 1 speed stats

7) You dipped White Chocolate Quell into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Cider!

8) You dipped Professional Axe into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 215 BP!

9) You dipped Milk Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.

10) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 115 BP!

11) You dipped Light Up Ushunda into the Poison Pit and...
Ghoul has gained 1 balance stats

12) You dipped Bottled Blood into the Poison Pit and...
Case has gained 1 health stats

14) You dipped Brown Pants into the Poison Pit and...
Monsterlla has gained 1 balance stats

15) You dipped Feliz Candle into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 5 Olympic Pts!

16) You dipped Blue Fasoro Plushie into the Poison Pit and...
Case has gained 1 level stats

17) You dipped Eleka Tombola Balloon into the Poison Pit and...
Gregson has gained 1 level stats

18) You dipped Red Chibs Pen into the Poison Pit and...
Surfing has gained 1 balance stats

19) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 232 BP!

20) You dipped Test Your Strength Potato into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.

21) You dipped Bongos into the Poison Pit and...
Echlin has gained 1 health stats

22) You dipped Blood Jelly Beans into the Poison Pit and...
Has has gained 1 stamina stats

23) You dipped Eleka Tombola Balloon into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 195 BP!

24) You dipped Blood Jelly Beans into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Jelly!

25) You dipped Bounchy Chain into the Poison Pit and...
It's now a retired Kamilah Desert News Aug 2014!!!

26) You dipped Feliz Shield into the Poison Pit and...
Sneakily has gained 1 defence stats

27) You dipped Huthiq Hits by Huffix into the Poison Pit and...
Particles has gained 1 defence stats

28) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Has has gained 1 defence stats

29) You dipped Bat Candy into the Poison Pit and...
All of your pets have gained 1 health stats!

30) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 5 Olympic Pts!

31) You dipped Bronze Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Klaymen has gained 1 speed stats

32) You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Uwibami has gained 1 balance stats

33) You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.

34) You dipped Chibs Dagger into the Poison Pit and...
Monsterlla has gained 1 strength stats

35) You dipped Encyclopedia H into the Poison Pit and...
Case has gained 1 balance stats

36) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Fiddle has gained 1 level stats

37) You dipped Milk Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Uwibami has gained 1 health stats

38) You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 175 RP!

39) You dipped Furry Wardrobe into the Poison Pit and...
Ghoul has gained 1 health stats

40) You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and...
Nice has gained 1 strength stats

41) You dipped White Fasoro Plushie into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 881 MP!

42) You dipped Black Candycane into the Poison Pit and...
Mollusks has gained 1 balance stats

43) You dipped Four Sausages into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.

44) You dipped Pirate Claw into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 232 RP!

45) You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 6 Olympic Pts!

46) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 252 MP!

47) You dipped Skull Candy Dispenser into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 140 BP!

48) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 148 BP!

49) You dipped Bronze Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
All of your pets have gained 1 balance stats!

50) You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 141 BP!

51) You dipped Burnt Snowball into the Poison Pit and...
Surfing has gained 1 balance stats

52) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Particles has gained 1 defence stats

53) You dipped Fake Five Dukka Coin into the Poison Pit and...
Scalextric has gained 1 level stats

54) You dipped Free Male Plastic Surgery Coupon into the Poison Pit and...
Tasi has gained 1 stamina stats

55) You dipped Bronze Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Cockles has gained 1 level stats

56) You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
All of your pets have gained 1 strength stats!

57) You dipped Bat Ice Pop into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 189 BP!

58) You dipped Milk Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 199 RP!

59) You dipped Maroon Hair Dye into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 14 Olympic Pts!

60) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 117 BP!

61) You dipped Milk Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Sneakily has gained 1 defence stats

62) You dipped Biala Tetris Plushie into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 209 RP!

63) You dipped Blue Chibs Pen into the Poison Pit and...
Dress has gained 1 defence stats

64) You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Flower!

65) You dipped Bacon Egg Burger into the Poison Pit and...
Gregson has gained 1 balance stats

66) You dipped Fatty Spring Toy into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 156 BP!

67) You dipped Fatty Spring Toy into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 236 RP!

68) You dipped Pumpkin Lolly into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.

69) You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Pie!

[I took a 2 year break from mara lol]

70) You dipped Milk Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 11 Olympic Pts!

71) You dipped Hotcha 12 into the Poison Pit and...

Surfing has gained 1 speed stats

72) You dipped Honey Bran Muffin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 8 Olympic Pts!

73) You dipped Bronze Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

Echlin has gained 1 speed stats

74) You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

All of your pets have gained 1 strength stats!

75) You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It's now Poisoned Potato!

76) You dipped Orange Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 216 RP!

77) You dipped Feliz Shield into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 136 RP!

78) You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 1,370 MP!

79) You dipped Yellow Knutt Plushie into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 14 Olympic Pts!

80) You dipped Feliz Shield into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 145 BP!

81) You dipped White Pearl into the Poison Pit and...

Friendtacles has gained 1 speed stats

82) You dipped Bolimo Bow into the Poison Pit and...

It's now a retired Simeria News Aug 2017!!!

83) You dipped Fake Thirty Five Dukka Coin into the Poison Pit and...

All of your pets have gained 1 coordination stats!

84) You dipped Candyland Book into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 12 Olympic Pts!

85) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

All of your pets have gained 1 stamina stats!

86) You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

Echlin has gained 1 speed stats

87) You dipped Bacon Egg Burger into the Poison Pit and...

Dress has gained 1 balance stats

88) You dipped Bronze Pearl into the Poison Pit and...

Particles has gained 1 coordination stats

89) You dipped Fake One Dukka Coin into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 227 BP!

90) You dipped Feliz Sword into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 213 BP!

91) You dipped Hotcha 08 into the Poison Pit and...

Cockles has gained 1 coordination stats

91) You dipped Long Sleeveless Checkered Top into the Poison Pit and...

It's now 155 BP!

92) You dipped Cheese Axe into the Poison Pit and...

It's now Spiked Pear!

93) You dipped Work Shirt into the Poison Pit and...

Case has gained 1 strength stats

94) You dipped Naga Plushie into the Poison Pit and...

Mop has gained 1 stamina stats

95) You dipped Fake Two Dukka Coin into the Poison Pit and...

Kelloggs has gained 1 speed stats

96) You dipped Blue Eye Appetiser into the Poison Pit and...

Ushunda has gained 1 defence stats

97) You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...

Alf has gained 1 strength stats

98) You dipped Pink Walee Plushie into the Poison Pit and...

Ghoul has gained 1 defence stats

99) You dipped Purple Newth Plushie into the Poison Pit and...

It disappeared.

100) You dipped Black Cat Ice Pop into the Poison Pit and...

Murfin has gained 1 coordination stats

After reaching 100 attempts I stopped blogging results, some nice results though. Okay

  1. Notable Scratchcard Wins
    11th Dec 2019 23:00
    5 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  2. Rare Plushie Grabs
    25th Mar 2018 22:52
    6 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
  3. Poison Pit Progress Log
    6th May 2015 14:09
    9 years, 10 months & 8 days ago