My year in a nutshell
1 year, 7 months & 12 days ago

1st Aug 2023 18:16
went through a major depression. tried to grow some plants. busy mom of 2 again after having my 3rd child after losing my first 2 years prior to her birth. all my children have been 3 years about almost to the day and they have been an absolute joy to raise and watch grow. through the good times and the bad times, these kids have kept me going. no matter how bad it has gotten. i love them so much. i want to thank god for letting me be the mother of my son for the almost 6 years i had him. Nolan E. F., my little turkey, i love you so much and miss you more than anything in this world. i would do anything in this world besides give up your sisters to have you back in my life again. with your bright and shining personality, you made it very hard to have a bad day in our house. i love and miss you my little man.
New year, New me, New Blog
3 years, 2 months & 23 days ago

20th Dec 2021 16:15
Before I start this new blog i would like to introduce myself and share a little of my life with you all. I call myself Giggles. I got the nickname when i was 16 because i giggled a lot. I am now 29 years old. I have had 2 kids. A wonderful son named Nolan, and a beautiful daughter named Viviann. My daughter is 3 years old and had speech issues. And unfortunately this past year has only worsened her issues because we lost her older brother Nolan to a car crash the day before valentines day. That date, 2/13/2021, Is and forever will be engrained into my memory. i saw the entire crash with my own eyes...... And yes before everyone starts saying "wait what did she just say", yes, I am a mother who lost a child in a tragic and traumatic way. I have not fully come to grips with it, even though i have accepted the reality of it. My son was a perfect little light of this world who touched so many lives in his short time here. so many people miss him dearly but me and his daddy and sister miss him the very most.
Anyway back to the topic. I have been playing this game for over 15 years on and off. I have seen this game change so much is that time. Some of the animals look a lot cuter while some of the animals need to be put to rest. And yes this blog is going to be a rant blog for when i feel like ranting and writing about it. Dont like it? well theres no need to read then lol. have a great day in that case. If you like totally random game rants well your coming to the right place. Anyways my little gigglers, You all have a wonderful night. I'm signing this rant off for now. Love you all and keep those chins up!

oh how i wish
11 years, 6 months & 18 days ago

24th Aug 2013 13:31
I could just choose to push a button in my gallery that says move entire gallery to attic. I also wish for check marks in the attic that lead to move checked items to.... shop, gallery, or inventory. one at a time is just too slow and it makes me lose focus very quickly and go do something else. just my wishes.
with love to marapets,
Princess Giggles
An update after 7 years
11 years, 11 months & 24 days ago

18th Mar 2013 15:57
This is the first time in 7 years that i have been able to find this place. Its weird that i found it now. i lost my cousin best friend and my father in those past 7 years and it really sucks. I am 20 now but will be turning 21 soon. ill be able to party like it would love to. and i still love anime and lots of other things as well. i am in a good relationship and i am in love with this man. i would like to marry him if he pops the question. im hoping he will soon. well thats it im out for now. until next update.
bye bye.