Dream pet list: Goals!
6 years, 3 months & 5 days ago

11th Dec 2018 05:26
Being the extreme sporadic user that I am, I've barely scratched the surface of marapets in the nine years since I've joined, let alone achieving my ideal pets. If for any reason I happen to leave again, at least I'll have this blog post to help me remember.
Kumiho -> Anime Kaala (x)
Luthriel -> Zola. Preferably nimbus, but I'll take Beige or white. ( )
Mahiru -> ??? Perhaps if the wizard costume gets revamped or Tantua can wear a lightfairy costume? Else I think it suits him just being a yellow Tantua ( )
Morotis -> Invisible Ideus (x)
Ereuthophobia -> Killer Fasoro ( )
Nightmare Ike: Actually terrifying. Get an ominous name and perfection. (Actually Vixen is 10/10 more ominous and nightmarish I think Ike looks fierce)
Dragon pet: Ercruw, Gizmo, Poera, Tantua and Vlad all look awesome.
Minipet pet: All look cute f
Vampire: Again, perhaps I'm just too edgy for my own good.