A story I wrote for a contest
14 years, 7 months & 14 days ago

30th Jul 2010 11:55
The Mighty Dragon
There once was a young boy named Elijah. Elijah lived in a small village that was called Timaria.
Elijah lived in a small hut, that was built for his family.
One day Elijah heard thumping, and a roar.
Elijah silently crept out of the hut, in Timaria, and went into the mountains, to see what made those terrible sounds. He ventured further and further into the forest, to find what looked like a foot and a half long lizard with wings! Elijah slowly tiptoed up to the lizard. He saw that it was hurt. He cradled the lizard only to remember the folk tales of mighty dragons with wings, and fire that came out of their mouths.
Elijah always expected those stories to be a myth. But as he looked down at the Poor hut thing lying in his arms he relized...
"I have found a dragon!"
Elijah crept into the village, Only to find his mother frantically calling and searching for him.He quickly hid the dragon in a crate outside his house, And went to find his mother.
The next day, Elijah went to school, eager to tell his friends about the dragon he had found. He walked inside the classroom to find a tall man is all black, equipped with swords, and cool trinkets, Elijah had heard about in stories. None of his friends were there. Only his teacher and the tall man. The tall man came before Elijah,and said " Hello young one, I am looking for something, can you help me?"
Elijah turned his head to see his teachers pleading eyes.
Elijah looked back to the man, and said "I- I suppose"
The man grinned and said "I'm looking for this." The man took out an illustration of what looked like, but no it couldn't be... His dragon.
Elijah was a smart boy and he said "Yes I have! In a book my teacher read!" The man stood up. Gritted his teeth and rode off on his horse, only to never be seen by the village of Tamaria again.
Elijah raced home. He fed his dragon, bandaged up his wounds, and gave him some water. His dragon was still sleeping.
The next day Elijah heard a "THUMP THUMP THU-DUMP THUMP!"
Elijah raced out the door and opened the crate to find two little blue eys staring back at him.
Elijah grined. He opened the crate and picked up the small dragon and said. "We are going to be great friends!"
Months, and years went by, with no one knowing about the not-so-small anymore, dragon. They played in the snow, the rain, the hail, the sleet. They had a bond, no one could ruin.Elijah relized the dragon was too big, and took him into the mountains to hide him in a cave. Elijah was now about 15. And he loved his dragon very much.
Elijah went home, and slept, he knew what he was going to do the next day... Ride His Dragon.
The next day Elijah got up and ran to the mountains to find his dragon asleep in the cave. He woke him up, and his dragon stretched his 20 and 1/2 foot long wings and stood up.
Elijah looked the dragon in the eyes and said, "Today boy, I'm going to ride you through the clouds. Up in the sky. Together you and I."
The dragon seemed like he understood. Elijah has made a halter, and put it carefully around the dragons muzzle, and placed the bit carefully into the dragons mouth.
He hopped on the back of the mighty dragon. "This is it" Thought Elijah. Elijah opened his mouth to say "Lets fly boy."
The dragon took off the ledge and soared through the sky, like a mighty eagle, nothing against him and Elijah. Elijah laughed, and hung on to the dragon's neck as they flew through the clouds.
Elijah couldn't of been happier, he was riding his own dragon through the sky.
He whispered in the dragon's ear, "Okay boy, lets land back to your cave."
The dragon landed carefully onto the ledge and walked into the cave.
The dragon looked at the boy, and seemed to smile. Elijah smiled back because he knew he had
the best friend in the world...
A Mighty Dragon.
The End.