Advise on naming pets
15 years & 1 day ago

18th Mar 2010 12:29
Advise from KK
1. Always put a capital letter at the beggining
e.g. Krystal
2. Use one word or name
3. Choose an uncommon name.Something like 'Ucario'
4. Choose a name people will like.Nothing like 'Muck'.This is so u can trade
5. Dont use numbers or capital letters other than the beginning.Norhing like 'KrYsTaL1389'
Just Me...
15 years & 4 days ago

15th Mar 2010 10:38
I look into your Eyes,
All I see is Lies.
What have I ever done to you?
I thought our Love was True.
My Heart is Broken,
Its finally Spoken...
Spoken the Truth
About how I really Feel about You.
We always used to have Fun,
But I Guess thats Done.
Im already missing you,
Tell me,What did I do?
Im Sorry for whatever I did,
Im Sorry that Our Love faded.
Guess this is a Good-Bye,
Even though I dont Why.
I just want to tell you I care,
Because your Special and Rare.
By KuteKrystal
Dream Pet Fund
15 years & 9 days ago

10th Mar 2010 08:34
Please donate to my Dream Pet Fund!I would love to have an Ice Fairy Yuni
Just go to my Shop and Buy whatevers there
Note to Staff
15 years & 11 days ago

8th Mar 2010 10:35
I share the Computer with someone else...Please dont ban!